Monday, August 5, 2024



Sen. Mullin: 'Snake' Iran Needs Its Head Cut Off

Trump picks up his fifth Senate endorsement

Iran should finally be held accountable for its longtime sponsorship of terror across the globe, Sen. Markwayne Mullin, R-Okla., said Sunday.

Tensions in the Middle East have "already been escalated," Mullin told CNN's "State of the Union."

"At this point, what they need to know is that it's not peace through appeasement; it's peace through strength. And there should be no daylight between us and Israel right now," he said.

"Israel had the right to do what they did. They took out the leader of Hamas that was — that Tehran was aiding and abetting and was harboring, obviously. He was there.

"This is no different than us going after Osama bin Laden when he was in Pakistan. This is the organization that attacked them on Oct. 7 that Iran has funded," he continued.

"And we have known that, that they're funding a terrorist organization. And for them to go out and take the leader out, they have every right to do that."

Mullin added that the Biden-Harris administration's attempts to create some separation between the U.S. and Israel show its weakness.

"If [former] President [Donald] Trump was in office, this wouldn't even be an issue. And I mean that, because they were afraid of President Trump," he said.

"They knew that he had — he led peace through strength, not peace of appeasement, and that his word meant something. There would be no daylight between us and Israel if President Trump's administration was in place.

"You're seeing the snake raise its head, and the snake is Iran. And that head needs to be cut off," Mullin said.

Jeremy Frankel

Jeremy Frankel is a Newsmax writer reporting on news and politics. 

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


Trump Campaign: CBS Poll Skewed to Help Harris / Crooked Fake Media Election Interference Once Again

Will Donald Trump and Kamala Harris debate? Here's what we know.

The Trump campaign on Sunday blasted a CBS News/YouGov poll, saying it manipulated its latest poll to inflate results that help Vice President Kamala Harris.

Poll results announced earlier Sunday showed former President Donald Trump and Harris, who are expected to oppose each other in the November election, are tied in key battleground states.

However, the CBS News/YouGov results showed Harris with a 1-point edge (50% to 49%) in a head-to-head matchup.

The Trump campaign said the poll's methodology and breakdown of respondents were changed from those used for a July 18 survey to benefit Harris.

For example, the share of participating liberal voters increased from 28.5% of the respondents on the July 18 poll to 30.2% in the Aug. 4 poll. A lower share of moderates (31.8% on July 18 to 30.3% on Aug. 4) participated.

Also, self-identified conservatives comprised 36.7% of the 2,247 respondents for July 18 and just 35.5% of the 3,102 respondents for Aug. 4.

Another difference: the Aug. 4 margin of error was plus/minus 2.1 percentage points after being 2.7 for the July 18 survey.

The Trump campaign insists that had CBS News/YouGov maintained the same weighted shares for ideology — which it did for age, race, sex, and partisanship — Trump would be ahead 51%-49% in the latest survey.

"The Fake News Media continue to help dangerously liberal Kamala hide her record of economic failure and soft on crime policies. Now, as this analysis shows they'll even put a finger on the scale of polling to inflate results for her," Trump campaign senior adviser Brian Hughes said in a statement.

"This analysis is why the American people are seeing through it and will not allow this national gaslighting campaign to win. Despite this manipulated result, from CBS/YouGov it's worth noting that in July and August of 2020, their data showed Biden leading by 10 nationally, reflecting a net positive movement of almost +10 to President Trump this election cycle."

Despite the survey adjustments, the latest CBS News/YouGov survey shows Trump continues to hold a sizable lead with voters who said they'll be better off financially under him and with those who said his policies would decrease the number of migrants crossing the southern border.

Charlie McCarthy

Charlie McCarthy, a writer/editor at Newsmax, has nearly 40 years of experience covering news, sports, and politics.

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


ABC's Stephanopoulos Loses His Crap When Rep. Donalds Refuses to Back Off on Kamala's 'Blackness'

ABC Washington correspondent and host of "This Week," George Stephanopoulos went down in a spectacular blaze when he tried to badger Trump surrogate and Florida Congressman Byron Donalds into denying the truth and accepting media gaslighting. 

The main subject on Stephanopoulous's agenda at a time when the world is teetering on the brink of a handful of major regional wars, financial collapse, the Western world is facing cultural devastation, and the calculated destruction of the norms that have unified the United States for over 200 years by Joe Biden and his lackeys was whether Donalds, who is black, considered Harris to be black.

This is the setup for the segment.

WANG (voice over): Harris is expected to announce her pick by Tuesday night when the pair will appear at a campaign rally in Philadelphia, before a multiday blitz through seven key battleground states.

It all comes on the heels of Trump's controversial comments at the National Association of Black Journalists Conference on Wednesday.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you believe that Vice President Kamala Harris is only on the ticket because she is a black woman?

TRUMP: Well, I can say, no, I think it’s maybe a little bit different. So, I've known her a long time indirectly, not directly very much, and she was always of Indian heritage. And she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black. And now she wants to be known as black. So, I don't know, is she Indian or is she black? But you know what, I respect either one.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She has always identified as a black woman. She went to a historically black college.

WANG (voice over): Trump later went on to share this photo of Harris and her family wearing traditional Indian clothing and writing, “Your warmth, friendship, and love of your Indian heritage are very much appreciated.”

Harris has long embraced her Jamaican and Indian heritage, as well as her identity as a black woman. As senator, she joined the Congressional Black Caucus. Harris reacting to Trump's remarks by drawing a contrast with his campaign.

It starts off with Stephanopoulos asking a question and Donalds giving an excellent answer.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Why is former President Trump questioning the vice president's racial identity?

DONALDS: Well, first, George, in Chicago he was responding to a question from, I believe, Rachel Scott. Like, this is really a phony controversy. I don't really care. Most people don't. But if we're going to be accurate, when Kamala Harris went into the United States Senate, it was AP that said she was the first Indian American United States senator. It was actually played up a lot when she came into the Senate. Now she's running nationally. Obviously, the campaign has shifted. They're talking much more about - about her father's heritage and her black identity.

It doesn't really matter. The president mentioned it. What he also talks about far more frequently is the fact that Kamala Harris is the person who created this massive inflation which is destroying black families, white families, Hispanic families. It's her failure as border czar that has left our southern border wide open. More than 10 million illegal immigrants coming into our country. Record fentanyl coming into our country which has killed more Americans than at any other point in the history of our country with respect specifically to fentanyl.


DONALDS: And the fact that she and Joe Biden have unleashed one of the worst foreign policies in the history of our country that has us on the verge of World War III. That is Kamala Harris' record.

President Trump talks about that frequently. But, yes, he did mention it in Chicago, in response to a question from Rachel Scott.

BACKGROUND: Black Journalists at the NABJ Try to Hold Trump Accountable; It Goes As Well As Expected

You may want to lean back a bit while watching this as the former Clinton White House muppet slings droplets of saliva around like beads at a Mardi Gras parade.

“George, now that you’re done yelling at me, let me answer” – @ByronDonalds to ABC’s @GStephanopoulos in contentious “interview” in which Stephanopoulos repeatedly accused Donalds of repeating a “slur” Stephanopoulos kept bring up. #ThisWeek

— Brent Baker 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 (@BrentHBaker) August 4, 2024

STEPHANOPOULOS: And you - and you just repeated the slur again. If it doesn't matter, why do you all keep questioning her identity? She's always identified as a black woman. She is biracial. She has a Jamaican father and an Indian mother. She's always identified as both. Why are you questioning that?

DONALDS: Well, George, first of all, this is something that's actually a conversation throughout social media right now. There were a lot of people who were trying to figure this out. But again, that's a side issue, not the main issue. The main issue that's (INAUDIBLE) - Kamala Harris is the vice president of the United States.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Sir, one second. So, you just did it - you just did it again.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Why - why do you - why do you insist on questioning her racial identity?

DONALDS: You want to talk or do you want me to talk?

STEPHANOPOULOS: I - I want you to answer my question.

DONALDS: OK, you don't yelling at - George - George, now that you're done yelling at me, let me answer.

He talked about it on the stage yesterday in Atlanta for, what, two minutes? He spent more than 35, 40 minutes going after her record, talking about how radical of a senator that she was. She was the most liberal senator in the United States - in the United States Senate. That is a fact. He talked about the job that she did as vice president of the United States. A job, I will add, which has been a failure for the American people. I know you guys like to glom on to this, that he talks about in jest or in a serious manner for about a minute or so. What you do not cover is the litany of failures of Kamala Harris. That's what you're not covering, George.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So, question - so questioning somebody's racial identity for a couple of minutes is OK?

DONALDS: George, I'm going to tell you again, he brought it up. AP is the one that wrote the headline when she first came into the United States Senate. Didn't talk about her being black. Talked about her being the first Indian American senator. AP brought that up.

I mean, George, we could have this conversation for the entire segment, but none of this matters to the American people. What matters to the American people is, are we going to have the same policies of the Biden-Harris administration that has been destructive of the American people? Or are we going to have the policies of the Trump administration which put America first, had low inflation, prosperous Americans no matter your race, no matter your color, no matter your creed, and a foreign policy that kept America safe?

Those are the facts that truly matter because this issue is going to come and go, the lives of the American people is what's going to remain and that's what matters more than anything else.

STEPHANOPOULOS: If it doesn't matter, I don't understand why you keep on repeating it, why the president keeps on repeating it, why those introducing the president yesterday keep on repeating it.

DONALDS: George, actually, I'm not the one who keeps repeating it. George, you're the one that's bringing it up now. That's -- I don't I understand why --


STEPHANOPOULOS: You've done -- sir, you've done it -- you've done it three times, every single answer you gave me.

Now, let me finish, sir --

DONALDS: George --

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- every single answer you gave, you repeated the slur.


DONALDS: You asked me, George. That's why I'm pushing back on you now.


DONALDS: George, you asked me the question three times, I responded but --


STEPHANOPOULOS: And every single time you repeat the slur, that is my -- exactly my point. You simply can't say that it's wrong.

DONALDS: George, so then what you're saying -- so then what you -- and I want to get off this topic because it's not the only thing that's going on. But, George, now you're saying that "AP" is the one that slurred Kamala Harris? Because those are the facts.

You can go to the Internet and look at the clips, George, if you want to or we can talk about this now.

I prefer to talk about the future of our country because the American people are struggling. The American people do need serious policy decisions to be made and they need serious leadership on the world stage.

Kamala Harris has not proven that she can do that. Donald J. Trump has proven that he can do that.

STEPHANOPOULOS: "AP" did not say that Kamala Harris is not Black. She is biracial. She is Indian. She is Black.

You continue to repeat the fact that you continue to repeat the slur. I don't understand why you and the president do it.

But it's clear you're not going to say that it's wrong. And you've now established that for our audience.

Let's review the bidding for a second; while Stephanopoulos is chasing "slurs," maybe he should get all shouty-faced with the media, not a guy who reads the media.

Despite everything you're reading on social media about this line of attack not being effective, it is.

When former President Trump met with the National Association of Black Journalists—something Kamala refused to do—the number one question was about Kamala's racial identity. That was not an accident. It was intended to equate the subject with racism and make it forbidden. Stephanopoulos made Kamala's "racial identity" (I didn't know Grifter-American was a racial identity, but it seems to be) the subject of his interview with Donalds to try to make the subject off limits.

But it is a subject. At Trump's rally in Atlanta on Saturday, Michaelah Montgomery, the founder of Conserve the Culture, discussed Kamala's blackness.

BACKGROUND: WATCH: Michaelah Montgomery Sets It Off at the Atlanta Trump-Vance Rally

When CNN sent some mope into a Black barbershop, the result was one of their White anchors telling his audience that Black men didn't know what they were talking about.

BACKGROUND: CBS News Goes to a Black Barbershop to Ask About Kamala Harris, and the Answers Are Absolute Gold – RedState

The same people telling us that pointing out Kamala's race-grifting is hurting us are the same people who said that calling out Elizabeth Warren on her "Cherokee" heritage was hurting us. No one, other than the Cat Lady demographic and their eunuch simps, likes a fake.

There is no need for this to be the main subject, but, as Donalds said, "He talked about it on the stage yesterday in Atlanta for, what, two minutes? He spent more than 35, 40 minutes going after her record, talking about how radical of a senator that she was." As a tangential, secondary attack, it is obviously hurting enough that the Democrats are trying to shut that conversation down.


Which social media platforms have banned Trump and why? An overview

AI-generated selfies are coming to ...

 Who really cares if Snapchat still bans President Trump because most people have ever even heard of this third rated app.

Former President Donald Trump has been blocked from five of the top social media platforms over the years, and all except one have returned his accounts as he runs for re-election in 2024. 

During his presidency, Trump saw his Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube accounts all suspended in 2021 following the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.

"Since President Trump first ran for office, liberals in big tech have allowed terrorists and dictators to spout hate speech on their platforms while banning President Trump in a shameless attempt to help Democrats win elections," RNC Spokesperson Anna Kelly told Fox News Digital in a statement. "It won’t work – President Trump’s message is resonating with voters across the country, which is why he had the most successful TikTok launch in history, and he will continue to speak directly to the American people about his agenda to Make America Great Again."


Trump's Snapchat account was suspended in 2021 after the outlet claimed he was responsible for "multiple policy violations." It has not been restored since. 


Donald Trump

Former President Trump during a campaign event at Trump National Doral Golf Club in Miami, Florida, on July 9, 2024. (Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Asked why the profile could not be restored several years later, a spokesperson for Snapchat told Trump's team their terms of service prevented them from reinstating his account.

Trump War Room, an account working on behalf of the former president's 2024 re-election campaign, blasted Snapchat in a post on X.

"Snapchat REFUSES to reinstate President Trump’s account — but then shamelessly asks the Trump campaign to advertise with Snapchat Big Tech is all in for Kamala!" Trump War Room wrote, alongside a screenshot of their communication with Snapchat.

Snapchat's terms of service reportedly don't allow for a terminated user to create a new account or be reinstated to their old one. 



In the same message, the spokesperson for Snapchat encouraged the Trump campaign to buy advertisements on the platform to reach a "key audience that can be persuaded to turn out for Trump."

Instagram logo

The Instagram logo is seen on a cell phone in Boston, Oct. 14, 2022.  (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File)

Meta suspended Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts in 2021, but it reinstated them two years later.

"Two years ago, we took action in what were extreme and highly unusual circumstances. We indefinitely suspended then-US President Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts following his praise for people engaged in violence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021," Meta said in a statement. 

"We then referred that decision to the Oversight Board — an expert body established to be an independent check and balance on our decision-making. The Board upheld the decision but criticized the open-ended nature of the suspension and the lack of clear criteria for when and whether suspended accounts will be restored, directing us to review the matter to determine a more proportionate response." 

Trump was also suspended from Twitter in 2021, but was given his account back after Elon Musk bought the company.

Youtube said its decision to reinstate Trump to the platform "carefully evaluated the continued risk of real-world violence, while balancing the chance for voters to hear equally from major national candidates in the run up to an election."

donald trump and a truth social sign with a usa flag in the background

Musk recently suggested that Google's autocomplete search feature was omitting results for the assassination attempt against Trump.


"Wow, Google has a search ban on President Donald Trump," Musk wrote. "Election interference?" A Google spokesperson told FOX Business that there was no "manual action taken on these predictions."

After being blocked from several of the top social media companies in the U.S., Trump launched his own platform, Truth Social, which he frequently uses to make public statements regarding his 2024 presidential campaign.

Fox News' Anders Hagstrom contributed to this report.

Aubrie Spady is a Writer for Fox News Digital.

Stop Freaking Out And Focus On Winning

Could you doomsayers please give us a break? Can you stop panicking like little girls and male-identifying Democrats when they see a spider? Yes, Kamala Harris has capitalized on the relief of the Democrats over trading in that shambling, perverted, zombie-like husk for someone who is merely an idiot who was too dumb to pass the California Bar Exam. That’s progress, well, at least a kind of progress, but it’s enough for their voters to come back in off the sidelines. There were a lot of Biden supporters out there, people who were never going to vote for Trump but who just couldn’t vote for someone who was manifestly senile. Well, Kamala is not manifestly senile; she’s just dumb. But that’s an improvement over Joe Biden, and that’s enough for them. Now they’re back in the game and the head-to-head poll numbers have improved for the Democrats. But Trump hasn’t fallen behind. He’s probably still slightly ahead. So, could you please stop whining about how we Republicans are doomed?

Probably not. Oh no, JD Vance is a disaster! If only we had picked somebody squishier, the Democrats would’ve been nice to him. Oh, Kamala Harris is so exciting and popular! She’s so brat! We can’t ever compete against that! Oh, they’re just going to steal the election anyway! Boo-hoo.

Geez, could you sissies shut up for a minute and stop embarrassing yourselves? We are in a better position than we’ve been in a presidential race in 20 years, and all some people can do is find that cloud behind the silver lining.

There is something within the emotional makeup of Republicans that makes them always assume that disaster lurks right around the corner. Maybe it’s conservatism’s realistic view of the fallen nature of man, as opposed to the Democrats’ bizarre notion of human perfectibility through the power of Marxism, that leads us to dwell in the Eyorean swamps of depression. But this is self-inflicted emotional gaslighting. It has nothing to do with the facts. The key fact is that Trump is doing better now than Trump did in either of his previous campaigns. And while we don’t have the advantage of a regime media actually doing its job – which it did for about 15 minutes when it became undeniable that Joe Biden was demented and it became necessary to crowbar him out of the Oval Office – the fundamentals are still in our favor. We are still in the lead or tied in the battleground states, the economy is tanking, and let’s face it – Kamala Harris is a moron.

Yeah, they’re going to try to bury her in the basement for the next three months. The regime media is obediently ignoring the fact that she refuses to come out and give extemporaneous remarks or answer hard questions, though they’ll never ask any. But normal people see it. Normal people see a lot about her. There are her myriad policy problems. She’s a communist. Until it was disappeared by the Orwellians of the Internet, she had been listed as the most liberal member of the Senate. There are all sorts of devastating video clips of Kamala out there, wanting to take your AR15s by force, border czaring anywhere but at the border, wanting to take your health insurance and for you into socialize medicine with a bunch of illegal aliens, as well as damming us for daring to wish each other Merry Christmas. There’s a lot of great stuff out there, and you can tell the Democrats don’t like it because any time we mention any of it, they call us racist harder than usual. 

Apparently, talking about anything she does or believes is racist. That includes her racial identity du jour, which she seems unable to settle on. Nervous conservative commentators are very upset that Donald Trump pointed out, accurately, that she sometimes presents herself as Indian and sometimes presents herself as black and that she denies that she’s a DEI hire even though she asserts DEI is awesome. Trump, of course, saw how this demonstrates her inauthenticity and drove right in. When he highlights what the Democrats try to hand wave away as “code switching” normal people read it as her being a shameless chameleon, appearing as whatever she needs to appear as for the audience in front of her. This includes adopting a comedy gold southern/black accent that rivals Hillary’s ridiculous “I don’t feel no ways tired” thing.

Some of my conservative friends wish Donald Trump wouldn’t point this out, preferring to focus solely on policy. I guess if we were having a reasoned debate at a debating society – before debating societies got swallowed up by wokeness – that would make sense. But this is an election. It’s not just about facts – which are certainly in our favor – but about emotions. Facts are only part of persuasion and often not the most important part – but hey, what would a trial lawyer know about that?

To win voters, we need to persuade them not merely objectively but subjectively as well. We need to define her so that the voters feel repelled whenever they see her cackling visage appear on their screens. Democrats and the regime media minions are portraying Kamala as exciting, vibrant, and cool, and we have to present the truth that she is not exciting, vibrant, or cool. And you don’t undermine somebody’s image as the hot new thing solely by droning on about tax policy. You slam them for being terrible, and pointing out their terrible policies support that effort. Objective policy arguments are not a substitute for subjectively defining her as a dangerous pinko clown.

And that’s what Trump is doing – defining her as a shifty half-wit commie. That kind of definition is what Trump does. And Kamala knows she’s vulnerable, which is why she’s hiding. She’s a terrible person. She’s an idiot – I want to emphasize that she failed the California Bar Exam, another thing I’m not supposed to talk about because it has nothing to do with policy. But I’m going to because it shows she’s dumb. And her racial shenanigans show that she’s inauthentic. You know, Trump does not need to talk about her inability to be authentic all the time, but after eight years, perhaps we ought to credit Donald Trump with knowing a little something about how to communicate a message. While it may scandalize the National Review crew that Donald Trump is making fun of her inability to be honest about her ethnicity, normal people see what she’s doing, and they find her repellent and manipulative. It’s not because she’s biracial. It’s because she’s a phony.

Regardless, we need to accept the fact that we are not losing, though we can lose. The fact is this was always going to be a hard fight. America is a 50-50 country, and unfortunately, 50% of Americans are freaking idiots. And the freaking idiots have chosen one of their own – without voting on it, but that’s the Democrats’ problem – as their standard bearer. This race is going to be a matter of points regardless. Victory is not assured – it never was. If you get your name on the ballot for one of the two major parties, you have a chance to win. Donald Trump was supposed to lose in 2016 something like nine times out of ten. But you know what happens one time out of ten? The underdog wins. Kamala Harris can certainly win this election, and she absolutely will win this election if we sit around demoralizing ourselves because it’s going to be hard. Yeah, it’s going to be hard. Do you know what other things are hard? All the things worth doing are hard. If they were not hard, everyone would do them all the time.

No one will just give us this election. We have to go take it. Trump’s 2024 campaign has been the most professional and effective of his three. Its advertising attacking her border failures has been deadly, and they have a lot more policy ammunition to expand. They managed to gather enough money to do it, even though the Democrats thought we were going to be impoverished. Yes, Donald Trump is not exercising what some would call “message discipline” and focusing solely on policy. But you know what? Donald Trump doesn’t have “message discipline.” Donald Trump has gut instincts. And most of the time, his instincts are right. 

We are more likely than not going to win this, but we will lose this by being depressed. We will lose this by being black-pilled. We will lose this by failing to work. If you’re not writing checks, dialing the phone, or being out there urging people to vote, you are helping us lose; get it together to bring it in for the Big Win. Stop with the pessimism. I don’t want to hear a damn thing about “Oh well, they’re just going to steal it anyway.” They’re not going to just steal it anyway;  you’re going to let them steal it by sitting this election out. We need to work hard and win beyond the margin of fraud. So, stop moaning and start campaigning.

Follow Kurt on Twitter @KurtSchlichter. Get the newest volume in the Kelly Turnbull People’s Republic series of conservative action novels set in America after a notional national divorce, the bestselling Amazon #1 Military Thriller, Overlord! And get his new novel about terrorism in America, The Attack!

Look, you need to keep up the fight by joining Townhall VIP right now. You get access to a bunch of great stuff, not the least of which is my extra Wednesday column, my weekly Stream of Kurtiousness videos every Friday, and the Unredacted podcast every Monday! Plus, some stuff from Larry O’Connor – and a bunch of other stuff.


Major Biden-Harris Mistake Gave Taliban $239 Million In U.S. Aid

Now more than ever Americans should be concerned of a potential terrorist threat on U.S soil. With the southern wide open and the nation’s involvement in two wars, the U.S. faces vulnerability for an attack with no end in sight. 

A new report from Judicial Watch found that the U.S. mistakingly gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the Taliban after the State Department failed to properly vet award recipients. 

At least $239 million in taxpayer money has landed in the hands of terrorists since the Biden Administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. The State Department appears not to have followed its own counterterrorism partner vetting requirements in Afghanistan before approving the 29 grants to several local entities. 

“Because DRL and INL could not demonstrate their compliance with State’s partner vetting requirements, there is an increased risk that terrorist and terrorist affiliated individuals and entities may have illegally benefited from State spending in Afghanistan,” the report states. “As State continues to spend U.S. taxpayer funds on programs intended to benefit the Afghan people, it is critical that State knows who is actually benefitting from this assistance in order to prevent the aid from being diverted to the Taliban or other sanctioned parties, and to enable policymakers and other oversight authorities to better scrutinize the risks posed by State’s spending.” 

After more than two dozen cases investigation, the report noted that the agency did not keep proper records. 

The watchdog found issues with 29 awards distributed by DRL and INL. For instance, DRL failed to properly screen the recipients of seven awards totaling about $12 million, investigators found. INL did not provide any supporting documentation for 19 of its 22 awards totaling about $295 million so there is no way to determine if they complied with the vetting requirements. The State Department acknowledged that not all its bureaus have complied with document retention requirements, which makes it conveniently impossible to fully assess the magnitude of its transgressions. The explanation offered for INL not retaining records is “employee turnover and the dissolution of the Afghanistan-Pakistan office,” according to the report. SIGAR points out that, given the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, it is critical that U.S. government activities adhere to the laws, regulations, and policies intended to prevent certain transactions with terrorists. Via Judicial Watch. 

The report found the agency to be negligent, which resulted in U.S. funds directly benefitting nefarious terrorist organizations. 

A federal audit also found that the United Nations received $1.6 billion in U.S. money for assistance with Afghanistan which reportedly a significant percentage of that money went to the Taliban. 

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It's Likely Going to Be a Rough Day on Wall Street Today

Wall Street is likely to be a bloodbath today. The first warning signs were on Friday, culminating on Sunday night when all hell broke loose in Asia. The Nikkei had its worst day since 1987, sinking nearly 4,000 points. It suspended trading after sinking nearly eight percent. South Korea’s stock exchange halted all sell orders as a looming wave of brutality is expected to hit Wall Street this morning. We’ll update this post accordingly, but a drubbing on the New York Stock Exchange shouldn’t surprise anyone. Also, don’t look at your 401ks (via CNBC): 

U.S. stock futures fell Sunday night following a volatile week for Wall Street, in which the Nasdaq Composite dropped into correction territory. 

Wall Street is coming off a brutal week for the major averages. On Friday, the Nasdaq capped a third straight week of losses, bringing the tech-heavy index down more than 10% from a record set last month.

The S&P 500 also posted a third straight losing week, down 2% for the week. Even the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which had been outperforming, snapped a four-week win streak, falling 2%. 

Treasury yields tumbled as well. The benchmark 10-year note on Friday yielded 3.79%, down from where it was one week previously at 4.20%. 

The recent pullback in stocks was exacerbated Friday when a disappointing jobs report spurred investor fears the Federal Reserve made a mistake last week when it kept interest rates unchanged, and that the economy is headed toward a recession. 

BREAKING: Japan's Nikkei stock index down over 4,000 points, largest drop in its history

— BNO News (@BNONews) August 5, 2024

JUST IN: 🇯🇵 Japan's stock market suffers worst losses since 1987.

— Watcher.Guru (@WatcherGuru) August 5, 2024

BREAKING: The Nikkei 225 futures trade is suspended due to a circuit breaker, Japanese market down 8%, headed to one of worst three days in Japan market history

— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) August 5, 2024


In a dramatic move, South Korea has halted all sell orders on stocks for program trading as the sell-off in global equities intensifies.

The country's benchmark KOSPI index has tumbled 5% amid the market…

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) August 5, 2024

Well, it’s almost a year later, Chuck.

— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) August 5, 2024

JUST IN: $366 million liquidated from the cryptocurrency market in the past 60 minutes.

— Watcher.Guru (@WatcherGuru) August 5, 2024

The Japanese stock market looks like it's experiencing Black Monday right now, holy shit.

— TEN (@TenLetters100) August 5, 2024

🚨Japan’s Stock Market essentially just got vaporized like it was nothing.

🚨 Ethereum is down 20% in 30 minutes.

🚨 US futures are the worst I’ve seen in years.

Buckle up. This is not a drill.

— RealBenGeller (@RealBenGeller) August 5, 2024

Berkshire Hathaway has dumped more shares this quarter than any other quarter in its entire history.

They know what’s coming. 🩸

— Jacob King (@JacobKinge) August 4, 2024
— Inverse Cramer (Not Jim Cramer) (@CramerTracker) August 5, 2024

On a scale of one to fucked we're the nanny

— Jarvis (@jarvis_best) August 5, 2024

Tomorrow a senile POTUS will enter the Oval Office facing a global collapse in equity markets and an imminent war in the Middle East. Fun times.

— Gordo Stevens (@GordoCDA) August 5, 2024

More on the Japanese stock market plunge (via AP): 

Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 stock index plunged as much as 8.1% early Monday, extending sell-offs that shook world markets last week as worries flared over the state of the U.S. economy. 

At one point, the Nikkei shed more than 2,900 points, to 32,991.88. The market’s broader TOPIX index also fell 8% as selling picked up in the afternoon. 

A report showing hiring by U.S. employers slowed last month by much more than expected has convulsed financial markets, vanquishing the euphoria that had taken the Nikkei to all-times highs of over 42,000 in recent weeks. 

The Nikkei 225 dropped 5.8% on Friday and it is headed for its worst two-day decline ever. Its worst single-day rout was a plunge of 3,836 points, or 14.9%, on a day dubbed “Black Monday” in October 1987. Share prices have fallen in Tokyo since the Bank of Japan raised its benchmark interest rate on Wednesday. The Nikkei is now at about the level it was a year ago. 

It will be fun watching Kamala Harris trying to explain all of this if she’s asked. She’s been hiding from the media since she was given the nomination despite no Democratic voter ever voting for her in a primary.

— #𝕎𝕒𝕣 ℍ𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕫𝕠𝕟 (@WarHorizon) August 5, 2024

How Trump responded to the economic news:


Donald Trump Truth Social 11:07 PM EST 08/04/24 @realDonaldTrump

— Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social (@TrumpDailyPosts) August 5, 2024

UPDATE: Yikes.

Japan's Nikkei index now down over 12%

— Steve Lookner (@lookner) August 5, 2024
— (@Investingcom) August 5, 2024

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