Friday, April 7, 2023

Video Shows San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher Leering at Woman Who Accused Him of Sexual Assault

Video Shows San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher Leering at Woman Who Accused Him of Sexual Assault

In Grecia Figueroa’s sexual harassment lawsuit against San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, she alleges that Fletcher would stare at her in a leering, inappropriate manner during work meetings and events, making her uncomfortable, and making her fear that other people noticed Fletcher’s keen interest in her. On Thursday, video footage emerged of Fletcher leering at Figueroa during a December 2, 2022 press conference in which Figueroa served as the translator for an elected official from Argentina.

And, as Voice of San Diego’s Scott Lewis pointed out, the original video (on Fletcher’s own YouTube channel) “is strangely edited at the moment she leaves the podium.”

Figueroa’s discomfort is obvious. This is not a good development for Fletcher, especially given that Figueroa specifically complained of his actions that day – and it was the day after he allegedly sexually assaulted her after an MTS Executive Committee meeting. From the Complaint:

On December 1, 2022, during an MTS Executive Committee meeting, Fletcher messaged Ms. Figueroa from his phone while he was conducting the meeting. In the message, Fletcher asked Ms. Figueroa to “come say hi” and to meet him in the adjacent conference room after the event.

When Ms. Figueroa arrived at the room, Fletcher asked her to close the door and then sexually assaulted her a second time – this time grabbing her breasts underneath her blouse, pulling off some of her clothes, exposing her breasts, and putting his mouth on her nipple, while forcefully shoving his hand back and forth over her vaginal area.

Ms. Figueroa was shocked, scared, and humiliated – not only from being sexually objectified, but from the reality that this was happening in an MTS conference room, immediately adjacent to the MTS Boardroom where a committee meeting had just concluded.

The next day, on December 2, 2022, Fletcher grinned at Ms. Figueroa while she spoke publicly at an MTS press conference. Ms. Figueroa was standing at a podium in front of an audience, and Fletcher was sitting at a table beside her. The event was covered by local news media and others. Even in front of cameras, media personnel, and MTS executives, Fletcher asserted his sexual dominance over Ms. Figueroa.

The MTS board met Thursday morning and announced it would “hire outside counsel to conduct an independent investigation into sexual assault and sexual harassment allegations” in Figueroa’s lawsuit, and acting MTS Board Chair Stephen Whitburn said that the results would be made public.

Whitburn also said no one on the board knew about the allegations against Fletcher until the suit was filed last week. However, as RedState reported, Figueroa’s attorney sent a letter to both Fletcher and MTS on February 17 stating that he was representing Figueroa in her claims, and demanding her entire personnel file and any documents she signed pursuant to her employment.

We now have the entire 13-page letter, which explicitly states what Figueroa is suing over, and requests both Fletcher and the MTS to “Preserve all documents, tangible things, and electronically stored information potentially relevant to” numerous topics, including “MS. FIGUEROA’s potential legal claims, including allegations that you: (1) discriminated against MS. FIGUEROA; (2) sexually harassed MS. FIGUEROA; (3) sexually assaulted MS. FIGUEROA; and (4) retaliated against MS. FIGUEROA because she complained or otherwise protested against sexual harassment that was perpetrated against her; and YOUR defenses to MS. FIGUEROA’s potential legal claims.”

A portion of the February 17, 2023 letter from Grecia Figueroa’s attorney to Nathan Fletcher and San Diego MTS.

While this story seemingly focuses on San Diego and California, there are national implications. The most pressing implication is the nomination of Julie Su to be Labor Secretary. Su and Fletcher’s wife Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher are old pals and teamed up to attempt to trap employers and independent contractors into admitting noncompliance with AB5 while filing for pandemic unemployment assistance. Gonzalez Fletcher was tweeting in support of her friend and the Union Barbie Thursday morning.

AFL-CIO tweet supporting Julie Su’s nomination as Labor Secretary, retweeted by Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, April 6, 2023.

Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher is also one of the most powerful women in Big Labor and is likely eyeing national positions. She spent time in Nevada during the midterms working to re-elect Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) and is dedicated to getting the PRO Act through Congress. If her career is derailed because of her involvement in the alleged blackmail of Grecia Figueroa, it will benefit the entire country.

(NOTE: This piece was edited post-publication to add video from Voice of San Diego.)


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