Friday, December 15, 2023

So, That's What Happened to One of the DOJ Officials Who Allegedly Interfered in Hunter Biden's Case

Hunter Biden being a wimp and refusing to sit down for a closed-door deposition was foreseeable. It would be an endless stream of ‘I take the fifth’ on the transcripts. No way was this man going to spill his guts and corroborate every shady tax form and write-off that led to his recent nine-count indictment, which, again, was bound to happen when the sweetheart plea agreement imploded. 

That deal evaporated when IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Zeigler alleged pervasive interference in their investigations from the Biden Justice Department. The Democrats’ inability to neutralize or debunk their testimony led to Hunter’s plea deal dying in real-time last summer. Luckily, a judge saw through this ridiculous agreement, which included blanket immunity, and trashed it. Now, with the Hunter Biden legal circus becoming another side story for the 2024 election, and a lengthy one, the DOJ officials who allegedly interfered in these cases are quietly leading the Department of Justice (via NY Post): 

A federal prosecutor who allegedly interfered in the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden to protect both President Biden and his son recently left the Justice Department, The Post has learned. 

Former Delaware assistant US attorney Lesley Wolf’s quiet departure emerged as she appeared for a deposition with the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday morning — following the Wednesday night House vote to formally authorize the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden over his role in his son and brother’s foreign business dealings. 

Wolf’s starring role in the alleged Justice Department coverup of the criminal investigation of alleged tax fraud and foreign-lobbying violations is a significant part of the impeachment inquiry — with whistleblowers saying that she discouraged asking witnesses questions “about the big guy” or “dad,” referring to Joe Biden, claiming there was “no specific criminality to that line of questioning.” 

Two IRS agents who worked on the criminal investigation, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, alleged in prior testimony to House committees that Wolf tipped off Hunter Biden’s lawyers to investigative steps and forbade inquiries into Joe Biden, even when communications mentioned him. 

Wolf allegedly instructed FBI agents in August 2020 to remove references to Joe Biden from a search warrant affidavit, writing, “someone needs to redraft [the affidavit]… There should be nothing about Political Figure 1 in here,” according to an email released by the Ways & Means Committee.


Are the cockroaches starting to scatter? Did Ms. Wolf take advantage of the lull in the case to bolt from the DOJ? If that ever happens, the trial isn’t expected to begin until sometime next year, but we all know the ending here. It’ll be like what happened to those who doctored evidence to secure illegal FISA warrants against former Trump officials during the Russian collusion fiasco. No one who played a significant role in keeping that hoax alive ever went to jail for this political operation. Expect the same here, folks.

In Aug 2020, Lesley Wolf--being interviewed today in Congress--warned FBI and IRS agents to cover-up references to “Political figure 1” in a search warrant, presumably involving Hunter Biden. As Catherine shows below, there’s no question who “Political figure 1” was.

— David Asman (@DavidAsmanfox) December 14, 2023


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