Thursday, May 30, 2024

What the Biden Campaign Doesn't Want You to Know About His Philly Audience

Biden speaks to half-empty room at CNN town hall

As I reported earlier, Joe Biden went to Philadelphia on Wednesday to try to make another pitch to black voters to stop fleeing and vote for him and Kamala Harris. 

It was a problematic address at Girard College, with Biden going into full on pandering, race-baiting mode and lying his head off about former President Donald Trump. You could tell how concerned he is about Trump getting black voters and his chances in Pennsylvania by this visit. 

He tried to tell the audience that it was former President Donald Trump who was pandering because he was so worried about the crowds that Trump was able to get into places like New Jersey and the South Bronx, traditionally Democratic strongholds. 

READ MORE:   Biden Remarks in Philly Are a Slurring Race-Baiting Mess, With Mind-Bending Brain Breaks

I touched on this a little bit in my earlier story, but there was something else besides his insane remarks -- it was what they did to try to make his small crowd look bigger. But first, let's look at what they would like you to believe, courtesy of their hacks/surrogates. 


Sounds like a lot of people are there, right? But then when you look at the audience, not so much. 

But then look at the number of people who were actually there according to Steven Nelson, one of the few honest reporters, who writes for the NY Post. 

In his photos, you can see the people are all in the front of the gym, only about half of it is full and there's a big press bandstand, then a whole press area with tables. The second photo on the top right shows most of the people although there may be a little more on the left that are not shown. I'll leave it to you to assess how many people there were, but it wasn't a lot. Certainly not "packed" or "huge." Trump has more people waiting for him hours before his events start. 

In other words, as the GOP noted, Joe Biden couldn't even fill up a school gym in Democrat-run Philadelphia. 

But they're trying to take tight shots and shoving everyone into a small area to make it appear like there are more people there. 

Now those are pretty sad tactics. 

It just reemphasizes the problem that Biden has with voters. 

But we've noted his problem in the past with drawing people out, for example, at a New Hampshire event he had. 

He can't hide how unpopular he is, even in deep blue areas, if this is all the people he can get out. 


Sign of Trouble in the Blue States? Biden Gets Mocked Over Sparsely Attended Event


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