Monday, July 22, 2024

Frank Biden Made Stunning Admission About Joe's Health Indicating We've Been Lied To—Then It Gets Weird

Frank Biden makes shocking statement about his brother's decision to drop  out of the race that sparks fury from Joe's family | Daily Mail Online
Joe Biden’s brother leveraged his famous family name, critics say
Frank Biden

Over and over and over again, we were told by the White House that Joe Biden's health was just fine.

That he was old, he had some minor issues, but he was basically fine. 

We of course knew that wasn't true, given what we've seen day after day, watching his incoherence and confusion. But they've been selling us this fiction for months as he campaigned. 

But now Frank Biden, Joe Biden's brother, has made a concerning comment about Joe's health that's going to cause even more questions. CBS White House Correspondent Nancy Cordes reported late Sunday that Frank said that his brother's health was definitely a factor in the decision:

🚨 Biden's brother, Frank, says Biden's declining health "absolutely" played a "considerable role" in his decision to drop out of the presidential race — something the Biden administration has consistently denied.


— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 22, 2024

Frank Biden said to CBS that he was selfishly glad to have Joe Biden back for "whatever time we have left." Then, when he was asked if health factored into his brother's decision to step aside from the race, he said, "absolutely" his health played a "considerable role" in his decision. 

"Whatever time we have left" sounds ominous. Is that just a recognition that he's 81, or is that a hint of something more that we're not being told? 

Plus, wait, hasn't the White House and Biden himself been telling us he's in good health and fine to go? So you mean they have been lying to us? 

US President Joe Biden said he had taken three significant and intense neurological exams, most recently in February, and that the doctors told him that he is in 'good shape’

— Reuters (@Reuters) July 12, 2024

Then if he's in such a condition, why is he not resigning? 

How long has this condition been going on that the family knew about? 

But then, if that wasn't enough, things just got weird because there was just this update with a "source" close to the family claiming Frank suffers from alcoholism and hadn't spoken to Joe recently. 

Frank Biden told @cbsnews that his brother's health, "in my humble opinion absolutely" contributed to his decision to bow out. But source close to Biden fam says “Frank Biden suffers from alcoholism and hasn’t spoken to his brother in weeks. What he completely untrue.”

— Nancy Cordes (@nancycordes) July 21, 2024

“Frank Biden suffers from alcoholism and hasn’t spoken to his brother in weeks. What he completely untrue.”

Wow, way to throw Frank under the bus. This is wild. 

At this point, it should be clear that one can't trust anything connected with Joe Biden or the Democrats. We have been lied to right and left about Biden.

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