Monday, February 27, 2023

Biden Just Made the Case Against His 2024 Re-election Bid

Joe Biden has always been afflicted with having political diarrhea of the mouth. The number of times Biden has tripped over his tongue or said something wholly inappropriate is numerous, but this time he made the case against his 2024 re-election bid, something I think many Democrats don’t want him to do. Joe agrees that his age is becoming a salient issue again, admitting that it’s a legitimate voter concern (via The Hill): 

President Biden said in a new interview that concerns about his age are “totally legitimate” as questions swirl around whether he will run for reelection in 2024. 

During the interview with ABC’s David Muir, Biden, 80, was asked whether he is considering his age when deciding whether to run again, to which he replied no. However, he said it is “legitimate” for people to raise concerns about it. 

“It’s legitimate for people to raise issues about my age,” he told Muir. “It’s totally legitimate to do that. And the only thing I can say is, ‘Watch me.’ “ 

Biden, the oldest president in U.S. history, would be 82 when sworn in if reelected in 2024. 

Biden’s age has drawn concerns from both sides of the aisle. 

We did watch you, Joe—you slipped down the stairs of Air Force One again. Was this a moment where he went off script because I don’t see any White House communications staffer agreeing to this line, one where the president admits that a) he’s old, and b) it’s a legitimate concern, and c) watch him neutralize that prevailing narrative against him. This isn’t a case of switching prescriptions for eyeglasses, sir. Old is old—and you look frail, weak, and stupid. For most of his unimpressive career in public life, Joe’s inanity was contained within the halls of Congress and the borders of Delaware.


When it gets into the thick of the election season and Joe must do multiple events per day for weeks, we will see the age issue bubble up again. And at this stage in his life, absconding to Rehoboth every other weekend won’t help. It’s just irresponsible to re-elect or even think about voting for a president who could, at this point, die at any moment.


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