Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Actor James Woods Scuffles With JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon on X in His Usual Amusing Way

If you are on X (The Platform Formally Known as Twitter), I'm pretty sure you might find actor James Woods one of the more enjoyable followers on the site, should you decide to follow him. 

We sure do love him here at RedState. Mostly because he says things that most of us can't get away with, being we are not super rich from a long, successful acting career.

Here is one example of a story that was done here at RedState by my colleague Mike Miller which was called 'Unrelenting Assault': James Woods Blisters Establishment's Plan to Take Down Trump

From that post.

When Twitter boss James Woods tweets, people pay attention; both those who’ve tried to silence the conservative Hollywood actor and those who applaud his courage to say it like it is— to say what he means and mean what he says. On Sunday, Woods took it to the paint — hard.

The actor launched a tweet attack against “both sides of the uniparty” and its plan to destroy Donald Trump‘s 2024 presidential campaign — or worse — showing yet again that when Woods unleashes his fury, he believes his targets deserve every word of it — and perhaps far more.

Woods fired off a long single tweet in which he absolutely nailed the effort to effectively destroy Trump; let’s break it down.

Miller continued to highlight Woods tearing down of the uni-party trying to coordinate to damage Donald Trump's 2024 Presidential campaign and I suggest you click on his post to read all the comments Woods landed during that thread.

However, in this X post I'm covering, Woods was a bit more serious about what he was talking about which I read about right here

Famous actor James Woods stuck it to JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon by telling him he better “come in heavy” in a tweet issued September 19.

Critics have slammed Dimon for his suggestion that the U.S. Government and climate-conscious corporations should seize citizen-owned property to enact climate initiatives. In his annual letter to shareholders, the JP Morgan CEO demonstrated his willingness to push this elitist agenda. However, Woods simply isn’t having it.

“You better come in heavy, champ,” Woods publicly taunted Dimon in a tweet.

Amazing that Dimon is the head of such a prestigious firm with that bedside manner.

Here is part of Dimon's screed that is just full of fun and shows what a super serious guy he is and a Captain Planet type that would make Ted Turner proud.

“At the same time, permitting reforms are desperately needed to allow investment to be done in any kind of timely way. We may even need to evoke eminent domain — we simply are not getting the adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives,”

When Dimon says "we" does he have a mouse in his pocket or is he cheering on the government to do all the dirty work? Scratch that, of course, he means for the government to do it.

There is one thing I noticed here and it shows in my opinion how slick these SOBs are in regard to these projects. This notice mainly focuses on renewable energy but notice this line "We simply are not getting the adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives...”


You can't send solar or wind power through Pipelines unless I have missed a recent innovation in the technology.  So, Dimon is more than willing to diversify and grab land for pipelines also, with his call for the government to get involved with eminent domain. Pipelines take up much less land than windmill farms or solar panel land areas so what gives? 

I'm just going to have to imagine that was a slip of the tongue being that he is paying lip service to wind and solar because it is the left and progressive platform for solving all the world's problems. As I pointed out in my last article electric vehicles will help to put a lot of union members from the United Auto Workers out of work but it is super clean, titled The UAW Should Be Striking the Biden Administration Over the Push to End Auto Jobs

From said article:

President Joe Biden praised General Motors chief executive Mary Barra at a 2022 event, saying "we owe you big" for pushing the auto industry towards all-electric production over the next decade. The president’s kind words for Barra, and their decision to team up to back a transition to electric vehicles, could come back to haunt both parties amid a historic United Auto Workers strike.

The 150,000-member union has singled out Barra as an example of corporate greed at the "Big Three" automakers, a group that also includes Ford and Stellantis. UAW, which launched a strike at four auto plants last week, took a shot at Barra over her industry-leading $29 million annual salary. UAW president Shawn Fain declared "war" on the Big Three last month, citing the $200 million Barra has raked in over the past decade. The union wants a hefty increase to salaries and benefits for its members, along with assurances that jobs will be protected during the transition to EV production.

That dramatic shift will likely come at a steep cost in terms of auto industry jobs, and the transition to electric vehicles is at the center of the auto workers' complaints. According to one estimate, the transition to EV production will come at the cost of 117,000 auto jobs.

Neat plan huh?

So knock you out of a job and take your land all in the name of progress.

Thankfully we have folks out there like James Woods who does not give a flying you know what and is willing to call out these folks no matter what their status is. 

In Woods's case, he makes his points in an incredibly amusing way which is fun to watch and infuriating for the lefties who want to grab land for whatever project of the month they have on their calendar.

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