Friday, September 15, 2023

Former Neil Gorsuch Law Clerk: 'Don't Be Fooled' By These Hunter Biden Indictments

Mike Davis on Reining in Big Tech With Existing Law and How Trump Got 220  Judges Confirmed | EpochTV

 Mike Davis

As Spencer wrote on Thursday, the looming gun charges that were part of that aborted sweetheart plea deal for Hunter returned in the form of new indictments, courtesy of Special Counsel David Weiss. Don’t be fooled. Hunter isn’t going to face any legal reckoning or jail time. It’s another legal shield supplied by Weiss, who’s been talking out of both sides of his mouth throughout this fiasco. Yes, he tried to charge Hunter, but he also allowed some of the more serious tax violations to atrophy, thanks to the statute of limitations. He was a driving force behind the original sweetheart deal that got wrecked after the testimony of IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler.

There’s now an odd narrative that Weiss told Shapley and Ziegler in a meeting that he was not the deciding authority on charging the president’s son. The FBI came in and provided supposed corroborating testimony from FBI Agent Thomas Sobocinski, who was also reportedly at this gathering. It prompted Shapley to provide more notes, blowing up this counternarrative that Weiss wasn’t the guy who could pull the legal trigger. But Mike Davis, a former law clerk for Justice Neil Gorsuch, had a lengthy tweet about how Weiss’ indictments provide another roadblock in holding the Biden family accountable: 

Don’t be fooled. 

Today's indictment of Hunter Biden for gun felonies is just more coverup by Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who has protected the Bidens for years. 


President Biden knows he cannot pardon Hunter right now. That would lead to politically and legally disastrous consequences before November 5, 2024. If pardoned, Hunter can no longer plead the Fifth Amendment--and refuse to testify before Congress. Hunter’s Fifth Amendment protections also disappear if Weiss gives Hunter a plea agreement with a prosecution waiver or some other immunity deal that shields him from criminal charges. 

Weiss's charges today continue his deceptive pattern--for years--of protecting Hunter. More troubling, Weiss is protecting President Biden. Indeed, where are Hunter’s charges related to foreign corruption, acting as an unregistered foreign agent, tax evasion, wire fraud, and other criminal charges that could implicate President Biden? 

President Biden and Weiss will rescue Hunter after the 2024 election. Weiss will give Hunter another sweetheart deal. President Biden will pardon Hunter—and maybe even himself. Hunter will not spend a day in jail. 

Most troubling, there are credible allegations--with corroborating evidence--the President of the United States may be compromised by foreign bribes and other corruption. 

The Biden Justice Department will now point to Hunter's indictment, pretend there's an ongoing investigation and prosecution, and refuse to produce any records to--or answer any questions from--Congress, the press, or the public. 

The House may consider granting Hunter immunity now. The Biden Justice Department will never seriously prosecute Hunter anyway. The House should force Hunter to testify. 

And many pointed out how Weiss’ special counsel appointment was another way to hamstring congressional Republicans on House Oversight from investigating the Biden allegations. House GOP can no longer ask for Weiss’ testimony, so impeachment might be the only way to obtain and fully analyze all the evidence. Someone offered this designation in a federal investigation is usually outside the current system; Weiss is not. It looked like a political stunt, a delay tactic. Now, it looks like the Left has successfully played their institutional game perfectly to rig the game.


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