Friday, September 1, 2023

New Emails Explain Why Burisma Offered Hunter Biden That Cushy Board Seat

Hunter Biden’s laptop is a treasure trove of potentially felonious activity. It’s a roadmap into the entire Biden operation concerning shady deals with corrupt oligarchs whose monies were funneled into shell companies owned by the family. These proceeds soared into the millions of dollars, which explains the over 170 suspicious activity reports from six banks regarding the family’s financial transactions. Joe Biden’s son raked in $20 million from these people—he still didn’t know what was going on? Any parent would know, and Hunter isn’t one to keep his mouth shut about his lucrative exploits. His ego wouldn’t allow it. 

We have tax and gun charges, which Hunter’s lawyers thought would be settled through a sweetheart plea deal before a judge with common sense tossed it, especially over the secret immunity clause buried in its pages. But there’s also the Foreign Agents Registration Act aspect of this tale, which Hunter knew could be an issue when he and his former associate, Devon Archer, were given cushy positions at Burisma. 

This position was on top of the $10 million bribe the company reportedly paid Joe and Hunter to provide access and legal protection, the latter of which was honored through the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma for corruption at then-Vice President Joe Biden’s order. Joe boasted about how he threatened to withhold aid until this was done. 

New emails show how chummy Hunter’s relationship was with Obama’s State Department, which garnered further attention when the president’s son met with then-Secretary of State John Kerry weeks before the Shokin firing (via Fox News): 

Hunter Biden has been tied to multiple officials from the Obama-Biden administration, but an email from the chief of staff of the top State Department official reveals how close Hunter was with the upper echelons of power in the administration. 

Less than six months before Hunter and his longtime business partner, Devon Archer, became board members at the Burisma energy company in Ukraine, email correspondence reviewed by Fox News Digital shows that a top aide to then-Secretary of State John Kerry was telling some of his fellow State Department officials Kerry and Hunter had a close friendship and that Hunter asked Kerry to speak to his Georgetown University grad students March 18, 2014. 

In an email from the fall of 2013, David Wade wrote to John R. Bass and Jonathan Finer about the possibility of Kerry meeting with Hunter and his students at "HST," which is the State Department's Harry S. Truman headquarters. 


The revelation of the email comes as Hunter continues to face questions from federal investigators about potential violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) when his dad was vice president and in the years following the Obama administration. Throughout the Obama administration, Hunter was involved in multiple foreign business dealings and will likely face questions about whether he requested favors on behalf of foreign principals during communications with government officials. 

Congress enacted FARA to minimize the impact of foreign propaganda in the United States. It requires "certain agents of foreign principals who are engaged in political activities or other activities specified under the statute" to update the Justice Department on their activities periodically. They must also provide receipts and disbursements regarding the work. 


Kerry isn't the only top official Hunter met with or had ties to during the Obama-Biden administration. In July 2015, Hunter met with Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken at his State Department office after they appeared to have rescheduled their meeting from May 2015 due to the death of Hunter's brother, Beau. 


Hunter and his business partner, Eric Schwerin, also frequently kept in contact with Evan Ryan, who is married to current Secretary of State Antony Blinken. She worked in the Obama White House and State Department and frequently emailed with Hunter and Schwerin about attending White House events and keeping Hunter updated on his dad's schedule. She currently works in the Biden White House. 

Schwerin also reportedly handled Hunter’s financial situation, according to his ex-wife. These correspondences and the network in which they were shared is the larger point: it shows why Burisma and others paid Hunter and his firm millions of dollars. The access was there; it was not the illusion of access. The dollar amount already shattered that Democratic Party counterpoint. The emails with Blinken, Kerry, and others delivered a double tap to its forehead.



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