Friday, March 24, 2023

Engineering Wokeness: Elite University Schools STEM Students in Anti-Oppression and Black Feminism

Engineering Wokeness: Elite University Schools STEM Students in Anti-Oppression and Black Feminism


Sure — you may be adept at science, technology, engineering or mathematics; but how’s your Black Feminism aptitude? A prestigious research institution can help you level up.

Stanford Unihool’s Office of Inclusion, Community and Integrative Learning (ICIL) describes it thusly:

In solidarity with [Stanford’s] mission value of diversity, equity, and inclusion, the ICIL office is

Sure — you may be adept at science, technology, engineering or mathematics; but how’s your Black Feminism aptitude? A prestigious research institution can help you level up.

offering a Certificate in Critical Consciousness and Anti-Oppressive Praxis (CCC&AOP) for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars.

In addition to working your mathematical magic or scientific sorcery, you can oppose oppression — of a certain sort:

While grounded in critical theory and Black Feminism, the goal of this certificate is to educate and prepare trainees with the tools necessary to navigate a dynamic future from a position of knowledge, empathy, and justice. Specifically, this program is targeted to individuals in STEM fields.

Stanford’s site lists CCC&AOP resources:

Also recommended: “Hoodrat to Headwrap: A Decolonized Podcast.”

Combining STEM and social justice isn’t exactly a novel move. Education has accepted a new mission as ideology has entered myriad American arenas:

California’s ‘Social Justice Academy’ Primes Students for Success — They Just Can’t Read or Do Math

University Hires Social Justice Center to Help Top Staff Embrace ‘White Inferiority’

University President Sends a Letter Announcing the School’s Top Priority: Racial Justice and Equity

Professor: Cancer Researchers Should Show Their Faces to Prove They Aren’t White

Mental Health Journal’s Article on ‘Parasitic Whiteness’ Laments There’s ‘Not Yet a Permanent Cure’

Scientific American: The Racist Myth of Binary Sex Wasn’t Invented ‘Til Nearly 1800

Back to Stanford, it’s impressively adroit at making woke waves. While guest speaker and Fifth Circuit Appellate Judge Kyle Duncan faced a disruptive student mob recently, DEI dean Tirien Steinbach questioned whether the “juice” of free speech is “worth the squeeze.”

As for testimonies in praise of the Certificate in Critical Consciousness and Anti-Oppressive Praxis, they’re offered online. From an Education Ph.D. candidate:

“It is amazing to have a safe space to interrogate our own beliefs and biases as well as learn from others who are further ahead in the process of eliminating racist and oppressive ideologies. As a woman of color, I find the space to be refreshing…”

Courtesy of an Environmental Fluid Mechanics doctorate student:

“I feel more informed on ever


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