Wednesday, October 16, 2024

When Trump Did This, You Knew This Bloomberg Editor Was Cooked

Suppose you Googled Donald Trump’s discussion with Bloomberg’s John Micklethwait

Agenda | Bloomberg Invest New York

 at the Economic Club of Chicago today. In that case, you’ll see that everyone in the opposition press thought he crumbled at the forum. Kamala Harris was invited, but she declined, likely because she lacks the intelligence to engage in an economic discussion. We’re at a point where you know to think the opposite of whatever the establishment press writes about Donald Trump.

Things got heated between Micklethwait and Trump, where the former hurled loaded questions at the former president, notably those about a peaceful transfer of power. When Trump folds his arms, you know the interviewer is about to get cooked, which he did when he lambasted Micklethwait for being wrong about a host of issues when the Bloomberg editor brought up The Wall Street Journal’s criticisms of Trump’s agenda (via Fox 32 Chicago): 

PRES. TRUMP: I want a lot of people to come into our country but I want them to come in legally.

Bloomberg: You are talking about deporting 11 million people.

PRES. TRUMP: 425,000 people who are horrible criminals and 13,099 criminals were let in during Kamala's administration.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 15, 2024

TRUMP: "Gavin Newscum. He's the Governor of California."

BLOOMBERG: "Newsom."

TRUMP: "Newscum, I call him."

BLOOMBERG: "There are CEOs out here if they said things like that about a rival CEO..."

TRUMP: "They don't have to go through what I have to go through."

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 15, 2024

PRESIDENT TRUMP: "You had a peaceful transfer of power."

Interviewer: "It was by far the worst transfer of power in a long time."

*Crowd boos*

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 15, 2024

President Trump just cooked the neo-lib Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg on using tariffs to protect America

"It must be hard for you to spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you're totally wrong."

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 15, 2024

In front of a crowd of business leaders, the forum largely focused on economic issues. Moderator John Micklethwait of Bloomberg News challenged Trump’s economic plan. 

"People like the Wall Street Journal, which is hardly a communist organization, they've criticized you as well. You’re running up enormous debt," Micklethwait said. 

"What does the WSJ know? I’m meeting with them tomorrow. What does the WSJ know? They’ve been wrong about everything. And so have you, by the way. You’ve been wrong about everything," Trump responded. 

Security inside the ballroom was extremely tight, with Chicago police officers lining the walls. Outside, a number of streets around the Fairmont were closed to traffic. 

Trump also faced questions about his support for tariffs. 

"To me, the most beautiful word in the dictionary is tariff," Trump said. 

Most economists say tariffs will dramatically raise prices and inflation, hurting American trade. 

"The higher the tariff, the more you're going to put on the value of those goods. The higher people are going to pay in shops," Micklethwait said. 

"Ready? The higher the tariff, the more likely it is that the company will come into the United States and build a factory in the United States so it doesn’t have to pay the tariff," Trump responded. 

"That will take many, many years," Micklethwait added. 

"No, it will go quickly," Trump said. 

Democrats responded by calling Trump a racist. It doesn’t work, fellas. We know it’s not true, and it’s no longer effective. Also, everyone who isn’t Trump-deranged or a soy-boy socialist knows that the Left will call anything and accuse anyone of racism if they disagree with their worldview. Keep screaming into the void. Nobody can hear you. Nobody cares, and nothing will come of it.

Trump got a standing ovation at the end of the event.

The vast majority of this crowd was against Trump going into this interview.

He sparred for an hour with an unfriendly journalist, and won many of them over.

Even those who disagree respect that he showed up, while Kamala bailed.

This is a

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) October 15, 2024

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