Monday, August 5, 2024

Stop Freaking Out And Focus On Winning

Could you doomsayers please give us a break? Can you stop panicking like little girls and male-identifying Democrats when they see a spider? Yes, Kamala Harris has capitalized on the relief of the Democrats over trading in that shambling, perverted, zombie-like husk for someone who is merely an idiot who was too dumb to pass the California Bar Exam. That’s progress, well, at least a kind of progress, but it’s enough for their voters to come back in off the sidelines. There were a lot of Biden supporters out there, people who were never going to vote for Trump but who just couldn’t vote for someone who was manifestly senile. Well, Kamala is not manifestly senile; she’s just dumb. But that’s an improvement over Joe Biden, and that’s enough for them. Now they’re back in the game and the head-to-head poll numbers have improved for the Democrats. But Trump hasn’t fallen behind. He’s probably still slightly ahead. So, could you please stop whining about how we Republicans are doomed?

Probably not. Oh no, JD Vance is a disaster! If only we had picked somebody squishier, the Democrats would’ve been nice to him. Oh, Kamala Harris is so exciting and popular! She’s so brat! We can’t ever compete against that! Oh, they’re just going to steal the election anyway! Boo-hoo.

Geez, could you sissies shut up for a minute and stop embarrassing yourselves? We are in a better position than we’ve been in a presidential race in 20 years, and all some people can do is find that cloud behind the silver lining.

There is something within the emotional makeup of Republicans that makes them always assume that disaster lurks right around the corner. Maybe it’s conservatism’s realistic view of the fallen nature of man, as opposed to the Democrats’ bizarre notion of human perfectibility through the power of Marxism, that leads us to dwell in the Eyorean swamps of depression. But this is self-inflicted emotional gaslighting. It has nothing to do with the facts. The key fact is that Trump is doing better now than Trump did in either of his previous campaigns. And while we don’t have the advantage of a regime media actually doing its job – which it did for about 15 minutes when it became undeniable that Joe Biden was demented and it became necessary to crowbar him out of the Oval Office – the fundamentals are still in our favor. We are still in the lead or tied in the battleground states, the economy is tanking, and let’s face it – Kamala Harris is a moron.

Yeah, they’re going to try to bury her in the basement for the next three months. The regime media is obediently ignoring the fact that she refuses to come out and give extemporaneous remarks or answer hard questions, though they’ll never ask any. But normal people see it. Normal people see a lot about her. There are her myriad policy problems. She’s a communist. Until it was disappeared by the Orwellians of the Internet, she had been listed as the most liberal member of the Senate. There are all sorts of devastating video clips of Kamala out there, wanting to take your AR15s by force, border czaring anywhere but at the border, wanting to take your health insurance and for you into socialize medicine with a bunch of illegal aliens, as well as damming us for daring to wish each other Merry Christmas. There’s a lot of great stuff out there, and you can tell the Democrats don’t like it because any time we mention any of it, they call us racist harder than usual. 

Apparently, talking about anything she does or believes is racist. That includes her racial identity du jour, which she seems unable to settle on. Nervous conservative commentators are very upset that Donald Trump pointed out, accurately, that she sometimes presents herself as Indian and sometimes presents herself as black and that she denies that she’s a DEI hire even though she asserts DEI is awesome. Trump, of course, saw how this demonstrates her inauthenticity and drove right in. When he highlights what the Democrats try to hand wave away as “code switching” normal people read it as her being a shameless chameleon, appearing as whatever she needs to appear as for the audience in front of her. This includes adopting a comedy gold southern/black accent that rivals Hillary’s ridiculous “I don’t feel no ways tired” thing.

Some of my conservative friends wish Donald Trump wouldn’t point this out, preferring to focus solely on policy. I guess if we were having a reasoned debate at a debating society – before debating societies got swallowed up by wokeness – that would make sense. But this is an election. It’s not just about facts – which are certainly in our favor – but about emotions. Facts are only part of persuasion and often not the most important part – but hey, what would a trial lawyer know about that?

To win voters, we need to persuade them not merely objectively but subjectively as well. We need to define her so that the voters feel repelled whenever they see her cackling visage appear on their screens. Democrats and the regime media minions are portraying Kamala as exciting, vibrant, and cool, and we have to present the truth that she is not exciting, vibrant, or cool. And you don’t undermine somebody’s image as the hot new thing solely by droning on about tax policy. You slam them for being terrible, and pointing out their terrible policies support that effort. Objective policy arguments are not a substitute for subjectively defining her as a dangerous pinko clown.

And that’s what Trump is doing – defining her as a shifty half-wit commie. That kind of definition is what Trump does. And Kamala knows she’s vulnerable, which is why she’s hiding. She’s a terrible person. She’s an idiot – I want to emphasize that she failed the California Bar Exam, another thing I’m not supposed to talk about because it has nothing to do with policy. But I’m going to because it shows she’s dumb. And her racial shenanigans show that she’s inauthentic. You know, Trump does not need to talk about her inability to be authentic all the time, but after eight years, perhaps we ought to credit Donald Trump with knowing a little something about how to communicate a message. While it may scandalize the National Review crew that Donald Trump is making fun of her inability to be honest about her ethnicity, normal people see what she’s doing, and they find her repellent and manipulative. It’s not because she’s biracial. It’s because she’s a phony.

Regardless, we need to accept the fact that we are not losing, though we can lose. The fact is this was always going to be a hard fight. America is a 50-50 country, and unfortunately, 50% of Americans are freaking idiots. And the freaking idiots have chosen one of their own – without voting on it, but that’s the Democrats’ problem – as their standard bearer. This race is going to be a matter of points regardless. Victory is not assured – it never was. If you get your name on the ballot for one of the two major parties, you have a chance to win. Donald Trump was supposed to lose in 2016 something like nine times out of ten. But you know what happens one time out of ten? The underdog wins. Kamala Harris can certainly win this election, and she absolutely will win this election if we sit around demoralizing ourselves because it’s going to be hard. Yeah, it’s going to be hard. Do you know what other things are hard? All the things worth doing are hard. If they were not hard, everyone would do them all the time.

No one will just give us this election. We have to go take it. Trump’s 2024 campaign has been the most professional and effective of his three. Its advertising attacking her border failures has been deadly, and they have a lot more policy ammunition to expand. They managed to gather enough money to do it, even though the Democrats thought we were going to be impoverished. Yes, Donald Trump is not exercising what some would call “message discipline” and focusing solely on policy. But you know what? Donald Trump doesn’t have “message discipline.” Donald Trump has gut instincts. And most of the time, his instincts are right. 

We are more likely than not going to win this, but we will lose this by being depressed. We will lose this by being black-pilled. We will lose this by failing to work. If you’re not writing checks, dialing the phone, or being out there urging people to vote, you are helping us lose; get it together to bring it in for the Big Win. Stop with the pessimism. I don’t want to hear a damn thing about “Oh well, they’re just going to steal it anyway.” They’re not going to just steal it anyway;  you’re going to let them steal it by sitting this election out. We need to work hard and win beyond the margin of fraud. So, stop moaning and start campaigning.

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