Sunday, September 15, 2024

Bad Blood: Taylor Swift's Endorsement of Kamala Harris May Have Backfired Big Time

Here's another stupid white liberal woman that would love for all women to wear the hijab.

According to a new poll, Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election might have more of a negative impact on voter support than a positive one.

"A new post-debate poll from YouGov released Saturday found that 8% of voters said the pop superstar’s nod is either 'somewhat' or 'much more likely' to convince them to cast their ballot for the Democrat," reports the New York Post. "But a whopping 20% said they are 'somewhat' or 'much less likely' to vote for former President Donald Trump’s opponent now that Swift has spoken."

According to reports, Swift’s endorsement resulted in a surge of traffic to through Wednesday afternoon. A spokesperson revealed that 337,826 visitors accessed the site after clicking a custom link shared by Swift on Instagram, though it's not entirely clear how many registrations it actually generated or what the party breakdown of those registrations may have been. Some on the left have been jubilant about Taylor Swift's endorsement, which is weird because it's not like the left-wing superstar wasn't going to endorse Kamala at some point.

"I’ve done my own research," Swift claimed, without evidence, "and I’ve made my choice."

Taylor's political leanings are no secret, and she endorsed Joe Biden back in 2020, so there's no point in pretending she was actually comparing the candidates in order to make a decision. Last month, there were rumors that Taylor Swift would be a mystery performer at the last night of the Democratic National Convention. Beyoncé was another performer linked to the rumor, which turned out to be a con job to boost ratings for Kamala's speech

Recommended: The Most Backhanded Endorsement in History: Taylor Swift Actually Snubbed Kamala Harris

"Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make," Swift's endorsement continued. "I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered!"

The majority of the poll's respondents, 66%, indicated that Taylor Swift’s endorsement has had no impact on their voting decision for November, which is somewhat encouraging, yet sadly low.

“I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice,” the Grammy-winning artist shared in an Instagram post with her 283 million followers shortly after Tuesday night’s debate. “Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make.”

She called Harris “a steady-handed, gifted leader” who could lead with “calm and not chaos.”

The majority — 32% of the online poll’s respondents — think the move will have a positive effect on Harris’ campaign, while 27% said they don’t think it’ll have an effect either way.

Forty-one percent — nearly 460 people — said the “Shake it Off” singer shouldn’t speak publicly about politics. Thirty-eight percent said she should make public endorsements.

Sixty-six percent of the poll’s participants said they are not Swifties, while 28% reported being a fan and 6% identified as a big fan. The majority of “big fans” were women, and registered Democrats.

It looks like Taylor is learning the hard way that maybe she should just shut up and sing.


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