Sunday, March 19, 2023

Defiant Trump Gets Standing Ovation at Wrestling Event, Appears Unfazed by Possible Indictment

Defiant Trump Gets Standing Ovation at Wrestling Event, Appears Unfazed by Possible Indictment

If former President Donald Trump is nervous about his potential indictment next week by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, he’s not showing it, strutting confidently into Tulsa’s BOK Center to watch the NCAA Wrestling Championships. The crowd stood and cheered as The Donald, wearing his usual long red tie, waved and raised his fist.


Here’s another angle:

Trump’s sunny disposition is in stark contrast to his earlier postings, which, as RedState’s Bonchie reported, lambasted the “CORRUPT & HIGHLY POLITICAL MANHATTAN DISTRICT ATTORNEYS [sic] OFFICE” who he accused of politicizing his office by targeting “THE FAR & AWAY LEADING REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE & FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, [who] WILL BE ARRESTED ON TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK.”

The preposterous case, which federal prosecutors have refused to take up in the past, involves $130,000 hush money Trump paid to porn performer Stormy Daniels in 2016 to allegedly keep her quiet about an affair.

The real question is, who cares? We’re possibly inching toward nuclear war, inflation is rampant and banks are failing, Bragg’s own city is turning into a cesspool of violence and crime—and he’s choosing to focus on a possible affair and payoff by a former president? Trump has consistently denied that he and Daniels ever had a physical relationship.

As for Bragg, he’s acting defiant as well, issuing a letter Saturday to employees laughably claiming that his office applies the law “evenly and fairly.” Read RedState Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar’s takedown of that ridiculous statement.

As many including Elon Musk have pointed out, if the Manhattan DA does indeed go ahead and arrest Trump, it could give the already-announced candidate a huge leg up in the 2024 presidential election. As Nick Arama reported, Musk tweeted simply: “If this happens, Trump will win in a landslide.”

Why? Because Americans have watched a growing trend of the politicization of our systems of justice in this country, notably with President Biden’s punitive and partisan DOJ. Meanwhile, at the local level, soft-on-crime district attorneys like Bragg and Los Angeles’ George Gascon appear to have no interest in prosecuting criminals.

In the summer of 2022, for instance, a 61-year-old bodega worker was viciously attacked in New York City but managed to grab a knife and kill his assailant. As he was doing so, he himself was stabbed three times by the perp’s girlfriend. Alvin Bragg’s response? He charged the bodega worker with 2nd-degree murder—but he refused to charge the woman who stabbed him three times, claiming she was acting in self-defense.

You can’t make this stuff up. He later dropped the charges against the worker, but they never should have been made in the first place.

This is the same guy who’s trying to nail a former president on flimsy charges of breaking campaign finance law. George Washington law professor Jonathan Turley mocked the case, writing, “although it may be politically popular, the case is legally pathetic.

The fact is, Trump’s appearance at a wrestling event normally wouldn’t make the news on a Saturday night. However, his name is all the place this evening, thanks to Alvin Bragg. As the old saying goes, no publicity is bad publicity.

Trump certainly doesn’t look too worried:

Many who don’t even particularly care for Trump can still see that this case is another in a long line of partisan, politicized attempts at “gotcha” by a string of local and federal prosecutors and even the United States Senate—all of whom keep failing spectacularly. Is this the case that’s finally going to bring him down? Are the “walls closing in?”

I’ve heard that before.

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