Saturday, September 2, 2023

Washington Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story

They are wrong about everything. The Russian collusion hoax remains in the hall of fame regarding institutional failures. The story never gained traction because there was no solid evidence. Every ‘bombshell’ died days after being outright debunked or was more than light on corroborating documentation. It soon took a life of its own as anti-Trump liberals became engulfed in conspiratorial paranoia. No one has ever been fired or apologized for perpetuating this journalistic fraud on the masses, a fake news story that’s believed by the core of liberal America. But given liberals’ penchant for self-righteousness and insufferable condescension, it’s not shocking that we’ll never get an apology. 

But the Hunter Biden story is another journalistic disaster, as most establishment outlets took the Russian disinformation lie peddled by former spooks in the waning days of the 2020 election as fact. There was no scrutiny regarding the infamous laptop that belonged to the president’s son. The anti-Trump intelligence community would never lie until some admitted to being untruthful to prevent Trump’s re-election. Unlike the Russian collusion hoax, there is corroborating testimony from Hunter Biden’s former associates, bank records, suspicious activity reports, emails, and IRS whistleblower testimony showing pervasive Department of Justice interference in investigations involving Hunter Biden; Joe was using the DOJ as his private police force. 

So, given another instance where the media was comically incorrect, the liberal media cannot take it, as evidenced by The Washington Post’s Philip Bump’s Philip Bump - The Washington Postmeltdown during an interview on Noam Dworman’s podcast when pressed about the Hunter Biden story. Like a good liberal, Bump opted to insult those who disagreed with him and flee into the night like a scared wombat. 

They can’t admit that they’re wrong because they’re too arrogant and dismiss those who were correct about this story because they view them as inferior. And that is why the media is hated and will never learn from their mistakes. Jonathan Turley, a law professor, elaborated on this tantrum, mentioning the stories that Mr. Bump peddled, which were falsehoods. That, too, was not well received, with The Washington Post responding that they stand by their reporter’s inaccurate stories (via Jonathan Turley):

Dworman’s podcast interview stands as one of the most revealing and vivid examples of how the media has changed in the age of rage.  Bump moves quickly from the conversational to crazed when simply asked about the basis for his claims in the Washington Post. 

Dworman was asking about the mounting evidence and contradictions in the Biden corruption scandal. Some of us have said that there is evidence of obvious corruption and influence peddling, but more investigation is needed to establish any basis for impeachment or criminal charges involving President Biden.  Bump, however, will have none of it. The Post writer (who demanded investigations of a wide array of Republicans on false stories with little evidence) is vehement that there is nothing to see here . . . and the public just has to take his word for it. 

Dworman remains polite and pushes Bump to simply engage him in explaining some of the countervailing evidence. Bump responds “I just I’m gonna lose my mind. I’m gonna lose my mind.” 

As the interview shuts down, Dworman asks “is there nothing we can talk about … half the country believes this stuff.” 

Bump: “I know, because half the country doesn’t actually dig into the issues.” 

Dworman: “Here’s your chance to disabuse people. They don’t read the Washington Post.” 

Bump will have nothing of it as Dworman continues to try to get him to explain his controversial writings: “There’s just no point, because all you want to do is you want to have me here as the putative expert so that you can present me with things that have been debunked multiple times that I’ve written about.” 

Dworman: “What’s been debunked?” 

Bump: “These, these claims. I’ve written about this, this argument about his dad calling him. I’ve written about this. Did you read what I wrote?” 

Dworman: “It’s not debunked. Neither of us were there.” 

Bump: “Well, I debunked it in the standpoint that I’ve already addressed this and presented the counterarguments to it.” 

Of course, Bump has been repeatedly shown to have pushed false claims and then refused to admit to his errors. Moreover, he has repeatedly been criticized for not honestly presenting the counterarguments. 

Dworman makes another valiant effort: “I have two issues here. One is Joe Biden’s behavior and one is the issue of the press. The press actually bothers me more than Joe Biden.” 

Bump, however, has all but left the building: “Because you don’t listen to the press. I’m sitting here and I’m telling you, you’re wrong about these things, and you don’t listen, and you continue to insist upon things that are, you know, parsing of language. And it’s just, it’s this is why I keep saying it’s silly.” He then says that he is leaving. 

Dworman responded “Well, it’s a shame because this is a good conversation.” 

Bump: “It’s not a good conversation, because you refuse to listen to what I’m saying to you. You asked me on to present evidence. I keep telling you.” 

However, what he “keeps telling” Dworman and the public is to just accept his conclusions and not question his support and analysis.

Bump then walks out with a statement that captures perfectly the new media. He first attacks independent journalist Matt Taibbi and says that he has “an agenda.” 

Dworman delivers a haymaker in response and states “You have no agenda.” 

They’re not special, and their power has been greatly diminished, thanks to Trump breaking their minds, leading to sloppy reporting. For example, these folks have destroyed the ‘fact check’ beat. We no longer need to listen to them; they can’t stand it. They can’t stand that independent journalists and conservative media have checkmated them on two of the biggest political stories over the past decade.

To quote liberals' favorite retort, Mr. Bump, “do better.”


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