Sunday, September 22, 2024

Here's the Question From a CNN Host That Made a Harris Spokesperson Squirm

White House pulls Jim Acosta's press pass

It’s on everyone’s mind: does Kamala Harris really own a gun? She boasted about it during the ABC News debate on September 10—a pathetic attempt to not frame herself as a gun-grabber. There’s tape, lady. You voiced support for unconstitutional executive actions to confiscate so-called assault weapons during the 2020 primary. You were caught on camera supporting going door-to-door to ensure enforcement of safe storage laws. Lady, you’re a gun grabber, and that’s it.

But let’s play this game: what gun do you own? It’s a fair question for a woman who offered a ‘I’ll come out blasting’ bravado when discussing a hypothetical home invasion with Oprah Winfrey. The vice president joked about shooting someone who breaks into her home—this isn’t an event you hope for, lady. Are you insane? Yet, since she tried to channel Rambo—what firearm does she own? 

What’s even more shocking is that CNN’s Jim Acosta pitched this question to Harris spokesperson Adrienne Elrod, 

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who shouldn’t have ventured onto the set if this was going to be her answer. 

Elrod gave a scripted response regarding “strong, responsible gun ownership” but later said, “Uh, I can't really comment” concerning what type of gun the vice president owns. For starters, she’s protected by the Secret Service, so what are we even talking about here? 

Last, “strong, responsible gun ownership” is peak poll-tested language that is so overengineered that the phrase is rendered meaningless. This is the new 'we respect hunters and sportsmen' talking point that never resonated.  We all know Harris is anti-gun. You can’t polish this lady, folks. She’s flat-out horrible.

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