Saturday, December 16, 2023

WATCH: Sen. Kennedy Explains As Only He Can Why Biden's Numbers Dropping to 'Ocean Floor' Level

Fox just broadcasted a new report on thousands of people flooding to the border by train. We already knew that there were record numbers of people flooding in. 

"OVERWHELMED": New video shows thousands of illegal aliens waiting for trains to the US:@GriffJenkins: “Those migrants right there, tens of thousands, waiting to get on trains already full should be here later tonight into tomorrow."

— Conservative War Machine (@WarMachineRR) December 14, 2023

It's crazy, and it's only been getting worse under Biden, with them doing nothing to stop it. As my colleague Becca Lower wrote earlier, Arizona Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs got tired of waiting around for the federal government to do one of its main jobs--secure the Southern border--and put out an executive order Friday to place National Guard troops there.

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) was a guest on Fox, and they asked him what he thought about the images of thousands coming by train, heading to the U.S. to illegally cross our border.

"President Biden is in political trouble.

His poll numbers are practically on the ocean floor.

70% of the American people think his first car was a chariot.

At times, his VP talks like she’s from outer space.”

— John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) December 15, 2023

"Here's what's going on, and you don't have to be Euclid to figure it out," Kennedy said. 

"President Biden is in political trouble.  His poll numbers are practically on the ocean floor.  Seventy percent of the American people think his first car was a chariot.  At times, at times, his VP talks like she’s from outer space.” 

Part of the reason they are in trouble is because of the border, Kennedy explained. "It's wide open." 

It's pretty easily fixed, Kennedy said, "Just stop people from coming in." 

So, why wouldn't Joe Biden do that? "Because he is a captive of the loon wing of the Democratic Party." 

Unfortunately, Kennedy said, many members of the White House staff make policy with their "pumpkin spice lattes and man purses," and believe in open borders. He said Biden sent Congress a national security bill, and they responded that they aren't going to go along with it until he secures the border. 

Biden said, "Surely, you're not serious." Republicans said, "Don't call me, Shirley, and we are serious." Kennedy said when Biden even indicated that he might have to do something, the "loon wing" was "beating him up like he stole Christmas." 

But we're not going to get a deal done until Joe Biden agrees that "we're got to secure the border," Kennedy concluded. 

The border is one of the main issues that is going to sink Biden, along with his incoherence, bad policies, and the economy.

It is a simple question, but the bottom line is Joe Biden doesn't want to address it. He only may want people to think he's addressing it before the election. But people have his number--and that's why his approval is so low, as Kennedy so eloquently expressed it—just 33 percent approval, with 64 percent disapproval. 

Biden's approval rating — just 33% — has "plunged to the lowest since he has taken office," according to a new poll.

Less than a quarter of Americans say they're "confident Biden can unite our country."

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 15, 2023

Talk about being in deep trouble. Kennedy hit it right on the head. 


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