Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Morning Briefing: Mark Kelly Wastes No Time Revealing Himself to Be a Nightmare

The Morning Briefing: Mark Kelly Wastes No Time Revealing Himself to Be a Nightmare

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Derwyn would often wake up in a cold sweat, overcome by the urge to carve a life size statue of Charles Nelson Reilly out of Crisco.

I left California five years ago for a variety of reasons, the politics there being a big part of what made me cut out after more than two decades. When I returned to my native Arizona, things weren’t as red as they were when I’d left it, but they hadn’t descended into purplish/blue madness.

My how quickly times can change.

Nine months after I returned, Kyrsten Sinema was elected to the Senate. Arizona hadn’t had a Democrat there in over 20 years. That was an adjustment.

Things got worse when Mark “I’M AN ASTRONAUT!” Kelly was elected to fill the remainder of the late John McCain’s term. I consoled myself with the fact that it was only for two years and that we could sweep him out of office during the 2022 midterms.

Yeah, about that.

Kelly was able to sneak into a full term by essentially hiding under Kyrsten Sinema’s skirts for the first two years, doing nothing to call attention to himself. Conservatives here knew that there was a gun-grabbing nightmare just waiting to bust out if he was given six years.

Well, his first move wasn’t against the Second Amendment, it was even creepier.

Mr. Green covered it yesterday in his weekly Insanity Wrap:

Red-pilled California activist Michael Shellenberger’s Public substack grabbed an exclusive on Monday about a weekend conference call concerning the SVB bailout. There, Kelly “asked representatives from the Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, and the Federal Deposit and Insurance Corporation (FDIC) if they had a way to censor information on social media to prevent a run on the banks.”

Kentucky Republican Thomas Massie was also on the call and told Public, “I believe he couched it in a concern that foreign actors would be doing this but he didn’t suggest the censorship should be limited to foreigners or to things that were untrue.”

So the way Kelly sees it, Americans sharing facts are a danger. This guy ran as a moderate — and got away with it, too.

Moderately fascist, maybe?

Despite the fact that he’s an astronaut, Kelly never comes off as being terribly bright. Asking something that stupid on a call with that many people would certainly indicate that he doesn’t function at a high level outside of the International Space Station. And, as Massie pointed out, Kelly didn’t even bother to cover his intentions in any nuance.

Stephen mentions that no one really addressed Kelly’s question — most likely because they were so stunned by his audacity and/or stupidity. It would be nice to think that Kelly would learn something from that, but that’s probably not going to happen. Kelly is such an egomaniacal little jerk that he’ll more than likely be emboldened by this.

That means Gun Grabber Kelly is sure to show up sometime soon. That’s not going to work out for him here like he hopes it will. Arizona may have started bleeding purple lately (we’re still pretty red in the House), but this is still a gun state. A fairly bipartisan gun state, in fact. Most of my liberal friends here have guns.

Why Kelly decided to try and become an anti-2A crusader in Arizona is beyond me. He’s a carpetbagger here, he could have done the same thing in a blue gun-hating state.

Again, he’s not that bright. That’s what makes him dangerous.

VIP Spotlight

Sometime during the pandemic, I decided to write a few short, stream-of-conscious columns a week titled “Kruiser’s (Almost) Daily Distraction.” They’re supposed to be generally goofy breaks from whatever dark rabbit hole the day’s news has taken us down. The column went by the wayside for a long while but now I’m bringing it back, not just because I think we can all use an occasional break, but also because it’s fun for me to throw out something quick whenever a different kind of thought crosses my mind. My newest one examines my panic over the current horror that is the national Sriracha shortage. That’s me and my sister in the feature image, by the way. Should anyone become VIP curious, you can subscribe here and receive a 25% discount using the promo code KRUISERMB.

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