Tuesday, March 7, 2023

AT&T's 'Lily' Wants You Know She Supports BLM, Has Had an Abortion, and Supports All 'Birthing Persons' Who Want One

AT&T's 'Lily' Wants You Know She Supports BLM, Has Had an Abortion, and Supports All 'Birthing Persons' Who Want One

In 2019, Gillette decided that it needed to pile-drive its customer base with a “men are terrible” message. They ran an ad campaign with the ostensible message that “toxic masculinity” was bad, and they did it by nuking every man alive or dead. Toxic anything is bad. I don’t need a razor company lecturing during the Super Bowl, while it places me in the same company of jerks just because some men are jerks. Gillette wasn’t advertising a product, rather, it was lecturing its customer base. The “message” didn’t go quite as the company planned, although the usual man-haters like Amy Siskind thought it was great.

Pro tip: If Amy Siskind thinks something is awesome, run away like Satan just opened the gates of hell.

Siskind’s take was typical of the leftist echo chamber then, and now. Sane America thought otherwise. Gillette’s parent, Procter & Gamble, took an eight billion dollar write-down in 2019 largely because Gillette green-lit a “men are awful” lecture. Like many men, I used up the Gillette products I had left, and never returned as a customer.

Spokespeople are the public faces of companies selling a product. Celebrities who act as spokespeople should vet the company before putting their face on a product or voicing support for a product. The same goes for a company vetting the spokesperson. Several celebrities who were paid to advertise for FTX are being sued by investors. Tom Selleck was sued when he acted as a reverse mortgage company spokesperson. Do I think celebrity spokespeople should be held liable for FTX investors throwing money at a Ponzi scheme? I don’t. I think anyone who tossed money at a company with a CEO who looked like a guy even the boys a Delta House would pass on maybe deserved their own fate.

Most companies pluck nobodies from nowhere to be their public face and they usually stick with them. AllState’s Mr. Mayhem is a memorable and funny character. I’m not buying insurance because AllState commercials are clever and blow up stuff, but I still like the character. Flo for Progressive Insurance is another “nobody” who has made a fortune as the public face of a company. The company’s worth increased after she was pulled from obscurity into the public square. For both Mr. Mayhem and Flo, I haven’t associated either with social justice or leftist social dogma. Maybe Mayhem and Flo are, in real life, yappy liberal harpies, and maybe they would love to wag a finger at me but I haven’t associated either with leftist doctrine. Thus I am not discouraged from buying insurance from AllState or Progressive.

If I want to buy a tool, I don’t want that tool to be inexorably associated with politics or societal positions that I don’t support. If I have a choice between cell carriers, one being a condescending, lecturing, and whiny actress who talks about abortion like she discarded a pair of used socks or another cell carrier that just sells me a product, I’m going to pick the latter. So where does “Lily” (her real name is Milana Vayntrub) of AT&T fame fit in? She wants you to know her social justice warrior positions on…just about everything. Her recent leftist scoldy rant followed her decision last year to hide the lower half of her body in AT&T commercials. It was rather obvious why she was positioning her body to hide behind things. She had added weight — and apparently, jerks decided to comment on her weight gain. She said:

“And it’s because of the thousands of unwelcome comments I receive about my body. You’ve lost the privilege of looking at it until I feel safe again.”

I’m not sure why that was a “privilege,” and why she was reading thousands of unwelcomed comments is another open question. AT&T quickly made a public statement “fully supporting” Vayntrub. Cool. But that, apparently, prompted Vayntrub to take the social justice gloves off. She posted a condescending summary of her social justice warrior cred on TikTok. She supports Alphabet soup “birthing persons” aborting babies just like she aborted her baby. She wants money out of politics but supports “universal health care.” Make sense of that. If she wants universal healthcare, she should give up her SAG/AFTRA insurance and get an Obama Care HMO, then wait in line with illegal immigrants at a big city ER. Why illegal immigrants? She fully supports their right to invade. She wants money taken away from police and put into communities. Minneapolis tried that, Lily. It failed — spectacularly. Portland tried it too, Lily. She supports BLM. Last year BLM was revealed to be massive grift, but facts often require reading, and Lily is too busy selling cell phone plans to bother with facts.

Vayntrub is the face of AT&T and also, a fool. I’m not suggesting anyone should look elsewhere if their carrier is AT&T, but I wouldn’t buy the product she’s hawking. In any event, I think she needs to put her money where her mouth resides. She’s clearly a leftist, onboard for all the leftist hot issues, and as a “cis-white” wealthy birthing person she needs to turn her million-dollar-a-year job over to a POC. Do it, Lily. Turn over your job in the next AT&T ad.

Talk is cheap, Lily. Step away from the AT&T gig, buy into an HMO, and house some illegals. Don’t call the police when you need help. Call a social worker.

No? Hypocrite.


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