Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Morning Briefing: The Biden/Garland Rogue FBI Takes One on the Chin

The Morning Briefing: The Biden/Garland Rogue FBI Takes One on the Chin

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Despite the naysayers, Kerwin was determined to recapture the magic of his Dry Look/Jantzen Suits younger days.

We have to take our bright spots where we can get them during our dystopian Biden nightmare. Positive follow-up stories are almost impossible to find, especially when it comes to Biden’s political attack squad, the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Paula covered a horrifying story last September about the FBI raiding the home of a pro-life activist and arresting him in front of his wife and children and hauling him into custody on a ginned-up charge.

It’s something that never should have happened in the first place, especially in this once gloriously free country. The story ends well though, which Catherine covered for us:

A 48-year-old father and Catholic pro-life activist who was raided by the FBI and arrested for supposedly assaulting an abortion worker was cleared of federal charges of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act on Monday. While the FBI continues to ignore Joe Biden’s illicit hoarding of classified documents, it aggressively targeted Mark Houck. Fortunately, in this case, the feds did a big FACEplant.

A jury deadlock delayed the decision, but Houck was ultimately acquitted of both charges of violating the FACE Act. That’s the first good news Houck’s family has gotten since the September 2022 FBI raid and his arrest. “A Pennsylvania federal grand jury indicted Houck for allegations that he assaulted an abortion clinic volunteer, Bruce Love, in Philadelphia in September 2022,” The Daily Caller explained. “Federal officials claimed that Houck violated the FACE Act by using ‘force with the intent to injure, intimidate, and interfere with anyone because that person is a provider of reproductive health care.’” But the jury found that wasn’t the case.

This was a straight up abuse of power and a travesty. After Roe v Wade was tossed into the Supreme Court dustbin last summer, the always frothing-at-the-mouth abortion ghouls wanted their pound of flesh. Yes, even more than the pounds of flesh they get from their Planned Parenthood abortion mills.

Because we live in a world where nothing makes sense, the Democrats became even more focused on demonizing people who want to protect the lives of the unborn. Our allegedly oh-so-Catholic president (according to the Mainstream Media, not the Church) apparently gave the chief law enforcement officer in the United States of America carte blanche to harass innocent people.

One shudders to think how many real criminals get away with things while those tasked keeping us safe are busy hunting down Trump supporters.

Naturally, the pro-life activist community was thrilled with the news. Over at Townhall, Katie wrote about some of the reactions. As she said in her post, “The unjust process, is of course, the point,” and illustrated it with this:

Some folks might mistakenly interpret this as an embarrassing loss for the politicized DOJ, but that would be ignoring their modus operandi, which is to punish people by putting them and their families through this process. In any case, congrats to Mr. Houck for prevailing. https://t.co/k9v7uNp8hs

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) January 30, 2023

Yeah, there’s a lot of work to be done, like getting this criminal administration out of office and re-tasking federal law enforcement to, you know, enforce the law again.

Until then, we’ll just have to muddle through here in New East Berlin as best we can.

If we end up with a booze shortage, though, it’s gonna get ugly.

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