Monday, March 13, 2023

Taibbi Drops Yet Another Dem With a Little Reality

Taibbi Drops Yet Another Dem With a Little Reality

The Democrats made very clear this past week that they didn’t give a darn about the Constitution or free speech with their shameful display during the Twitter Files hearing. Instead, they were more interested in attacking the people who were exposing the government’s involvement in censorship.

We brought you some of their disgusting display including when the Democrats demanded that the reporters give up their sources and humiliated themselves when they revealed how ignorant they were on the subject of the Twitter Files.

While the Democrats seemed desperate to try to unhinge the reporters, they were largely unflappable except when Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-TX) revealed her ignorance about journalist Bari Weiss and asked the two journalists who were there, Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger if they were a “threesome.” That brought the house down and the journalists couldn’t help but laugh at the Democrats.

We also reported the disgraceful behavior of Stacey Plaskett, the Delegate for the Virgin Islands, who smeared the reporters as “so-called journalists.” One of the journalists, Matt Taibbi, leveled her in response, “I’ve won the National Magazine Award, the I.F. Stone Award for Independent Journalism, and I’ve written 10 books including four New York Times bestsellers.” She also tried to get them to give up their sources.

Even after the hearing, the Democrats were still spreading lies about what had happened during the hearing. Garcia tweeted that she was fighting “extreme MAGA lies, misinformation, and outright conspiracy theories” with her questioning of Taibbi. Taibbi busted her with a little truth, explaining how that was untrue.

Plaskett also tried to continue the lies, but Taibbi wasn’t letting her get away with it either. Plaskett tweeted that no one was interested in having the reporters reveal their sources.

No one is interested in revealing “journalists’” sources

What we ALL should be interested in is what discussion, promises and/or deals Elon Musk has with
Shellenberger @HouseGOP and
definitely Jim Jordan @HouseJudiciary

— Rep. Stacey Plaskett (@StaceyPlaskett) March 9, 2023

But Taibbi brought the receipts, repeating exactly what she asked during the hearing.

Let’s roll the tape.

WATCH @StaceyPlaskett just falsely claimed she did not ask @mtaibbi to reveal his sources for the #TwitterFiles

She did.


— House Republicans (@HouseGOP) March 9, 2023

Not only did she ask, but Garcia did as well, as the first video in this story showed.

Taibbi is just on fire, he’s calling all these Democrats out on their lies.

He also made an interesting observation about Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-NY) who hilariously claimed that there wasn’t “any direct government censorship of lawful speech.” Notice the “weasel word” in there, “direct.” If they don’t explicitly say the word “ban” they’re not trying to get the person they flag to Twitter banned, wink wink, it’s not “direct.” But Rep. Jim Jordan (D-OH) dropped him with an example of a request to censor Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Taibbi leveled Goldman, who was a lawyer for the Democrats’ effort to impeach President Donald Trump, for what he said in October 2020, in that critical period right before the election, about the Hunter Biden laptop being “Russian disinformation.”

No wonder @danielsgoldman didn’t approve of the #TwitterFiles

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) March 12, 2023

Indeed, multiple outlets have verified the laptop. Goldman should have been embarrassed that he was spreading such things and apologized. Instead, he’s still spinning.

But this is where the Democrats are at this point. They’re doing all they can to hold on, as their political narratives are falling all around them and even liberal journalists are calling them out.


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