Tuesday, December 19, 2023

WATCH: Top Democrat Pollster Shuts Down CNN's 'Grumpy' Jim Acosta Spinning the Joe Biden Economy

As RedState reported earlier, there is Democrat panic on Capitol Hill as Joe Biden's polling numbers continue to sink so badly that some Democrats fear they don't stand a chance in 2024 with him on the ticket.

At the top of the list of voter concerns are the economy, jobs, inflation, and the cost of living, and three years into the Biden-Harris administration has left them feeling worse off, not better off than they were at the start of it.

Naturally, all of this news has miffed some of Biden's more strident apologists in the mainstream press, including CNN's Jim Acosta, who during an "Inside Politics" interview surprisingly was told to "get out of the bubble" by top Democrat pollster Stanley Greenberg who was not buying Acosta's spin on the issue of "grumpy" voter thoughts about their financial situation.

Here's how the segment went down:

Acosta: "The question I have though is inflation is cooling. I mean, if you look at gas prices, they’re going down. They’re around three bucks a gallon in the Washington, D.C. area, Maryland or Virginia.  I suspect it fluctuates depending on where you are around the country, but generally coming down. People aren’t feeling that enough just yet."

Greenberg: "It’s a bubble. It’s a bubble. Look, what I have discovered in doing my polling in Europe and the UK and here, what matters is how many months people have been struggling to deal with inflation. And each month they get madder and madder about it as long as their wages are trailing prices. And..."

Acosta: "They’re grumpy right now."

Greenberg: "They’re still three... Look. Get out of the bubble. It’s three percent higher than it was when Biden came in. In the last six months there has been a decline in disposable income. So, the context is you have to start there. Inflation is like 30 points higher than the next problem.

And you can’t, you know, what the President is currently doing is his tweets always start with ‘we’re making progress’ and then he mentions prices. If you look at it as aimed at black voters, it’s mainly trying to them they’re doing a good job. But that’s not where they are. They are losing ground every month and angry about it. But you have to stop, you have to say what's the main problem? How do you deal with the first problem which is inflation and the cost of living?"


It's Jim Acosta, not voters, who is grumpy here and that has everything to do with the fact that he can't even get away with sugarcoating the reality of Joe Biden's polling woes in front of someone who he presumably thought would be a like-minded guest.

Though voters aren't "grumpy," they are understandably very angry, and that is reflected in the polling numbers less than a year out from Election Day 2024. Facts first and all that, Mr. Acosta.

Flashback: Are You Okay? CNN's Jim Acosta Clearly Can't Let Go of Trump, and People Have Thoughts


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