Thursday, June 20, 2024

Dem Staffer Brags That Biden Bought His Vote With 'Canceled' Student Loans, Gets Wrecked in Response

Joe Biden has a new election strategy as he continues to flounder in the eyes of the American people. Is he going to reinstate the various border policies he reversed upon taking office, leading to the worst illegal immigration crisis in the nation's history? Of course, not. Instead, he's going to spend your money to "cancel" student loans so he can buy votes. 

A Democrat "comms" staffer 

Ben Kamens 

 Spring Science

on Capitol Hill posted the debt "forgiveness" letter he was sent, and it's basically campaign propaganda. 

RELATED: Joe Biden to Reveal Expensive New Student Loan 'Forgiveness' Scheme, Taxpayers Will Be Stuck With the Bill

Just got a call to let me know my student debt has been canceled. This is why elections matter. Thanks @JoeBiden.

— Ben Kamens (@BeeKamens) June 19, 2024

"Congratulations, the Biden-Harris administration has forgiven your federal student loans," the letter reads as if Biden whipped out his checkbook and did it himself. That's not true, though. It was American taxpayers who "forgave" this guy's debt. Do you know what that makes Ben Kamens? It makes him a freeloader who pushed his debt burden onto the working class. And he thinks that's something to brag about? Talk about having no shame. 

It gets worse, though. Apparently, Kamens' job was already paying the debt for him. In other words, he was not in need of "debt forgiveness" at all. He wasn't struggling. He wasn't living paycheck to paycheck. He appears to be a nominally well-off individual. Yet, because the government is the dumbest entity on the planet, he ended up with a taxpayer giveaway in a country that is already $34 trillion in debt. 

My job was paying it down for me ahead of schedule, but I’m happy to let the government cancel it instead of paying it off $400 a month and letting interest accrue.

— Ben Kamens (@BeeKamens) June 19, 2024

Naturally and justifiably, the responses weren't kind. 

Joe didn’t pay a cent for that election bribe. We, the taxpayers, did.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 19, 2024

It did not get “cancelled.”

Me and every other hard working tax payer paid for your education, you deadbeat shill.

And many of us (me included) worked our a$$e$ off to pay off our student loans on time. Others of us never went to college or graduate school, but now we…

— Cynical Publius (@CynicalPublius) June 19, 2024

Had a crew of 7 guys today, busting ass in Louisiana heat all day. 6 days a week currently.

And here we have a DC comms staffer who was too much of a broke bitch to pay his own student loans celebrating having his debt transferred to them.

— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) June 19, 2024

These vote-buying schemes are insidious, and they shouldn't be supported no matter who is proposing them (yes, before you accuse me of being a hypocrite, I'm against Donald Trump's plan to not tax tips). Everyone should be responsible for their debts, and everyone should pay taxes on their income unless the plan is to get rid of the income tax for everyone

You should not have select groups of people freeloading at the expense of hard-working Americans. A president also has no business sending out letters taking credit for spending taxpayer money to blatantly buy votes. Lastly, anyone receiving these handouts should have enough shame to not rub it in the faces of others while proclaiming, "This is why elections matter." 


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