Sunday, February 12, 2023

Gutfeld Wrecks Democrats' 'Woke Insanity,' Says It Makes George Santos Look 'Like Mr. Rogers'

Gutfeld Wrecks Democrats' 'Woke Insanity,' Says It Makes George Santos Look 'Like Mr. Rogers'

Let me first be clear — in my not-so-humble opinion, that is. Freshman New York Republican Rep. George Santos’ history of lying may be unworthy of a member of the United States Congress and an albatross around the neck of the Republican Party’s moral authority over the Democrat Party, but he’s no Joe Biden.

As I asked in a December article, If Rep.-Elect Santos Should Resign Over Lies, Why Is Serial Liar Joe Biden Still in Office? Moreover, Biden’s 50-year list of lies and plagiarism continues to grow — and it’s a record that will likely never be broken.

Still, watching hypocritical Democrats dissolve into histrionic fits of hysteria every time another Santos lie is uncovered almost makes the embattled congressman worth keeping around.

This brings us to Fox News host Greg Gutfeld — AKA: “King of Late Night“— and his Friday night beatdown of the “woke insanity” of the Democrats.

Gutfeld said the purpose of the following segment was not to “let Santos off the hook,” but to expose the Democrats’ reaction to Santos as only the new Late Night King can do — and he managed to slip in a stinging jab at Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) along the way.

George Santos. Critics pounced over his checks that bounced. A new report claims that George Santos wrote 15 grand worth of bad checks to Pennsylvania dog breeders back in 2017, which means those dogs had sex for free. Santos was charged with theft but was able to avoid prosecution by claiming his checkbook was stolen. The charge was eventually expunged in 2021, but not before all the puppies were made into a coat for his mother. I know what an awful man.

Gutfeld then proceeded to gloriously rip the Democrats to shreds:

Meanwhile, House Dems have made moves to expel Santos from Congress, filing a resolution that would only require a two-thirds majority to pass. I, for one, hope he stays. Santos is no worse than anyone else in Congress, and he’s one of the better-looking drag queens in politics. Well, aside from Maxine Waters.

Ouch. Don’t you love it? Gutfeld then turned the screws tighter, recounting two recent House Democrat votes:

Now — and you realize he’s not, you realize he’s not the problem when you find out that 162 Democrats voted to allow illegal immigrants to vote yesterday, and even after a fellow Democrat was brutally attacked in D.C., a majority of her own party still voted against repealing the DC crime bill that reduces sentences for thugs just like the one that beat the s**t out of her! So they think Santos is apparently more dangerous than repeat offenders who beat up their female colleagues?

Gutfeld’s question, while perhaps rhetorical, points to an ugly side of the left. Truth be told, I’m sure congressional Democrats are happy to sweep Minnesota Democrat Rep. Angie Craig’s attack under the rug, given it butts heads against their narrative, although police said they believed the 26-year-old black suspect’s attack wasn’t racially or politically motivated.

I’m also sure they don’t give a damn about George Santos, either, and simply view the guy as a useful prop in their never-ending attack against Republicans, while sweeping their own dirt under the rug — or completely ignoring it— as often as they can.

Gutfield’s segment close was a thing of beauty:

Now, I don’t bring this up to let Santos off the hook. If he were your neighbor, he’d most definitely steal your mail and poop in your garden. I know that for a fact. But compared to this current woke insanity, he looks like Mr. Rogers.

It’s hard to compare George Santos to Mr. Rogers, but the woke insanity metastasizing within the Democrat Party, and the left as a whole, is far from child’s play.


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