Tuesday, October 15, 2024

James Carville: Trump's Madison Square Garden Rally Will 'Mimic' a Nazi Rally!

James Carville is a leftist firebrand and a constant reminder that his side throws mud when they are desperate. When Carville was part of the Clinton team, he was one of the lead hacks who disparaged women who (rightfully) accused Clinton of sexual abuse and even rape. When things are trending in the direction of Dems, he’s not quite as nutty. Kind of like a psych ward patient who is taking his drugs — but when things are looking gloomy, he’s a doomsayer – a predicter of the apocalypse. 

Carville can be something of a canary in the Democrats' coal mine. When he starts to smell the fumes of doom, he starts to blather more nonsense than is usual, and the spittle starts to flow. 

Carville went on Jen Psaki’s show. He ranted about all sorts of nonsense, but he was super concerned about Trump heading to Madison Square Garden for a speech. For Carville, Trump is turning full “Nazi.” No, I am not exaggerating — Carville pulled out that well-worn saw and claimed Trump was headed to New York to recreate a Nazi rally. He said:  

When I said that, I didn’t know that he was going to schedule a rally at Madison Square Garden to mimic the Nazi rally of 10 February 1939. So we have — they’re they’re telling you. And by the way, if they win, they’re going to correctly say, 'We — we told you in the election what we’re going to do and you voted for us. You have green lighted the whole thing.' And if we don’t tell people about that, if they don’t, if these young black men — how do you think they’re going to do if you are young, black, male? And Trump inspired the army round up of people. How well do you think you’re going to do…you think you’ve got nothing to lose?

I don’t know what most of that blather was supposed to mean. Maybe Artificial Intelligence could translate it for the sane among us, but I did understand the first sentence. Trump plans to hold a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in 2024, just like the Nazi Bund did in 1939.  

Politicians have used venues like Madison Square Gaden for political speeches for as long as politics have existed. Democrats and Republicans hold their conventions in large arenas. The only convention held at Madison Square Garden was 100 years ago when the Democrats nominated John W. Davis. That convention featured a significant number of KKK delegates who opposed Al Smith because he was a Catholic. The convention was labeled a “Klanbake” by a reporter.  

A rich guy named Franklin Roosevelt took to the stage to nominate Al Smith. Roosevelt, flanked by portraits of avowed racist Woodrow Wilson, gave a fiery speech that, like Obama’s speech at the 2004 convention, set FDR on a path to the presidency. It was barely three years after Roosevelt was stricken with polio. Roosevelt couldn’t walk without assistance. Much like Biden’s mental infirmity, FDR’s physical handicap was hidden from the voting public by a willing press.  

Political speeches are nothing new to Madison Square Garden. Although this “Garden” is new. The old one used by Democrats, FDR, the KKK, and Nazis is no longer around. Before the old Garden found its end, it featured a politician rallying his supporters. He said

We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace—business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. 

They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob. 

Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred. 

That sounds a bit like something Donald Trump would say. Same vibe, at least. But it was not Trump. That speech was delivered 12 years after the 1924 Democrat Convention by then-President Franklin D Roosevelt. That speech was at the old Madison Square Garden that Carville was channeling his "NAZIS!" fearmongering over — not the Madison Square Garden that exists today. Carville couldn't even get the building right. 

Carville is in a Cajun panic. In fact, all leftists are in a panic because they’ve nominated a dope. A nincompoop. A plagiarizing empty-headed empty suit. Her running mate is a prancing dancer, lying stolen valor clown. Nice pairing, Dems. They are pulling out all the rhetorical stops. No lie is too ridiculous. No slander big enough. And the guy who resembles a baroque building gargoyle is leading the charge.  

Guess what else Carville said while blathering and spewing spittle, with Jen Psaki looking like someone just ran over her cat? He said:  “We are not making this up!” 

Yeah, yeah, you are James.

You and the rest of your cohort are making it up. All of it. They see their path to victory dying in a bowl of tossed word salad, and they are in stage 4 panic. Hold the dressing. 

Kind of fun to watch.   


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