Friday, February 3, 2023

Why Is a Giant Chinese Spy Balloon Hovering Over Montana?

Why Is a Giant Chinese Spy Balloon Hovering Over Montana?

The Pentagon admitted on Thursday that the U.S. military has been monitoring what’s being described as a Chinese “surveillance balloon” hovering in the skies over the United States for days.

“The United States government has detected and is tracking a high-altitude surveillance balloon that is over the continental United States right now,” Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told NBC News. “We continue to track and monitor it closely.” Officials have confirmed that the balloon belongs to China.

“Once the balloon was detected, the U.S. government acted immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information,” Ryder said.

“The official said there was a window while the balloon was over Montana Wednesday when they could have taken it down. NORAD sent aircraft — including F-22 Raptors from Nellis Air Force Base and airborne early warning aircraft known as AWACs — but the official would not say whether one of the options was to shoot the balloon out of the sky with a U.S. aircraft,” NBC reported. “The U.S. military flights prompted a ground stop at the airport in Billings, with air traffic controllers citing a ‘special military mission.'”

According to the Montana Free Press, “The Air Force at Malmstrom [Air Force Base] maintains 150 intercontinental ballistic missile silos across its 13,800-square-mile complex in central Montana.”

Biden refused to answer questions shouted at him by reporters Thursday afternoon.

Officials say the balloon flew over the Aleutian Islands and through Canada before settling over the Billings, Mont., area. The balloon is still hovering somewhere over the United States, according to a senior defense official who declined to say where it is now.

Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, Pentagon press secretary, said in a statement that the balloon is “currently traveling at an altitude well above commercial air traffic and does not present a military or physical threat to people on the ground.”

There’s been no mention by officials of the threat of a dirty bomb or an EMP, although there’s been plenty of speculation about that on Twitter.

That Chinese spy balloon could easily disperse biological weapons or have a nuclear emp device to disable American nuclear response. But the Chinese already paid Biden so nothing will be done as usual

— Bob Schwaller (@BobSchwaller) February 2, 2023

So there was a Chinese spy balloon and they didn’t shoot it down. Joe really is going to get us nuked. That balloon could carry an #EMP . Remove that #traitor from office before we all die.@SpeakerMcCarthy get it done!!#biden #lgb

— Kimberley 2.0 (@TheRealGAPeach3) February 2, 2023

Spark gap generator can create an emp. Hearing that balloon is low tech does not make me feel safe at all.

Spark gap is very low tech and primitive.

— Lucille T. ⓥ (@MsLucilleT) February 2, 2023

At least one Twitter user, however, claims that it would be impossible for a balloon to launch an EMP attack:

The range of an emp in a balloon is limited to a few dozen miles as the gamma rays can't travel further than that in atmosphere.

I don't think they can even get that high with such a heavy payload.

Needs to be at 300km to let gamma rays spread across the US before hitting atmo.

— Hunter123 (@Hunter11001001) February 2, 2023

NBC News:

On Wednesday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin convened a meeting of senior military and defense leaders, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, NORTHCOM/NORAD Commander Gen. Glen VanHerck, and other combatant commanders.

Austin was traveling in the Philippines at the time.

The leaders reviewed the threat profile of the Chinese stratospheric balloon and possible response options, and ultimately decided not to recommend taking it out kinetically, because of the risk to safety and security of people on the ground from the possible debris field. Pentagon leaders presented the options to President Joe Biden on Wednesday.

A senior administration official confirmed that Biden had been briefed and received a “strong recommendation” that the balloon not be shot down.

Startlingly, this is not the first time a Chinese spy satellite has breached U.S. airspace, but it’s unusual for one to hover over one specific area for an extended period of time.

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“Instances of this activity have been observed over the past several years, including prior to this administration,” a senior administration official told NBC. “We acted immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information.”

YourBigSky, an ABC and Fox portal, is sharing pictures reportedly showing the spy balloon, although these have not been confirmed by the Pentagon.

Picture of what appears to be a top secret satellite balloon taken from ground in MT; FAA not making statement

— (@YourBigSky) February 2, 2023

These are reportedly videos of the balloon, which has been described as being the size of three large buses on social media:

BREAKING 🚨 Alleged footage shows suspected Chinese spy balloon that US government has been monitoring, hovering over Montana for the past few days

— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) February 2, 2023

Hey, don't worry about a Chinese spy balloon over Montana because you know, Ellen Degenerate renewed her vows.
They keep you very busy with shiny, plastic things.

UPDATE – Chinese spy balloon over Montana, U.S. via KSVI-TV/ABC#Thursday

— ⚖️The Justice Team⚖️ (@LawDog323E) February 2, 2023

“Currently we assess that this balloon has limited additive value from an intelligence collection perspective over and above what the PRC can do through other means,” the official said. “Nevertheless we are taking all necessary steps to protect against foreign intelligence collection of sensitive information.”

I’m no foreign policy expert, but I’m not gonna lie: If I were in charge, here’s what that Chi-com spy balloon would look like right now:

In the meantime, if anyone needs me…

Dan Grossi

Sadly, we don’t have a Ronald Reagan running the country right now. We have the husk of an aging, debilitated lifelong politician in the White House. If you’re like me, you have zero confidence that Biden will be able to stand up to the forces of evil aligned against the United States, which is a terrifying thought. And what better time for our enemies to attack? Please know that PJ Media will continue to report on the incompetent, corrupt Biden administration. If you’d like to join us in the fight to keep America safe from the Chi-coms and our other enemies around the world (including those coming through our open southern border), please become a VIP member today. For around 50 cents a week, you can play a vital role in helping us fight back. Use the promo code SAVEAMERICA for a 40% discount on an annual membership.


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