Friday, December 22, 2023

Academic Who Was Plagiarized by Harvard Prez: 'Fire Claudine Gay Posthaste,' Move 'Back Towards Sanity'

It's been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad month for Claudine Gay. First, the Harvard University president and the presidents of MIT and UPenn humiliated themselves and exposed the sickness infecting so many American campuses by saying antisemitism and the calls to eliminate the Jewish people needed to be taken in "context."

Then she was rocked by a plagiarism scandal which the university tried to make go away but only continued to get worse as people discovered ever more examples of word stealing.

Even CNN questioned how she still holds the position, so you know it's bad.

Thursday didn't go any better for Gay as one of the academics she plagiarized, political science professor Dr. Carol Swain, formerly of Vanderbilt University, unloaded (again) on Gay and demanded she be shown the door:

I have some free unsolicited advice for Harvard University.

1. Stop listening to the apologists for plagiarism.
2. Fire Claudine Gay posthaste. She can be relieved of duties until the terms are negotiated.
3. Stop listening to the racist mob of whites and blacks who cry racism…

— Dr. Carol M. Swain (@carolmswain) December 21, 2023

But she didn't just call for the university head's dismissal, oh no. She had lots more suggestions for how they should handle the controversies, including that the school must apologize to students, alumni, parents and donors.

  1. Stop listening to the apologists for plagiarism. 
  2. Fire Claudine Gay posthaste. She can be relieved of duties until the terms are negotiated.
  3. Stop listening to the racist mob of whites and blacks who cry racism while being among the worst offenders. 
  4. Hire the best man or woman who can steer the university back towards sanity. Appeasing the Marxist identity politics mob should not be a consideration. The person for the job might be a middle to older age white Jewish man who believes in classical liberalism. 
  5. Have a sit down conversation with the people who have been harmed by the plagiarism of Gay and the system that protects her. 
  6. Recognize that Harvard’s systematic racism and classism have far reaching effects. 
  7. Apologize to alumni, students, parents, and donors who have been harmed and embarrassed. 

My guess is there won't be much of an apology from the university. Meanwhile, the most powerful recommendation to me is number three, "Stop listening to the racist mob of whites and blacks who cry racism while being among the worst offenders." It takes bravery to say something like that in today's environment.  

She has been unafraid to call out the issue of race in the past and wrote an op-ed Sunday where she said, "Harvard can’t condemn Ms. Gay because she is the product of an elite system that holds minorities of high pedigree to a lower standard."

Carol Swain Explains Why Claudine Gay Will Face No Consequences for Plagiarism, and It's Not Surprising VIP

Swain even hinted at possible legal action against the Ivy League school:

I am weighing my options.

— Dr. Carol M. Swain (@carolmswain) December 21, 2023

Harvard is paying the price as donors balk at giving their money to a school whose values are so skewed and as students are less interested in attending because some worry about their safety.

Harvard Early Admissions Applications Plunge 17 Percent

Israeli Billionaire Quits Harvard Board Over Student Statement That Blamed Israel for Hamas Attacks

I talked about the admissions issue Tuesday with radio host Mike Ferguson of NewsTalkSTL and noted that some students who have already been accepted are even rethinking their desire to attend:

— Bob Hoge (@Bob_Hoge_CA) December 19, 2023

Harvard will survive this -- their $53 billion endowment will see to that -- but the hit to their credibility has been real. By allowing virulent antisemitism to fester on the quad unpunished and by continuing to stand by a university president who is the subject of serious plagiarism allegations that have been confirmed by numerous news outlets and investigators, they've proven their priority is not education and knowledge -- it's progressivism at any cost.


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