I know that’s weird to say: ‘Kamala vows to strengthen the economy, which she helped wreck.’
That might be one of the more surreal aspects of this election, being
that Harris is the incumbent. She’s been in Washington for over three
years and acts like some outsider. No one voted for you. No one liked
you until recently when Democrats finally accepted Joe Biden’s brains
were applesauce. Kamala hasn’t won anything of value.
Sorry, being a Democrat or an attorney general elected in deep blue
California isn’t a notable accomplishment. Even in the fictional West
Wing universe, Leo McGarry knew President Josiah Bartlett’s three terms
in Congress and New Hampshire gubernatorial wins were worthless—his family founded the state.
The same principle applies. And if she’s trying to cast herself as Ms.
Jobs growth, the Wharton School had a brutal assessment (via Newsweek):
Harris told America on debate night that Goldman Sachs and the Wharton
School of Business said her economic plan is better than Trump’s.
Both Goldman and Wharton have now come out and said that she was lying. pic.twitter.com/jhThANvvkr
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) September 24, 2024
top business school has shot down claims made by Vice President Kamala
Harris that her economic proposals would strengthen the U.S. economy.
a "Unite for America" livestream event in the battleground state of
Michigan with Oprah Winfrey on Thursday, Harris sought to persuade the
audience that she had an economic policy that would deliver for
businesses and for the American people, saying "and that is why Goldman
Sachs . . . is why Moody's, which is why Wharton School of Business,
which is why 16 Nobel laureates, have collectively determined after
analyzing our plans . . . mine would strengthen the economy, his would
weaken it."
When contacted by Newsweek for comment, one of the institutions Harris referenced directly refuted her claim.
did not find a positive impact on the economy from her plan in any
future year. The Trump plan does increase GDP for a few years but lowers
by the end of the 10-year budget window," a spokesperson for the
University of Pennsylvania's Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) said.
We all know that Trump's economy is better. It’s not even close.
Goldman Sachs also slapped down Kamala, touting their support, adding,
“A lot more has been made of this than should be.”
Goldman Sachs CEO David M. Solomon
scorches Kamala Harris for turning a
report from an independent analyst into "something that's bigger than
what it was intended to be."
"A lot more has been made of this than should be." pic.twitter.com/JUaeE6W6st
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 12, 2024
Again, this is why the woman hides and dodges media interviews. She’s not good, and her lies would easily be exposed.
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