Saturday, July 27, 2024

Blacks Loudly Declare Their Lack of Support for a Kamala Harris Presidency

Despite the tremendous psyop by the Democrat Party and the legacy media to shove Vice President and anointed Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris through without debate or question, not everyone is on board. Surprisingly, certain aspects of the Black community are tacitly refusing to play along, even as the media gaslights and attempts to memory hole Harris' past and present record.

Many Black women support Kamala Harris. We raised over 1.5 million for her in 3 hours. I never thought I’d see a Black woman run for president. I support her unconditionally. She is a shining example of Black excellence. #KamalaHarris2024 #BlackTwitter #Kamala2024 #Election2024

— Maya Richard-Craven (she/they) (@mrichard_craven) July 22, 2024

The before and afters about Harris being the border czar in this video are amazing.

You expect the press to be biased, but holy cow…this is psychopathic

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 25, 2024

#BlackTwitter, a still powerful remnant on the X social media platform, has been particularly vocal about the media power brokers and Harris' insistence that she is Black. Not only do they not consider her to be Black, they also drag Harris for her record of public service. In over 30 years of being in public office, Harris has done absolutely nothing for the Black community:  

#BlackTwitter nothing wrong with #KamalaHarris being from #India but there is something wrong with legacy media deceiving you. #KamalaHarrisIsNotBlack

— Meghan's Towel (@MeghansTowel) July 25, 2024

There is much resentment—more than the Democrat Party or the legacy media cares to acknowledge. It goes back to 2019, when Kamala Harris mounted her first campaign for president

During a February appearance on “The Breakfast Club” radio show, hosts DJ Envy and Charlamagne Tha God asked Harris about that.

Harris pushed back. “I’m black, and I’m proud of being black. I was born black. I will die black,” she said. “I’m not going to make excuses for anybody because they don’t understand.”

She went on to criticize those who question her racial identity.

“I think they don’t understand who black people are,” Harris said. “I’m not going to spend my time trying to educate people about who black people are.”

Harris' father is Jamaican and Irish. Her mother was Tamil Brahmin Indian, a high caste that is considered India's elite. Harris was born in Oakland and spent her formative years in Berkeley. Even today, Berkeley would never be considered a bastion of Blackness; but it is a hotbed for communism and Marxist philosophy. Then, Harris' mother moved her and her sister Meena to Montreal, which in the late '70s and early '80s, was probably more homogenous than it is today. Media personality and political analyst Kira Davis, who like Harris is biracial and spent her formative years in Canada, gave me some insight on this. Davis said, and I quote, "Montreal is where communists train their children." 

Davis also gave insight into the type of education that Harris probably received in Montreal, and it has little to do with Black culture.

Montreal is the most liberal of cities in the most liberal of provinces. When you're educated in Montreal, you're educated to hate your country as a colonizer and Western devil.  

This is where Harris spent her teenage years before returning to the States to attend Howard University, a historically Black college and obviously, a strategic choice to further cultivate this Black image that she wants everyone to swallow as whole cloth. So, it seems that like the gender cult, "I feel it, therefore it is," it seems that merely declaring yourself "Black" is the only requirement to be it. If that's the case, then Rachel Dolezal (now Nkechi Amare Diallo) and Shaun King are owed an apology

Facts, I don’t think anyone should vote or be persuaded to vote based off a candidate’s race/skin color!

Kamala puts on blackface when it benefits her and the Democratic Party, don’t forget that she put a lot of black men behind bars to build her career, used them like steps!

— WhitePele10 (@Corey6419882611) July 22, 2024

Kamala Harris is not their type of "Black," no matter how much the legacy media, the Democrat Party, and certain aspects of the Black community wish to make her so. What's more, schisms are being deepened, particularly among those who are American descendants of slaves (ADOS). This portion of the Black community is huge on getting the United States to further acknowledge the sin of slavery by paying financial reparations. The interesting thing is that Harris, who has advocated for policies that unequivocally give money to illegal aliens, and allow criminals to sanitize and skirt their records, and other social justice causes, is not really down with giving Blacks reparations.

This interview was considered instrumental in tanking that first presidential run. Harris exited the race in 2020, before the Iowa caucuses, with less than one percent of the voting public supporting her.

This is who Black Democrats are begging to be the next president lol. An Asian American who pretends to be a Black American.

— Padrino (@facts215_) July 21, 2024

The other issue that Blacks have with Harris is not just that she defends her past as a prosecutor, but that the people who she claimed to champion were the people whom she seemed to target. Kamala Harris kept her prosecutorial record high on the backs of Black men. When she was San Francisco District Attorney (2004 to 2010), and then California Attorney General (2010-2017) at least 1,560 people were jailed for marijuana-related offenses; most of those offenders were Black men: 

Black Men this is your reminder that in 2010 Kamala Harris extended the sentence of Caramad Conley for a murder he didn't commit. Nearly 20 yrs of his life gone.

In 2007, she also sent Jamal Trulove to prison for six years for a murder he didn't commit.

Kamala hates Black Men

— A Betrayed Maroon (@MBEmpower) July 22, 2024

As California's AG, Harris headed the legal battle to keep prisoners locked up so that they could fight wildfires. Despite a federal ruling to deal with prison overcrowding, Harris' AG staff attorneys argued that releasing low-level offenders would deplete the workforce that helped to combat wildfires. Harris later claimed that her staff attorneys did it without her knowledge, yet she was the "Top Cop." A stunning lack of accountability.

One local writer who examined her years as San Franciso District Attorney said of Harris: "In the decade since Harris had first been elected DA, she had built a reputation as a careful politician with an eye on the next office." It was when Harris had her eye on being attorney general that the 2007 murder of Seu Kuka by Jamal Truelove came into the SF DA's office. [Editor's note: Several sources give the name's spelling as "Truelove," while others use "Truelove." We have preserved the spellings as-is.]

After a jury convicted Jamal Trulove, then 25, of first degree murder in February 2010, then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris praised the “brave witness who stepped forward from the crowd.” Harris was then running for attorney general of California and in her campaign bragged about her high conviction rates as the San Francisco DA. Harris echoed what her deputy prosecutor Linda Allen said repeatedly to the jury: Priscilla Lualemaga, the only eyewitness to testify at trial about the July 2007 homicide of Seu Kuka, did so at great risk of retaliation. “She’ll never get her life back,” Allen said, adding that Lualemaga testified knowing that “maybe [she’ll] get killed over being a witness because she saw someone else kill someone.”  

The wrongful conviction of Jamal Truelove is the most glaring example of Harris' unchecked ambition and failure to practice what she preached.

There was also no physical or forensic evidence that inculpated Trulove, and no other witnesses said he was the shooter. Trulove insisted from the beginning that he was innocent.

The case’s glaring flaws didn’t matter: in October 2010, Trulove, then a young father, aspiring actor, and hip-hop performer who had appeared on the VH1 reality television show “I Love New York 2,” was sentenced to 50 years to life.

In 2014, the California Court of Appeal overturned his conviction. Truelove was retried the next year, but he was acquitted. In 2018, Truelove was awarded $13.1 million for wrongful conviction and imprisonment.



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