Sunday, April 16, 2023

Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman Sure Looks to Have Quite the Connection to Alvin Bragg

Wannabe pol Daniel Goldman preaches 'tough on crime', backed DA Bragg
How Manhattan, NYC DA Alvin Bragg could get removed from office

You likely remember Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) from his time as lead counsel for former and potentially future President Donald Trump's first impeachment. He's now serving in what used to be former Rep. Mondaire Jones' (D-NY) seat, who had been at a disadvantage due to a hectic redistricting process in New York, despite being the incumbent. While given it's not as if we can expect him to have a fair assessment of Trump, it turns out the Democratic Party's crusade to take him down is even more dishonest and concerning. 

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who pursued and brought charges against Trump, has quite the connections with Goldman. Complicating the matter is that Goldman serves as one of the Democrats on the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. That select subcommittee so happens to be holding a hearing on Monday in New York City to investigate violent crime in Manhattan, violent crime that Bragg is directly responsible for. 

BREAKING: Hill sources say Democratic Rep. Daniel Goldman of Manhattan -- who prosecuted the first Trump impeachment and has been bragging to reporters about sabotaging GOP investigations of the Bidens -- has privately consulted with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg over indicting Trump

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) March 20, 2023

On March 30, it was announced that a grand jury had indicted Trump on charges pursued by Bragg. Those charges turned out to be 34 felony charges, despite how charges could have been brought as misdemeanors, there was an expired statute of limitations, and it's an untested legal theory

In the days leading up to the indictment, RealClearInvestigations' Paul Sperry tweeted about such connections. He did so the following day after the announcement as well. 

BREAKING: House sources say Democratic Rep. Daniel Goldman of Manhattan -- who prosecuted the first Trump impeachment & has been bragging to reporters about sabotaging GOP investigations of the Bidens -- has privately consulted with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg about indicting Trump

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) March 31, 2023


Goldman also looks to have a connection to the charges against Trump, as mentioned in a Fox News report last month, before the indictment was officially announced. 

The report details warnings from attorney Robert Costello, not only about how he was formerly the legal adviser to Michael Cohen, who he said could not be trusted, but that Bragg actually does "not want to get to the truth" about the facts surrounding the case against Trump:

When the U.S. Attorney's office phoned Costello to talk about his time representing Cohen, he asked if they had documentation of Cohen waiving his attorney-client privilege.

"And they said, you presume correctly. I said, fine, send it over, I'll be delighted to talk to you. That waiver is very clear. And once we had that, I prepared 330 emails, a bunch of text messages…" Costello said, adding he also provided documents related to an interview from the then-Democratic-led House Intelligence Committee investigators whom he said included current Rep. Daniel Goldman, D-N.Y., then the director of investigations while Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., was the chairman.

Costello said he then sent that same documentation to Trump's legal team and Bragg's office, adding he further requested to meet with the Democrat personally.


Costello later said he told Bragg's team he once held a position in the Southern District of New York, and that he "wouldn't touch a witness like Michael Cohen for any amount of money – you simply cannot rely upon this guy."

The connections between Bragg and Goldman go beyond mere reported conversations, though. Bragg and Goldman both served as assistant united states attorneys at the Southern District of New York. There was even some overlap, as Bragg served from 2009-2017, while Goldman served from 2007-2017.

A damning report that the New York Post put out last June details more connections about Goldman and Bragg, specifically how Goldman supported Bragg's run for DA, despite a campaign ad portraying him as tough on gun violence:

Goldman, an heir to the Levi Strauss clothing fortune who was the chief House investigator during former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment proceeding, hosted a fundraiser for Bragg at his multimillion-dollar Tribeca home in April of last year.

He donated $7,500 to Bragg’s campaign, publicly endorsed him and was a chief validator of his campaign on social media. 

Meanwhile, Bragg’s former campaign adviser and top government aide, Ritchie Fife, is now a consultant to Goldman’s campaign.


During April 2021, Bragg and Goldman — who served together in the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office — held an event about the Derek Chauvin case in Minneapolis.

Goldman also publicly attacked one of Bragg’s primary opponents, Tali Farhadian Weinstein for taking funding from Wall Street interests and bankrolling her own campaign down the stretch.

Also mentioned in the report are tweets from Goldman's campaign account supporting Bragg's campaign for district attorney, including from the very first day Bragg announced.

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) March 13, 2021

Absolutely correct. We need @AlvinBraggNYC as DA to both keep our streets safe, boost morale of the NYPD while holding everyone in the criminal justice system accountable. He is the right man for this vital job.

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) June 15, 2021

An ActBlue donation page is still up for an event from April 27, 2021 inviting attendees to "Hear from Former House Impeachment Counsel Daniel S. Goldman in conversation with District Attorney Candidate Alvin Bragg." There's also a cached Facebook post on Bragg's account from April 25, 2021. 

Since the indictment was announced, Goldman fired off several tweets from that same account about the indictment and reactions to it, in case we needed any reminder of how he feels about Trump and the Republican Party.

The “election interference” defense was as predictable as it is bogus.

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) April 4, 2023

If you paid a porn star to silence her three weeks before an election, or potentially conspired with others to interfere in an election, or otherwise obstructed justice, then “they” might be coming for you.

If you didn’t break the law, then you have nothing to worry about.

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) April 2, 2023

There have been 4 criminal investigations into Trump since before he announced his candidacy.

He was impeached twice: for extorting a foreign leader and for inciting an insurrection.

He lied constantly and thought he was above the law.

Nobody can be surprised he got indicted.

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) March 31, 2023

Nobody knows what Trump is charged with.

Nobody knows what the evidence is.

So everyone making wild accusations about the case does not know what they are taking about.

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) March 31, 2023

By this logic, an indictment of declared 2024 candidate George Santos will also be “election interference.”

You haven’t seen the indictment nor the evidence so you cannot possibly have any basis to say this is partisan.

But you sure do kiss the ring well.

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) March 31, 2023

A tweet from April 10 also claimed that Trump "reportedly" had Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), who serves as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee--which the select subcommittee falls under--and Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) "as his taxpayer-funded legal defense team."

Donald Trump is reportedly using @Jim_Jordan and @SpeakerMcCarthy as his taxpayer-funded legal defense team to interfere in an ongoing criminal investigation.

If true, this is a gross abuse of power and they must explain to the American people exactly what coordination exists.

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) April 10, 2023

Something's telling us that Goldman isn't going to be asking the most objective questions at Monday's hearing. How can he be expected to fairly participate in a hearing about the direct failures of Bragg when he's done Bragg's bidding, not to mention his recent tweets mocking the investigation and the select subcommittee overall. 

Although this “investigation” continues to be a gross abuse of power, I welcome the testimony of Mark Pomerantz.

This testimony should be conducted in a public hearing — not a closed door deposition — so all Americans can witness it for themselves.

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) April 6, 2023

Republicans in Congress are making baseless claims of First Amendment violations while Republicans in TN are literally expelling officials who exercised their 1st Am rights.

I assume the next @weaponization hearing will be on TN’s violation of the 1st Am, right @Jim_Jordan?

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) April 7, 2023


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