Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Biden's Hypocritical Mask Theater Is Back—Says One Thing, Does the Opposite

As we reported Monday, First Lady Jill Biden tested positive for COVID, but President Joe Biden tested negative. In the wake of her diagnosis, he has decided to mask up in indoor settings and practice social distancing—according to the White House, at least.

But that resolution didn’t even make it through the day, as Biden showed up at a medal ceremony for a Vietnam vet, walked in with a mask, almost immediately pulled it off, got up close and personal with the 81-year-old veteran, then walked through a crowd of people—bare-faced.

Doesn't look like social distancing to me (although he did inexplicably fly the coop before the ceremony was even finished):

READ: Biden Leaves Everyone Confused as He Walks Out in the Middle of a Medal of Honor Ceremony

I can understand Biden’s reluctance to wear a mask; I personally despise them. Also, a major February study from the Cochrane Library—which is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)—showed that wearing a mask was effectively useless in stopping the virus, so why would anyone want to? Not to mention that then-White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said in December 2022, "There is no study in the world that shows that masks work that well." 

READFauci Won't Go Away, Pushes Masks Despite Major Study Showing They're Ineffective

However, this is what WH Press Secretary Karine-Jean Pierre had to say at the press briefing Tuesday:

President Biden tested negative last night for COVID-19 and tested negative again today. He’s not experiencing any symptoms.

As far as the steps that he is taking: Since the President was with the First Lady yesterday, he will be masking while indoors and around people in alignment with CDC guidance. And as — as has been the practice in the past, the President will remove his mask when sufficiently distanced from others indoors and while outside as well.

Guess that didn’t work out so well. Watch:

She continued:

The CDC guidelines recommend a combination of masking, testing, and monitoring for symptoms. The President is doing all of that in con- — in close consultation with his physician.

There are currently no updates to the White House COVID-19 protocols. We continue to work closely with public health and medical professionals to monitor the virus. We’re in our strongest position yet to fight COVID-19 and the viruses responsible for majority of fall and winter hospitalizations.

I thought Joe said he would have gotten rid of the virus by now?

It’s moments like these that have made so many Americans distrustful of health authorities; they say one thing but do another. The hypocrisy is off the charts. Remember California Gov. Newsom and the “French Laundry”?

The First Lady's communication office released a statement last year when she got COVID that she'd been double-vaccinated and twice boosted. And yet, here she has it again.

Katie Pavlich, editor of our sister site Townhall, had this to say about the renewed obsession with masks:

COVID cases have ticked up slightly across the country, but if you've been watching CNN or reading the New York Times, you wouldn't know that "in 96% of the country, COVID hospitalizations are considered low, according to the CDC."

Unfortunately, it appears that mask madness will soon be back in vogue, and we'll be seeing people driving around alone in their cars and with multiple coverings, hoping to stop themselves from giving themselves COVID. 

I don't miss those days.

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