Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Stanford Students Rip Woke Dean Who Led Heckling of a Federal Judge, Demand Ouster

Stanford Students Rip Woke Dean Who Led Heckling of a Federal Judge, Demand Ouster

Stanford Law School students savagely criticized the school and one of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion deans in a piece in the school’s publication, “Stanford Review,” with this simple but powerful headline atop its front page: “Fire Tirien Steinbach.”

As RedState’s Jim Thompson reported, Steinbach, Stanford Law’s Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, joined students in heckling and screaming at Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals judge Kyle Duncan who was attempting to deliver a speech. When the judge asked for an administrator to intervene, Steinbach instead piled on and launched into a six-minute tirade claiming Duncan was “literally denying the humanity of people.”

His crime? He refused to retroactively change court records to reflect that child porn enthusiast and repeated sex offender Norman Varner decided after his trial to identify as female and demanded to be referred to as “Kathy Jett.”

Although the university belatedly delivered a written apology to the jurist, many felt that it was a weak one at best, and there seem to have been very few consequences for Steinbach for her outrageous behavior. As SisterToldjah reported, the university then compounded its mistakes by issuing a letter to students who were upset about the interruptions to seek mental health help…from Tirien Steinbach.

After all was said and done, Duncan had to be escorted out by armed marshalls to ensure his protection. At a “top” university.

The Stanford Review bills itself as a student-run independent newspaper. The outlet’s article, credited to “multiple authors,” described their disgust with how the situation went down at a school that touts its commitment to free speech:

Perhaps the only thing uglier than the Stanford Law School building is the events that took place there on Thursday. The Stanford Federalist Society’s event with Kyle Duncan, a judge on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, was disrupted by a mob of unruly law students and a Stanford DEI Dean who prevented the judge from speaking entirely.

They point out that she was just as much to blame for the circus as the rowdy students:

… at the center of the debacle was not the group of unruly law students, but Stanford Law School’s own Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tirien Steinbach.

These students believe Steinbach should pay a consequence for sullying their school’s reputation so badly, and that Stanford’s statements that it values free speech are pointless if administrators don’t do anything to you know, actually protect free speech:

The apology also said that Stanford would take steps to ensure this does not happen again. However, it is unclear what Stanford plans to do to prevent such disruption in the future. Firing Dean Steinbach is a good start. 

The university’s apology will be completely meaningless unless concrete actions are taken to rid the administration of anti-speech zealots.

. They also note that the associate dean clearly planned for this whole thing to go down:

Someone who is so eager, at the behest of an unruly mob, to shut down free speech, which Stanford itself considers “a bedrock principle for the law school, the university, and a democratic society,” has no place as a Stanford dean. She helped engineer chaos with her email before the event, delivered prepared remarks interrupting his speech, took the spotlight for herself, and has shown no remorse since.

The article is very good; it would appear that some Stanford Law students at least are getting an education—or, rather, haven’t allowed Stanford to make them less intelligent than they were upon arrival. They close with a powerful argument:

If these law students are to be trained for bench and bar, it certainly should be with a deep respect for the bedrock principle of free speech. Steinbach’s actions not only degrade the principles of free speech but degrade the prestige and reputation of Stanford Law School itself.

They’re right. One of my colleagues wondered if federal judges are going to get leery about hiring Stanford Law grads as clerks —probably too much trouble to deal with.

Stanford should get rid of this woke, abusive administrator, or at the very least hand out some actual discipline instead of just writing letters.


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