Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Mayhem in America the New Normal Under Dems—Parolee Murders Young Tech Exec, Mobs Ransack Philly

It started with the George Floyd riots in the summer of 2020 when mobs took to the streets of America to loot, destroy, and kill with the tacit approval of the Democrat elite. Since-disgraced CNN anchor Chris Cuomo argued that sometimes such behavior was justified, while Vice President Kamala Harris endorsed bail funds to support rioters.

You could argue that it goes back to the LA riots of '92 or the Detroit riots in the late '60s, but at least in those days, it was generally acknowledged that such behavior shouldn’t be tolerated. Now you could argue that it’s encouraged.

Two more horrible stories emerged Tuesday night to underscore the decline of the United States. In one, a young tech executive with a bright future was brutally murdered in Baltimore by a violent convict on parole. In the second, massive mobs took to the streets of Philadelphia to destroy the already embattled stores of companies like Target. 

What have we come to?

As my colleague Brandon Morse reported, people—mostly men—have taken on a new fascination with the Roman Empire. Why? Because many feel like we’re living through the very end of a once-great civilization, and for the same reasons. We've forgotten what made us exceptional, we've thrown standards out the window, and we’ve fallen into a cesspool of immorality and depravity.

At the end of August, I reported on the spate of mob violence in malls across the country, but especially in California:

This Is What Happens When There Are No Consequences—Mall Brawls Break out Across America

Tuesday night, it happened again, this time in Philadelphia. As my colleague Matt Funicello reported, mass looting broke out in the City of Brotherly Love and the police seemed powerless to stop it.

Meanwhile, in the deep blue city of Baltimore, 26-year-old rising tech executive Pava LaPere was brutally murdered in her apartment, and the suspect is 32-year-old Jason Billingsley who, wait for it… has a long history of sexual violence yet was let out early on parole. How many times do we have to hear this same story before people get the message? 

The prime suspect in the brutal murder of Baltimore tech CEO Pava LaPere may have struck days earlier in a knifepoint sex assault and arson attack that left two people fighting for their lives, can exclusively reveal.

Police issued an arrest warrant for Jason Billingsley on Tuesday afternoon along with a stark warning to the public that the convicted sex offender, 32, has a history of rape and violence.

Billingsley faces charges of first-degree murder, assault and reckless endangerment in the killing of 26-year-old LaPere, a rising star in tech who made the prestigious Forbes '30 Under 30' list.

You're called anti-Semitic if you point out that leftist billionaire George Soros has anything to do with the lawlessness that our country has become synonymous with, but once again, his fingerprints are all over it:

The 6ft 4, 305lbs suspect had been jailed for 30 years in 2015, was set free by progressive, George Soros-backed District Attorney Marilyn Mosby in October 2022 - just seven years into his sentence. It is unclear why he was released so swiftly.

LaPere was found dead on Monday morning at her Baltimore apartment with blunt force injuries that one veteran officer described to as 'absolutely brutal – some of the worst I've seen.'

READ: Unrepentant: George Soros Vows to Continue Backing Woke Prosecutors Despite the Lives They’ve Ruined

Think this guy should have been roaming the streets of Baltimore? Think again:

Billingsley has a lengthy criminal record dating back to 2009, according to court records. He's still on the loose as police continue a massive manhunt.

He was sentenced to 30 years in prison on February 4, 2015, after being convicted of a 1st-degree forcible sex offense, but was in custody beginning on July 11, 2013, on that charge. He received 16 years of suspended time and five years of parole but was released from prison in October 2022 under the previous administration of State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby.

Officials on Tuesday didn't elaborate on why Billingsley was released, Mayor Brandon Scott said, "There's no way in hell he should have been out on the street."

Some people think that writing about true crime is a lurid pastime to inflame people and get clicks. They prefer you'd just stick your head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend things aren't happening.

They're wrong. I write about it for two reasons: 1) To show how leftist DAs, soft-on-crime laws pushed by Democrats, the war on police, and disregard for actual victims are destroying our country, and 2) to remember those wronged, who are often forgotten lost in the political back and forth. 

In the Baltimore case, the young woman whose life was snuffed out seems like she was a wonderful contributor to a decent society:

“Pava was not only the visionary force behind EcoMap but was also a deeply compassionate and dedicated leader. Her untiring commitment to our company, to Baltimore, to amplifying the critical work of ecosystems across the country, and to building a deeply inclusive culture as a leader, friend, and partner set a standard for leadership, and her legacy will live on through the work we continue to do,” it said in a statement, according to CBS News Baltimore.

Sadly, there will be others like her until the woke Democrat zealots and their entire worldview are voted out of office. I just pray that next time it’s not my daughter, it's not your daughter, it's not anybody’s… but it will likely be somebody’s as this perverse catering to criminals and lawlessness continues on unabated in our country.

Bailey:  George Floyd was a known druggy and criminal who was made into a hero by stupid lazy democrats that want everything for free.

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