Friday, August 23, 2024

Why Is the UAW Shilling for Hamas?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the primary purpose of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union to secure good wages, benefits, and job security for Americans working for the major automobile manufacturers and the subsidiary industries thereof?

If so, why are they whining about Gaza? How does any of that forward the interests of American auto workers? Because, in an X post on Thursday, that sure seems to be what the UAW is doing.

One more thing: The purpose of the Democratic National Convention is to put on the pretense of nominating the Democratic presidential and vice-presidential candidates. (Yes, we all know that in this cycle, that's a sham; the decision was made weeks ago when they pulled the plug on the Biden reelection effort.) So why must they allow a "Palestinian American" to speak? To what end, other than virtue-signaling?

Yes, I know, I just answered my question. For Democrats, virtue-signaling has always been a good enough reason in itself. And I won't even get into the UAW not knowing that the United States is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. But the UAW shilling for Hamas — that's a new one.

See Related: United States Pressuring Israel to Pull Out of Gaza, Leave Hamas in Charge 

DNC Crowd Chants 'Bring Them Home' for Parents of American-Israeli Son Held by Hamas—but Miss the Point

If the Democrats, or anyone else for that matter, wants a lasting peace in Gaza, or at least what passes for a lasting peace in that part of the world, here are some conditions Israel might lay out that could achieve that goal.

1) Hamas to release all remaining hostages, alive or dead, without qualification or condition, immediately.

2) All Hamas fighters and leaders to surrender, unconditionally, and surrender all weapons to the Israel Defense Forces.

3) Any Hamas fighters who took part in the invasion of Israel in October of 2023, and any Gazan residents who held or assisted in the holding of hostages, are to be tried as war criminals.

4) Hamas's leadership to be extradited to Israel, from Qatar or anywhere else, to likewise be tried as war criminals. 

5) Hamas's governing infrastructure in Gaza to be disbanded. Any current or former Hamas members are permanently barred from holding any elected or appointed government position in Gaza.

That seems like a good start. Get on your buddies in Gaza, UAW. Tell them if they want the fighting to stop, give back the hostages and surrender.

Granted, there will never be a lasting peace in that part of the world. The best Israel can hope for out of this mess is a peace that gives them a generation or so breathing room — and Hezbollah, I would point out, still hovers in Lebanon, to the north, with weapons provided by Iran and tens of thousands of fighters.

In the meantime, let's hope that the UAW's rank and file are lighting up the union's officials over this overt act of pandering.

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