Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Biden Announces 'Mass Amnesty' for Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants

President Biden on Tuesday announced a new policy that would protect illegal immigrant spouses and children of U.S. citizens from being deported. 

The Department of Homeland Security will implement the new policy, which will help these individuals in the country illegally apply for lawful permanent residence without having to leave the U.S. 

“In order to be eligible, noncitizens must – as of June 17, 2024 – have resided in the United States for 10 or more years and be legally married to a U.S. citizen, while satisfying all applicable legal requirements,” the White House explained. “On average, those who are eligible for this process have resided in the U.S. for 23 years.

“Those who are approved after DHS’s case-by-case assessment of their application will be afforded a three-year period to apply for permanent residency,” the statement continued. “They will be allowed to remain with their families in the United States and be eligible for work authorization for up to three years. This will apply to all married couples who are eligible.”

The move will protect about half a million noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens and 50,000 noncitizen children under the age of 21 whose parent is married to a U.S. citizen. 

The White House claimed the move to “promote family unity” will “strengthen our economy.” 

Those on the right blasted the move. 

This Biden executive order will need to be reversed.

And any illegal alien registering to vote must be punished with deportation.

We have rules. People are waiting in line. https://t.co/N1ObvdSBJa

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) June 18, 2024

Biden is really going through with it. He’s gonna legalize the illegal Immigrants just in time for the elections. pic.twitter.com/i8hqyERZvU

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) June 18, 2024

Of all the steps Pres. Biden could take to secure the border, giving amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants isn’t one of them.

Which is why it looks like that’s exactly what he’s about to do.https://t.co/cN388W0Dyy

— John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) June 17, 2024

It's not enough for that a Maryland mother-of-five was brutally murdered by a BIDEN ILLEGAL.

Now, Biden's latest scheme is MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegals currently in the country. pic.twitter.com/zmOAvFyjDI

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 17, 2024

What Republicans do in response will decide quite a few elections. If they tweet bumper stickers and do hits on Fox, that won’t cut it. We need real, bold action. This isn’t just illegal, giving 500,000 amnesty is a total betrayal of our country and the security of citizens. https://t.co/M6Y68pzYum

— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) June 18, 2024

Big news: Biden to announce an unconstitutional executive amnesty for illegal aliens during a border invasion and in the aftermath of multiple gruesome raped and murders of Americans at the hands of Biden-freed illegals. This is an attack on democracy. https://t.co/paVxxML3y2

— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) June 17, 2024

The timing of this announcement is a new low for this administration, and shows that the recent Executive Order is nothing but a politically motivated sham.

Rolling out this unlawful order for mass amnesty as the country mourns the death of Rachel Morin at the hands of an… https://t.co/bofON7rSYG

— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) June 17, 2024


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