Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Mitch McConnell Reminds Regular Republicans That He Hates Them

The Morning Briefing: Mitch McConnell Reminds Regular Republicans That He Hates Them

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Reginald was unwavering in his belief that there was a market for artisanal calamine lotion waiting for him somewhere in America.

There were a lot of people in a good mood yesterday after seeing what Tucker Carlson released of the J6 footage he and his people have been reviewing. The texts I received were mostly along the lines of, “Finally!” After two years of hearing the Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media lying about an insurrection, we were getting some proof that they’ve been less than forthcoming.

Republicans all around were rejoicing, right?

Not so fast.

Lincoln writes that Mitch the Squish McConnell is firmly on the side of Chuck Schumer, MSNBC, and all things rotten. Here’s the highlight tweet from the post:

Here are Lincoln’s thoughts on the subject:

We all know that there were some bad actors in the crowd on J6. No one disputes that. But if there is more information, why not examine it? If you have nothing to hide, then you have no reason to fear the whole truth. We know why the Democrats and their remoras fear the whole truth. As to McConnell, my guess would be that he has grazed so long in the donkeys’ pasture and snuffled in the trough that is slopped by Schumer and Co. that he is worried that said slop will stop coming and that he may have to acknowledge what he is.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.

I’ve written many times since last November, I firmly believe the McConnell doesn’t mind being in the minority forever. He’s fat and comfortable just kicking around the Senate, adding new chins every year. As long as his comfort zone isn’t disturbed, Mitch doesn’t give a damn about what the Republican rubes in the hinterlands need or want.

There are some who still give McConnell a break because of his good work in keeping Merrick Garland off of the Supreme Court and then his short period of brilliance getting Trump’s judges confirmed. That number is dwindling, however. While McConnell is selling out and building up political capital inside the Beltway, he’s squandering the goodwill he’d built up with rank-and-file Republicans outside of it.

Predictably, McConnell was joined by other members of the GOP Squish Chorus, most notably Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham.

The United States is being led down the path to destruction by the Democrats. The McConnell/Romney wing of the GOP is accelerating the arrival of our ruin by abetting them. At this point in American history, it’s unfathomable that any high-ranking Republicans would want to lend a hand to the corrupt media complex that does nothing but seek to destroy them.

It certainly wasn’t his intention, but McConnell just made the case for Trump to be reelected and then burn everything down.

Rest assured it won’t be the last time he does that.

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