Sunday, July 9, 2023

Ben Carson to Newsmax: Biden's Decline Becoming Dangerous

Ben Carson announces retirement, hints at future in politics | Hub

The United States has become "sort of a laughingstock" because of President Joe Biden's increasing gaffes, and it's becoming a matter of national security, Dr. Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and former Housing and Urban Development secretary, said on Newsmax Saturday. 

"I talk to a lot of people in other countries, and everybody knows that this is not normal," Carson, who served in former President Donald Trump's administration, told Newsmax's "The Count." "People do age and have some declines, but this is beyond that."

He added that several members of Congress are Biden's age or older, but are "perfectly intact in terms of their cognition."

"It makes an argument for doing a complete examination on people once they reach a certain age, including cognitive function tests," Carson added. "They're relatively easy to do, and any normal adult should be able to pass them."

But the "fact that they don't want to do one" and won't release results "tells you pretty much all you need to know here," he said. 

Carson continued that when there is no proper leadership in the United States, that leads to "bad actors starting to act badly, and that's a problem."

He added that Democrats know what's happening, "but they would rather have the power than to do what's right."

And as president, Biden, who "has access to the button and nuclear weapons and a whole host of things that are less detrimental than those things, you would want somebody who is at the top of their mental function, not somebody who is questionable," said Carson. 

That poses a "great danger to us," he added. "It's a great danger to the world. At some point, I hope that people who can do something about this will stop and just take a breath and say, look, what works for us as a country, not what works for us as a party or as a wing of a party, but what works for us in the country, can just for one moment, stop and think about the rest of the country."

President Biden Insists US Recession Is Not Inevitable — Treasury Secretary  Yellen Concurs – Bitcoin News 
Bailey: What you see in the photo above is what the people of the world see, two senile old people that represent America's best. Biden and Yellen are suppose to be our cream of the crop, do you think they really make us look strong to the rest of the world?

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