Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Tucker Carlson Reveals Email that Raises Questions About Hunter Biden's Access to Classified Docs

Tucker Carlson Reveals Email that Raises Questions About Hunter Biden's Access to Classified Docs

Tucker Carlson and New York Post columnist Miranda Devine are raising new questions in the wake of now five different tranches of classified documents being found in Joe Biden’s home and at the Penn-Biden Center.

Part of the problem is what’s in those documents — if those documents pertain to Ukraine and things that involved Joe Biden’s family, that could be a big problem if he was taking documents to cover up things related to his family. We do know that some of the documents found at the Penn Biden Center were documents related to Ukraine, dated between 2013 and 2016 at the time Hunter Biden was most active in Burisma and Joe Biden was the point man on Ukraine.

Tucker Carlson highlighted a new email that had been found by Miranda Devine on the infamous laptop which they both believed was an indication of the use of classified information.

Devine wrote about the email which was from Hunter Biden to his then-business partner Devon Archer on April 13, 2014. It listed 22 points about Ukraine’s political situation.

As Carlson notes, it reads like it’s written by someone from the State Department with what the U.S. position would be laid out, for example, predicting an escalation of Russia’s “destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full-scale takeover of the eastern region, most critically Donetsk.”

“The strategic value is to create a land bridge for RU to Crimea. That won’t directly affect Burisma holdings but it will limit future UK exploration and utilization of offshore opportunities in particular,” Hunter wrote [….]

“It will also result in further destabilization of UK nationally and for whatever govt is in power. And the US will respond with even stronger sanctions. Those sanctions will threaten the tenuous support of the EU which does not have the political will to incur steep energy price increases.”

Point 22 makes my eyes go up as Hunter asked his partner to buy a “burner phone” — presumably to keep their conversations from being traced. “Buy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS tmrw and ill do the same.”

Hunter also notes in the email that this contract has to be done now — where they agree on the money “a retainer of 25k/p/m w/additional fees” — “not after the upcoming visit of my guy.” Joe Biden would visit Ukraine a week later.

That sure screams to me that there’s a big problem here, and they’re factoring in Joe Biden.

As Tucker noted, the government has had this email for years, but what have they done about it? Nothing that we can see. Carlson said they contacted the White House and asked if Hunter Biden had ever received classified information or a classified briefing. They did not respond to him.

Devine also noted something else that hasn’t been getting the notice that it deserves — the fact that DOJ not only retrieved the classified documents, but they also took for “further review” personally handwritten notes from the vice presidential years. Why would they take away notes? Well, there’s one big glaring reason — it would show that Joe Biden was commenting on the classified documents he took away and what he said about them — a further indication that this wasn’t a “surprise” that he had them and it might also reveal why he took them, as well as if the reason went beyond mere negligence into the cover-up realm.


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