Monday, April 3, 2023

Former Biden Spokesperson to Dems: Don't Celebrate Trump's Indictment


Former Biden White House spokesperson Jen Psaki had some interesting advice for members of her party regarding the indictment of former President Donald Trump: don't celebrate. No one should even weigh in on the news. Don't buy merchandise gloating about the charges or the arrest. It would be best if Democrats "stay out of it." Now an MSNBC host, Psaki probably faced some backlash as the news overjoyed the left. An indictment is something liberal America has been waiting for, but we all know grand jury indictments mean almost nothing. I won't be shocked if this case falls apart, though it could be a long legal slog to that conclusion. 

The ham sandwich axiom comes into play regarding Trump's charges, which stems from his hush money payment arrangement with former adult entertainer Stormy Daniels. A liberal district attorney from Manhattan, Alvin Bragg, indicted Trump from the recommendation of a grand jury comprised of some of the most vicious liberals in the country. The charges being considered are misdemeanors that this prosecuting office is trying to elevate to felonies, and the statute of limitations has expired.

Still, Psaki urged liberal Democrats to take a vow of silence, especially when trying to predict the case's outcome. Disgraced and now-incarcerated attorney Michael Avenatti, who represented Daniels in the initial lawsuit against Trump, tried to do this, and it blew up in his face (via Fox News): 

Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Sunday that Democrats shouldn't "celebrate" or "brag" about the indictment of former President Donald Trump during her show on Sunday. 

The MSNBC host encouraged Democrats to stay out of it and keep their heads down with regard to the indictment news. She insisted it was "not the time" for a "mass order of ‘lock him up’ t-shirts."   

"Now is also not the time for Democratic candidates to celebrate, to brag, to predict the outcome of the legal cases. If you can, I'd actually just put your head down and stay out of it for now," she continued. 


"If you're sitting in the White House right now, you are making the right bet that the public cares a whole lot more about what the president is doing to actually make their lives better than what he thinks about a hush money payment to adult film star. It turns out their intended campaign message, the Biden team's, of competence versus chaos may actually even play out before he enters the race. They don’t need to spell out and project what chaos means on the Republican side, the leading candidates, leaders in the House, are doing that for them," she said.     

Psaki noted a poll that found 90% of Republicans, 70% of Independents and nearly 30% of Democrats believed the Manhattan District Attorney's case against Trump was politicized… 

Psaki could be preparing her side for disappointment because other narratives were supposed to be the end of the Trump era in American politics and never panned out. The Russian collusion hoax was the most sustained attempt to remove Trump from office, and it failed. The Mar-a-Lago raid last summer, which was meant to provide the basis for a case of mishandling classified documents against Trump, also fizzled. It seems unlikely that porn payments will be the legal kill shot.


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