Thursday, March 2, 2023

Rep. Comer to Newsmax: Democrats Are All for Censoring Conservative Speech

Rep. Comer to Newsmax: DirecTV Might Answer to Congress |

Democrats are in support of silencing conservative speech, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., told Newsmax Wednesday.

In response to Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., accusing Comer in a committee hearing of telling AT&T and DirecTV to either restore Newsmax or “face the consequences,” Comer told “Prime News” that Democrats “are all for censoring conservative speech now. If they were censoring MSNBC, Raskin would be going crazy right now.”

“The Democrats always feel threatened by the truth,” Comer said. “We have conservative media outlets that report the truth, and the truth is, we have inflation because Democrats have spent too much money. We have crime because Democrats are lax on security, border security; they're lax with prosecuting criminals. The list goes on and on.”

DirecTV customers call toll free at 877-763-9762 to complain, demand Newsmax is returned! Oppose censorship!

“Newsmax has done a very good job reporting that; they want them off the platform. They've been successful in kicking OAN off the platform. They'll try to kick Fox off the platform next and any other conservative outlet, anything they disagree with,” Comer continued.

DirecTV removed Newsmax, the fourth-highest-rated cable news network, from its channel lineup on Jan. 24, the second time in a year it has removed a conservative cable news channel, after having removed the One America News Network in April of last year.

“Jamie Raskin is wrong to attack me in a public hearing over that,” Comer continued. “You know darn well if DirecTV had kicked MSNBC off, he would be going crazy right now. So it's very disappointing to see that in a political hearing. And I'm hopeful that we can continue to put pressure on DirecTV to put Newsmax back on their platform,” Comer concluded.

Actions to Take Now

1. DirecTV customers call toll free at 877-763-9762 to complain, demand Newsmax is back on air!

2. Call your congressman or senator at 202-224-3121 and demand they stop AT&T/DirecTV's censorship of NEWSMAX — ask them to give you a date on the hearings!

3. Go to our online petition and get more info:

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