Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Morning Briefing: DeSantis Notches Another Win Against Woke Corporate Idiots

The Morning Briefing: DeSantis Notches Another Win Against Woke Corporate Idiots


Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Annabelle felt that her karaoke rendition of “Fat Bottomed Girls” was unparalleled when she had just the right amount of Jägermeister in her.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is a publicity juggernaut these days. He has a built-in advantage being the head of one of the most populous states in the country, of course. Then there is the fact that he has embraced his role as lightning rod for leftist haters and squish Republicans ever since the early days of the pandemic.

The reason he gets so much attention here at the Briefing is because he doesn’t make any unforced errors. Some claim that his recent remarks on Ukraine could be construed as such. I don’t:

DeSantis is speaking to voters, not to the out-of-touch DC bubble people.

— SFK (@stephenkruiser) March 15, 2023

Schlichter doesn’t either:

Of course, all the right people got really mad about it – when Bill Kristol, Adam Kinzinger, David French, Max Boot and Mitt Romney are all for something, you need to be against it. Hardest hit was the GOP establishment – it was very sad because the governor refuses to be dragged along into cheerleading yet another massive foreign policy failure.

When DeSantis makes bold moves in Florida, they’re the right ones. His battle with Disney’s toxic wokeism is the stuff of conservative legend. Now he’s taken a swing at the Hyatt Hotels Corporation, or at least part of it. Robert has the story:

But now, for the first time, Ron DeSantis is making sure that these Leftist corporate behemoths will pay a price for pandering to today’s cultural saboteurs. The Hyatt Regency Miami is losing its liquor license.

Fox News reported Tuesday that “the DeSantis administration is moving to strip a major Miami hotel of its liquor license after hosting a Christmas-themed drag queen show in December with children present despite warnings.” With this and DeSantis’ earlier actions against the woke propagandists of Disney, we have done nothing less than enter into a new world. For the first time, corporations are seeing that they might suffer the adverse effects of tilting far to the Left and outraging the sensibilities of their customers who still retain a modicum of decency and sanity.

As Robert explains, there were a lot of tawdry displays of sexuality in front of the young kids at this show. As we have discussed many times here, the leftist penchant for exposing young children to sexual situations is appalling. It’s as if they’ve all decided to become sexual predators to prove how “open-minded” they are.

Again, this isn’t some mom-and-pop corner bar that’s getting its liquor license taken away, it’s a Hyatt Regency in a very trendy neighborhood. DeSantis and his administration aren’t afraid to pick fights with the heavyweights. It takes that kind of fearlessness to battle the woke mob, which wins its fights by publicly intimidating opponents until they yield to the radical lunacy.

Corporate involvement in that lunacy has been a boon to the mob. They can now get the message out via heavily funded national advertising campaigns. There are as many ads about ideology as there are about products now. “You will be made to care” has been put on steroids thanks to corporate money.

I’ve written more than once about how topsy-turvy the world has become when someone like me is praising a government solution to a problem like this. It’s definitely not my default. The woke plague has metastasized in the last few years, however, and these are desperate times.

DeSantis has proudly proclaimed that Florida is where woke goes to die. Unlike many politicians, he works diligently at keeping his word. That, more than anything, is what makes those opposed to him fear him.

In other DeSantis news yesterday (seriously, his name was all over the place), he picked up the endorsement of Freedom Caucus member Chip Roy of Texas, which Paula wrote about. That’s right, he’s getting endorsements for a presidential run and he hasn’t even declared that he is running yet.

Nice gig if you can get it.

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