Thursday, August 15, 2024

China Boy Tim Walz Agrees To CBS News' VP Debate With JD Vance, JD Yet To RespondTim Walz Agrees To CBS News' VP Debate With JD Vance, JD Yet To Respond

On Wednesday, Minnesota Governor China Boy Tim Walz, who was selected as Vice President Kamala Harris’s vice presidential pick for her 2024 presidential campaign, agreed to debate GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance. It is scheduled to take place in New York City on October 1st, hosted by CBS News.

However, former President Donald Trump’s campaign team has not yet officially confirmed the date, raising some questions about Vance’s (R-Ohio.) involvement.

Nevertheless, Vance’s X (Twitter) account posted on Wednesday, saying, “Hi Tim, I thank you for your [military] service. But you shouldn’t have lied about it. You shouldn’t have said you went to war when you didn’t. Nor should you have said that you didn’t know your unit was going to Iraq. Happy to discuss more in a debate.”

CBS News suggested four dates earlier in the day for a debate between the two vice presidential candidates: September 17th, September 24th, October 1st, and October 8th.

The October 1st date was quickly accepted by the Harris-Walz campaign.

The vice president debate date has been uncertain since CBS News first invited the two presidential campaigns to the event in the spring. In May, the Biden campaign hinted that Vice President Kamala Harris, who was still Biden’s running mate at the time, could be willing to challenge the Republican nominee for vice president.

“We look forward to their responses and providing voters with an opportunity to hear directly from the vice-presidential candidates,” CBS News stated.


JD Vance Responds to Walz's Debate Challenge, Nukes Kamala's 'Vibe' Campaign

 Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance responded to his opponent, Kamala Harris’ number two Tim Walz, regarding a proposed Oct. 1 debate on CBS, and although he said he’d only seen the offer a few hours earlier and hadn’t had a chance to review the terms, he was confident that it would go down. However, he said he wouldn’t be interested if it wasn’t a “real” debate.

"We want to actually look at the debates, look at the moderators, talk about the rules a little bit," he said. 

"I strongly suspect we're going to be there on October the 1st, but we're not going to do one of these fake debates... where they don't actually have an audience there, where they don't actually set the parameters in a way where we can have a good exchange of ideas. In other words, we're not going to walk into a fake news media garbage debate. We're going to do a real debate, and if CBS agrees to it, then certainly we'll do it."

Walz had tried to pull the tough-guy act earlier on Wednesday:

Walz is playing the big guy now, but I’m curious to see what happens when Vance calls him out on his stolen valor scandal, his Orwellian COVID policies, and his far-left viewpoints. I’ll be popping the Orville Redenbacher in the microwave for this one.

While the timing and negotiations over the debate are interesting, what I found even more notable was what Vance said on Fox News Wednesday evening to host Laura Ingraham about the Kamala Harris “vibe” campaign. As I’ve written previously, much of the nation’s media have become entranced by the “joy” in Harris’ newfound presidential run and are waxing poetic about how the “vibe” had shifted and how she’s somehow magically been reborn as a candidate. 

What is so silly about their gushing coverage, however, is the fact that nothing about the woman has changed—not her policies, not her unpresidential giggling demeanor, not her ultra-leftist views. In fact, since Biden stepped down over three weeks ago and she became the heir apparent, she has not given a single interview or press conference or laid out any of her plans should she be elected. 

Nothing has changed—except the media.

The Joy of Kamala:

Related: Media Propaganda Effort Goes Into Overdrive With Soviet-Style Time Magazine Cover Featuring Kamala Harris

Vance had some choice words:

Well, I think it's good vibes generated by the media, Laura, but nobody actually believes it because everybody can look at their checking account, everybody can look at the price of groceries, the price of rent, and they recognize that Kamala Harris's policies certainly on the economy, but on the border as well, have completely failed.

And the American people are actually smart and the media and the Democrats give them no credit for this, but they think that they can somehow run a campaign purely on vibes.

Watch (the comments mentioned start at the :35 mark:)

Will "vibes" cure the rampant Biden/Harris inflation? Unlikely:

Kamala Harris says in her rallies, Laura, that she's going to reduce inflation starting on day one. Well, day one, Laura was three and a half years ago. Her policies are what caused the inflation crisis and the American people, I think, are just too smart to buy this garbage. It's why we continue to win this race. And look, we're going to run to the finish line. We're we're gonna need every single vote that we can get, but I'm as confident today as when I joined the ticket that we're gonna win this race.

According to a new Fox poll, JD has reason to be optimistic—the Trump ticket is ahead by a point nationally, and the surveys in the past have often not even reflected his true support.

Not all GOP die-hards were thrilled with the Vance pick, but I think he’s shown himself to be an effective counterpoint to the globalist/leftist visions of Harris and Walz. I’d be surprised if the Ohio senator doesn’t wipe the floor with the Marxist Minnesota governor on October 1 or whenever a debate is officially scheduled. It will definitely be Must-Watch TV.

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