Thursday, March 9, 2023

Gavin Newsom Escaped to Mexico for 'Personal Trip' During California's Deadly Storms, Now Has COVID

Gavin Newsom Escaped to Mexico for 'Personal Trip' During California's Deadly Storms, Now Has COVID
Reap What You Sow 😂

RedState managing editor Jennifer Van Laar has been reporting on the heart-rending scenes that have played out in California recently as residents slammed by monster storms are trapped in their houses under mountains of snow. The death count in San Bernardino County is now at 12 and may rise.

Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency for many California counties on March 2—and then promptly disappeared, prompting people to ask, Where’s Gavin? Turns out he was in Baja California, Mexico on an unexplained “personal trip,” and after he returned Sunday, he came down with a case of COVID.

Did he get it in Mexico? No one is saying.

Newsom, whose state had some of the most repressive mandates and lockdowns in the country during the height of the pandemic, and who was famously sighted at the uber-expensive restaurant The French Laundry while we mere mortals were ordered to “socially distance,” should have been safe from the virus according to what he’s told us over the last several years. He masked up relentlessly, got all his shots and boosters, and enacted a COVID state of emergency that only ended on February 28, fully three years after the pandemic began.

Yet, somehow, inexplicably, things didn’t go as planned:

This is the second time Newsom was infected by the virus. He also tested positive for COVID-19 in May 2022. He had mild symptoms then and received a prescription for the antiviral drug Paxlovid, his office said at that time. Newsom is fully vaccinated and has at least two booster shots, according to a press release from his office last summer.

Yes, I’m being sarcastic—as a California resident, I tried as hard as possible to ignore his dictatorial mandates because I could see right away that they were flawed, ineffective, and harmful, and yet I suffered no worse an outcome than he did. I’ve had COVID twice—neither time did I fall seriously ill—but then again, I don’t have mRNA vaccine technology swimming around my blood, like so many who were forced against their will to get the shots. I’m sure it’s totally coincidental that almost everyone I know who’s had COVID multiple times is also vaccinated and boosted. Sure is a good thing we fired first responders, military personnel and pilots who refused the shot, right?

To be absolutely clear, I am not celebrating the governor’s COVID diagnosis, nor am I wishing ill health on anyone, and I hope for his full recovery. However, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out his dereliction of duty during California’s weather-related State of Emergency, or his repeated hypocrisy over virus policy. (He sent his own kids to schools that were open when most in the state were shuttered, and to summer camps that didn’t require masks, for instance, while the rest of us were forced to wear the face diapers.)

The Sacramento Bee reports that Newsom, often referred to around here as Governor Hair Gel, will return to work as soon as possible:

The governor is exhibiting “mild symptoms” while First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom has tested negative, according to spokesperson Alex Stack. Newsom will work remotely and self-isolate for at least five days, in accordance with the latest guidance from the California Department of Public Health, Stack said.

Hopefully, when he comes back he’ll actually help some of those poor folks in San Bernardino.

Note: This article has been updated to note that there have now been up to 12 deaths reported in San Bernadino County.

See Also:–>


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