Tuesday, August 20, 2019

CNN commentator to Republican guest: 'White men who think like you' are the 'greatest terrorist threat' in US

Liberal CNN commentator Angela Rye had a fiery exchange with a Republican strategist during a panel discussion Monday night, telling him that "white men who think like you" are the "greatest terrorist threat in this country."
The conversation began when GOP campaign veteran Patrick Griffin argued that President Trump should "play the lottery" since Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., brought new attention to their relationship with Isreal.
However, Rye appeared to take offense after Griffin claimed that the "Squad" has "hijacked" the Democratic Party from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
“It’s so interesting that you use the term — the only two Muslim women in Congress, the term you chose to use, sir, is ‘hijacking,'” Rye said.
"It has nothing to do with whether they're Muslim or not," Griffin responded. "Nothing to do with that... They've hijacked from their own principles."
“That’s a real interesting word choice, and you understand why,” Rye talked over the panelist. “You can talk over me all you want to but the bottom line is the greatest terrorist threat in this country is white men, white men who think like you. That is the greatest terrorist threat in this country.”
Griffin dismissed her remarks as "silly rhetoric."
"No, it's not!" Rye shot back. "You know what's silly? The fact that you're on here knowing how dangerous times are right now defending this nonsense."

Ingraham: Liberals 'rooting against America' because they're 'furious' they might lose in 2020

Fox News' Laura Ingraham took on members of the Democratic Party for what she said was "rooting against America" and disparaging supporters of President Trump, and said the left is largely "furious" they may lose the 2020 election to the New York Republican.
"Rooting against America, referring to millions of voters as 'deplorables' or 'racists' or bigot-coddlers is not the language of a confident optimistic party," she said Monday on "The Ingraham Angle."
"It is the language of people who are furious that they could lose another presidential election," she said.
Ingraham said Democrats were hoping former Special Counsel Robert Mueller would be a key figure in their attempts to damage the president, as the Russia investigation concluded.
"Trump's reckoning -- they were confident -- would be delivered by the highly respected prosecutor Bob Mueller. In other words, the 2020 election would be a 'gimme' for any Democrat," she said.
More recently, Democrats have lodged racism claims against the president, she said.
"The crestfallen Dems decided to go all-in on the race issue. "The Angle" told you this would happen. Using bogus charges of racism, the left has a goal of blunting any momentum the president may have with minority voters in 2020."
"The president condemned white nationalists in Charlottesville and El Paso," she added. However, she pointed to three 2020 Democratic hopefuls who have invoked the race issue.
When a CNN anchor asked former Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-Texas, whether the president is a "white nationalist," the ex-lawmaker answered in the affirmative.
In another interview, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee declared it is "time to get white nationalism out of the White House."
In Ingraham's third example, South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg was asked whether it is a "racist act" to vote for Trump in 2020.
The 37-year-old responded that "at best, it means looking the other way on racism."
Summing up the clips, Ingraham said some of the commentaries from the left shows Trump supporters are becoming occasional subjects of ridicule.
"The new Democratic playbook requires the relentless demonization of American history, including the founders, and now the American people themselves -- at least the ones who support Trump."

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Omar and Tlaib Cartoons

Minnesota and Michigan votes Muslims into American Government

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

And they have caused nothing but trouble for America every since. They are constantly trying to destroy the American way of life. Has the voters in Minnesota and Michigan gone completely crazy?  Is there any true American voters left in these two states?

Trump says French wine may face ‘100 percent tariff’ in response to tax on US tech firms: report

How serious is President Trump about firing back at France over its new tax on U.S. technology? Maybe as much as 100 percent.
During his visit to New York’s Hamptons for a fundraiser Aug. 9, the president reportedly told attendees he was thinking about hitting France where it may hurt most – by slapping a 100 percent tariff on French wine.
The president’s remarks, which two sources relayed to Bloomberg, were a follow-up to a Twitter message in late July, in which Trump wrote the U.S. planned “a substantial reciprocal action” against France for its digital tax on American tech.
That week, French President Emmanuel Macron approved what was called a digital services tax -- a 3 percent levy that targets global companies worth at least 750 million euros ($834 million) and 25 million euros in France. It will be retroactively applied from early 2019 and could generate up to 400 million euros per year for France.
Trump immediately denounced the French plan.
“If anybody taxes them, it should be their home Country, the USA,” Trump’s tweet said.
This coming Monday the U.S. Trade Representative’s office is scheduled to hold a public hearing with American tech leaders about the potential impact of France’s tax, the Bloomberg report said. Depending on their comments, trade boss Robert Lighthizer could recommend that Trump impose tariffs on France in response.
In his July tweet, Trump concluded with the line, “I’ve always said American wine is better than French wine” – even though Trump has claimed over the years that he never drinks alcohol.
“It might be on wine, it might be on something else,” Trump then told reporters about his plan.
Because France is part of the European Union, it’s unclear how Trump could specifically target the country without ensnaring the entire bloc.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw rips Antifa demonstrators, blasts Portland protests as ‘sad showing’

In a Twitter message Saturday, U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw declared Saturday’s protests in Portland, Ore., “a sad showing,” and said the city’s Antifa activists paled in comparison to the demonstrators fighting for democracy in Hong Kong.
“In Hong Kong,” the Republican congressman from Texas wrote, “antifascists wave American flags, demand freedom and actually fight fascists.
“In Portland,” he continued, “ ‘antifascists’ burn American flags, demand violence in the name of socialism.”
Crenshaw, 35, is in his first term in the U.S. House after being elected las November. The former U.S. Navy SEAL served in Afghanistan and is the recipient of two Bronze Stars for heroic service and a Purple Heart after being wounded in combat.
On Saturday, demonstrators from both left-wing and right-wing groups converged in Portland, Ore., the scene of numerous violent confrontations in the past.
As of Saturday evening, the city’s mayor was declaring the day’s events “largely peaceful,” with 13 arrests and a small number of minor injuries reported.
Members of the Proud Boys and other conservative groups have argued that Antifa protesters have instigated violence at their events, but have often escaped prosecution because many of their members keep their faces covered during attacks.
In July, the city’s police chief called for new laws against wearing masks during such protests.
“We cannot allow people to continue to use the guide of free speech to commit a crime,” Chief Danielle Outlaw said.
On Saturday, President Trump threatened to push for Antifa to be declared a terror organization.
As a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, Crenshaw frequently speaks out on matters of security and terrorism.
In July, Crenshaw accused Democratic U.S. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., of using the U.S.-Mexico border crisis as a stage for criticizing President Trump rather than for proposing solutions to the nation’s immigration problem.
"What they really want is more commissions … more investigations they can point to, to call the president evil," Crenshaw said during an appearance on “Fox & Friends.” "That's what they want."
In June, Crenshaw went after Democratic U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, accusing her of “literally repeating the lies of the Iranian regime” after she asserted that President Trump was trying to provoke a conflict with Iran.

Joe Biden heaps praise on GOP during Massachusetts fundraiser

Democratic 2020 presidential frontrunner Joe Biden praised Republicans as “decent people” at a Massachusetts fundraiser Saturday while touting his ability to work across the aisle, according to a report.
“There’s an awful lot of really good Republicans out there,” the former vice president told the audience, according to The Hill. “I get in trouble for saying that with Democrats, but the truth of the matter is, every time we ever got in trouble with our administration, remember who got sent up to Capitol Hill to fix it? Me. Because they know I respect the other team.”
He said congressional Republicans ran because they “care about things,” but are afraid to be at odds with President Trump.
"They're intimidated right now,” he told the audience, The Hill reported.
Biden took heat last fall when The New York Times published a story that said he “stunned Democrats and elated Republicans” three weeks before the midterms by lauding Republican House candidate Fred Upton, R-Mich.
He has also frustrated Democrats in the past by praising former Vice President Dick Cheney and calling Vice President Mike Pence “a decent guy.”
While Biden -- considered to be the most moderate of the top-ranked candidates -- is largely running on his ability to work with Republicans, more liberal candidates like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris are focused on promoting progressive plans like Medicare-for-All and the Green New Deal.

Tlaib hits back at Bill Maher for comments on BDS, compares Israel to apartheid South Africa

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., suggested Saturday that viewers boycott comedian Bill Maher’s HBO talk show after he devoted a segment of Friday's program to bashing the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, calling it a “bulls--- purity test.”
"Maybe folks should boycott his show," said Tlaib, who went on to compare criticism of the BDS movement to the controversy surrounding boycotts of South Africa's apartheid regime in the 1970s and 1980s.
"I am tired of folks discrediting a form of speech that is centered on equality and freedom," the lawmaker continued. "This is exactly how they tried to discredit & stop the boycott to stand up against the apartheid in S. Africa. It didn't work then and it won't now."
Maher’s segment came one day after the Israeli government said it would deny entry to Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., for their support of the BDS movement following an appeal from President Trump.
Maher opined that Omar’s past comments, in which she seemed to suggest that “Jews control the world, control the money,” might have played a part in “why they don’t get a hero’s welcome.”
Tlaib's tweet came in response to a post by Intercept columnist Mehdi Hasan, who criticized “Liberal” Maher for “railing against BDS, Palestinians and Omar/Tlaib with an all-white panel featuring no Palestinians, no Arabs, no Muslims, no people of colour.”
On Friday, the Israeli government said Tlaib could visit her relatives in the West Bank, including her 99-year-old grandma, on humanitarian grounds. But then the Interior Ministry released a letter purportedly signed by Tlaib in which she promised not to advocate boycotts during her visit. That appears to have lead to her decision to cancel the visit.
"Visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions meant to humiliate me would break my grandmother's heart," she said in a statement. "Silencing me with treatment to make me feel less-than is not what she wants for me — it would kill a piece of me that always stands up against racism and injustice."
Fox News' Joseph A. Wolfsohn and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Israeli Mother Killed While Shielding Baby As Hamas Terrorists Carry Out Attack, 7 Killed And 16 Injured

Floral tributes and candles for those killed in a gun and knife attack the previous day are seen on October 02, 2024 in Tel Aviv, Israel. H...