Wednesday, October 16, 2024



Trump in Atlanta: Georgia Will End Harris' 'Reign of Failure'

Trump: Georgia Will End Harris' 'Reign of Failure'

Former President Donald Trump, campaigning in Atlanta on Tuesday, declared that voters in Georgia would be vital in ending what he described as Vice President Kamala Harris' "reign of failure."

Speaking to a crowd, Trump focused heavily on the nation's economic struggles, positioning Georgia as a battleground state crucial to reversing the current administration's failures.

 "But I'll tell you what I'm hearing. Very good things now. Has it been going on too long? We're seeing numbers, they said, 'Wow, those are big numbers,'" Trump said, referring to high voter turnout. He urged Georgians to vote immediately. "If you have a ballot, return it immediately. If not, go tomorrow, as soon as you can, go to the polls and vote."

Trump emphasized the importance of voter turnout over the next few weeks, stressing that the country was at risk of losing its identity.

"We can't lose this country. We're going to lose our country if we're not successful," he warned. Trump described his campaign as a mission to rescue the nation from what he called a "failed and corrupt political establishment."

"Everywhere you look under Kamala Harris, the American standard of living is in a free fall," Trump claimed. He criticized the current administration's policies, saying, "Nothing works. Everything they touch turns to... I won't say it."

He pointed to rising costs and economic strain on American families. "You're working more hours for less money to afford smaller houses, worse cars, fewer groceries with absolutely nothing left to save," Trump said, painting a bleak picture of the nation's economic conditions under the current leadership.

He also touched on education and immigration, asserting, "Our schools don't teach, our cities aren't safe, illegal aliens are pouring in by the millions and millions and millions, and we're teetering on the brink of World War III."

"Other than that, I think we're doing quite well," he quipped.

As the November election approaches, Trump called on Georgians to take action, stating that the state could play a pivotal role in changing the nation's trajectory.

"Three weeks from tonight, the people of Georgia are going to end Kamala Harris' reign of failure," he said, vowing that this would usher in "a new Golden Age of American success."

Trump concluded by expressing optimism about the future, saying that his vision for America would bring prosperity to "the citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed" and usher in "a golden, golden time."

Jim Thomas

Jim Thomas is a writer based in Indiana. He holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science, a law degree from U.I.C. Law School, and has practiced law for more than 20 years.

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


Trump May Just Have Best Troll of Kamala Ever - and It All Has to Do With McDonald's

Vice President Kamala Harris has been fake about so many things, sometimes it's hard to keep up with them. 

But one thing she's said, she still hasn't provided any proof of: that she worked at McDonald's. I don't get why it was so important for her to claim that. But she hasn't managed to provide any evidence of it, not a check stub, not even a friend who worked with her who could confirm it. 

The media hasn't pressed her on it. They seem to be too busy running cover, from CBS plunging themselves into an editing scandal over her interview to The New York Times downplaying Harris' plagiarism scandal. Far be it from them to do their job — although I would note that ABC managed to debunk her lie about Trump freezing at an event in Pennsylvania when, in fact, he was stopping for people who had medical emergencies at his event. So, credit for honest reporting there. 

But even Snopes couldn't find any evidence of her having worked there, as we reported.

READ MORE: Catherine Herridge Gets Some Big Help in Push for Transcript in CBS Kamala Interview Scandal

Sad Trombone: The New York Times Is Not Handling the Kamala Harris Plagiarism
News Well at All

Trump Team Nails Kamala in Lie About Trump Event, Even ABC Debunks Her Nonsense

But Trump, the infinite troll master, just made an official announcement about what he's doing next weekend. 

He said on Friday that he would be working at McDonald's this week.  

Now they're confirming that he will work the fry station for a short time at a McDonald's on Sunday in Pennsylvania. 

It's brilliant because he's forcing them to put a focus on Kamala's questionable story of having "done fries," and he's having fun in the process. It's another chance to show how fake Kamala is and the humor he has while he interacts with the people. He's eaten so much McDonald's, he knows exactly how everything is supposed to taste. And then he will have put in more time than anyone so far can prove Kamala has at the fry station.

People had a great time with it.

Shawn Farash, the great Trump impersonator, had a great take, too. 


Fake 'Neo-Nazi MAGA Supporters' Try to Crash Trump Boat Parade, Taste Epic Humiliation

You hear it from the Dems and the corrupt media all the time: MAGA white supremacists are out there daily, like boogeymen, waiting in the shadows to commit unspeakable violence on women, minorities, perhaps your pets—anything you can think of. Yet it was leftists who in 2020 rioted across the country and destroyed at least a billion dollars in property and caused the deaths of at least 25 Americans.

But it’s those darn Neo-Nazi Trump fans that should keep us up at night.

Seriously? Democrat Rep. Goes on Bizarre Rant About White Supremacist MAGA Gangs Committing Crimes in Major Cities

In a bid to keep that scary narrative alive, a group of pretend MAGA folks crashed a huge Trump boat parade in Florida on Sunday. First, look at the size of this event—do you think Kamala Harris could ever get a tenth of this number to show up with their watercraft? Tend to doubt that:

Of course, some leftist goons tried to get in on the action and gaslight Americans about what Make America Great Again supporters are really about. Hint: we want accountability for criminals, an inflation rate that doesn’t make us feel nauseous whenever we go to the grocery store or pull up to the gas pump, an administration that is more focused on protecting our women and girls than it is hell-bent on forcing radical gender ideology down our throats, and a military policy of strength which tells the world’s bad actors, “Think very carefully about what you do.”

The support is seen everywhere: Massachusetts Town Gets Knickers in a Twist Over 'Trump 2024' Display on Water Tower

Huge 'Vote for Trump' Sign Lights Up in Upstate NY Despite Local Officials' Efforts to Shut It Down

Very few stand for this kind of nonsense:

But these idiots found out the hard way that they came to the wrong parade. The response by boaters was pretty satisfying. Major profanity alert:

There are dueling reports on the internet on whether the owner of the boat was in fact a neo-Nazi; some claim he really is, while others allege he is an obvious leftist plant. 

This was clearly a set up to make it look like Trump supporters at the boat parade are Nazis.

Related: How to Spot a Fake Protest

We cannot independently verify the accuracy of "GrizzlyPatriot's" claims, but what’s undisputed is that these guys are idiots and do not represent the majority of Trump supporters who just want our country to be led by people who—unlike Biden-Harris-Walz—aren’t trying to destroy it.

The Trump campaign weighed in:

In a statement to Newsweek, Karoline Leavitt, Trump's campaign spokesperson, said: "Kamala's supporters are reaching all-time lows. Social media posts show that genuine Trump supporters identified these idiots as liberal activists trying to create fake news. They clearly responded accordingly."

I hope that seawater tasted good.


When Trump Did This, You Knew This Bloomberg Editor Was Cooked

Suppose you Googled Donald Trump’s discussion with Bloomberg’s John Micklethwait

Agenda | Bloomberg Invest New York

 at the Economic Club of Chicago today. In that case, you’ll see that everyone in the opposition press thought he crumbled at the forum. Kamala Harris was invited, but she declined, likely because she lacks the intelligence to engage in an economic discussion. We’re at a point where you know to think the opposite of whatever the establishment press writes about Donald Trump.

Things got heated between Micklethwait and Trump, where the former hurled loaded questions at the former president, notably those about a peaceful transfer of power. When Trump folds his arms, you know the interviewer is about to get cooked, which he did when he lambasted Micklethwait for being wrong about a host of issues when the Bloomberg editor brought up The Wall Street Journal’s criticisms of Trump’s agenda (via Fox 32 Chicago): 

PRES. TRUMP: I want a lot of people to come into our country but I want them to come in legally.

Bloomberg: You are talking about deporting 11 million people.

PRES. TRUMP: 425,000 people who are horrible criminals and 13,099 criminals were let in during Kamala's administration.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 15, 2024

TRUMP: "Gavin Newscum. He's the Governor of California."

BLOOMBERG: "Newsom."

TRUMP: "Newscum, I call him."

BLOOMBERG: "There are CEOs out here if they said things like that about a rival CEO..."

TRUMP: "They don't have to go through what I have to go through."

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 15, 2024

PRESIDENT TRUMP: "You had a peaceful transfer of power."

Interviewer: "It was by far the worst transfer of power in a long time."

*Crowd boos*

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 15, 2024

President Trump just cooked the neo-lib Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg on using tariffs to protect America

"It must be hard for you to spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you're totally wrong."

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 15, 2024

In front of a crowd of business leaders, the forum largely focused on economic issues. Moderator John Micklethwait of Bloomberg News challenged Trump’s economic plan. 

"People like the Wall Street Journal, which is hardly a communist organization, they've criticized you as well. You’re running up enormous debt," Micklethwait said. 

"What does the WSJ know? I’m meeting with them tomorrow. What does the WSJ know? They’ve been wrong about everything. And so have you, by the way. You’ve been wrong about everything," Trump responded. 

Security inside the ballroom was extremely tight, with Chicago police officers lining the walls. Outside, a number of streets around the Fairmont were closed to traffic. 

Trump also faced questions about his support for tariffs. 

"To me, the most beautiful word in the dictionary is tariff," Trump said. 

Most economists say tariffs will dramatically raise prices and inflation, hurting American trade. 

"The higher the tariff, the more you're going to put on the value of those goods. The higher people are going to pay in shops," Micklethwait said. 

"Ready? The higher the tariff, the more likely it is that the company will come into the United States and build a factory in the United States so it doesn’t have to pay the tariff," Trump responded. 

"That will take many, many years," Micklethwait added. 

"No, it will go quickly," Trump said. 

Democrats responded by calling Trump a racist. It doesn’t work, fellas. We know it’s not true, and it’s no longer effective. Also, everyone who isn’t Trump-deranged or a soy-boy socialist knows that the Left will call anything and accuse anyone of racism if they disagree with their worldview. Keep screaming into the void. Nobody can hear you. Nobody cares, and nothing will come of it.

Trump got a standing ovation at the end of the event.

The vast majority of this crowd was against Trump going into this interview.

He sparred for an hour with an unfriendly journalist, and won many of them over.

Even those who disagree respect that he showed up, while Kamala bailed.

This is a

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) October 15, 2024

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That Nate Silver Trendline Is Not Good News for Kamala

That media blitz did Kamala Harris no favors: her favorability fell by 9 points. In NBC News’ September poll, they had her up 5 points over Donald Trump; she’s now tied. One undeniable fact is that Donald Trump has been more popular since arriving on the political scene. He’s polling the best he’s ever done this cycle. Kamala is collapsing, evidenced by the scrambling to home in on any message that can stop the downward slide.

Regardless, even though this is where you want to be if you’re Donald Trump, you can’t get complacent—and the former president is acting as she should in a tight race. He’s doing as many interviews as possible, even veering into unfriendly territory, as we saw with the Chicago Economic Forum this week.   

Kamala is now running away from the media, though pondering a sit-down with Joe Rogan, who will eat her alive, in a bid to appeal to male voters. She’s also facing deficits with Hispanic voters, black voters, especially black men, Jewish voters, and the working class. The vice president’s economic message also isn’t resonating. She raised a billion dollars to come away with a tie with Trump. It’s just brutal. She has many issues to address and insufficient time to do them all.

Meanwhile, Nate Silver, whose Electoral College projection had Harris in the driver's seat with 55-plus percent, has reset the model again. Harris has a 50.1 percent chance of clinching 270. Trump has a 49.7 percent chance: 

Well, we keep emphasizing that the forecast is really close. After another day of polls showing an essentially tied race in the Midwestern battlegrounds, it’s now literally 50/50. We’re just not seeing as many Harris +3 type numbers in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania as we did immediately after the debate. It hasn’t been a huge swing, but even a half point to a point makes a difference.

It’s a dead heat, but the new trendline isn’t good for her:

Also, this highly salient question has yet to be answered by Kamala:

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Insiders: Jean-Pierre Purposely Blocks John Kirby From Briefing Room Podium

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (L) looks on as US National Security Council (NSC) spokesman John Kirby speaks during the daily briefing in the Brady Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, DC, on September 9, 2024.

According to a recent Axios report, which cited information from anonymous sources who reached out, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is purposefully preventing national security spokesperson John Kirby from accompanying her during press briefings since she is annoyed that he hovers over her, making the press secretary feel like she has a “chaperone.”

According to AllSides’ media bias detector, Axios is rated as leaning left politically. “Sources with a Lean Left AllSides Media Bias Rating display bias in ways that moderately align with liberal, progressive, or left-wing thought and/or policy agendas.”

National Security Spokesperson John Kirby, the former Pentagon press secretary under Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, frequently answers questions and remarks regarding foreign policy and national security measures, while Jean-Pierre is in charge of the White House’s daily press briefing.

Since the Hamas attacks against Israel last year, Kirby has regularly accompanied Jean-Pierre for briefings. However, Kirby has been less visible since Anita Dunn, the top White House communications aide, left over the summer.

After tallying the appearances, Axios discovered that Kirby attended press briefings alongside Jean-Pierre for more than half the time prior to Dunn’s departure at the end of July.

Kirby has now only been in attendance around 15% of the time, ever since her departure.

Regarding the potential causes of this, Axios referenced insiders with knowledge of the matter who claimed that Jean-Pierre has secretly resented Kirby’s involvement. She reportedly complained earlier this year about being able to choose when Kirby would join her, the sources added.

Likewise, those same sources also told Axios that Kirby had allegedly voiced frustration with Jean-Pierre being territorial. 

Nevertheless, the White House disputed the claims of the sources who spoke to Axios, and has maintained that they have a respectful, professional relationship.

“That characterization of their dynamic is inaccurate. [Jean-Pierre and Kirby] have a respectable relationship,” said a White House spokesperson.

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Outgoing Arizona Sen. Sinema Spent Hundreds Of Thousands On Trips And Meals Using Campaign Cash

: U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) speaks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol on February 05, 2024 in Washington, DC. The Senate is working on bringing a bipartisan border security and immigration bill to the floor later this week for a vote. The bill, that also provides funding to Ukraine, Israel and humanitarian aid to Gaza, has received criticism from House Republicans, with Speaker Johnson saying it will be "dead on arrival." (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) speaks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol on February 05, 2024 in Washington, DC. The Senate is working on bringing a bipartisan border security and immigration bill to the floor later this week for a vote. The bill, that also provides funding to Ukraine, Israel and humanitarian aid to Gaza, has received criticism from House Republicans, with Speaker Johnson saying it will be “dead on arrival.”

Outgoing Independent Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema reportedly spent hundreds of thousands in campaign cash on international trips and meals. 

According to her latest campaign finance report, Sinema (I-Ariz) spent roughly $216,000 on expenses related to travel, including trips to Japan and France and another $152,000 on private security.

The report shows that between July 1st and September 30th, Sinema’s campaign spent $650,536. Her expenses are far more than her retiring peers in the chamber, including Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah.), whose campaign listed $224,521 in spending and Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), whose campaign shelled out $23,440.

Simena reportedly spent at least $2,856 on meals in Tokyo, including $1,262 on a single sit down at Tokyo’s Nobu restaurant.

She also reportedly hiked Mount Fuji and spent at least $2,593 on security in late July, and $1,625 on meals in late August during a trip to Paris.

Additional costs include lodging and domestic travel, with a $840 listing for lodging in West Hollywood, California, in early July and a $1,060 payment to a hotel in Arizona that same day.

At the end of September, Sinema’s campaign had about $5 million in cash on hand.

Sinema declared in March that she would not be seeking reelection to the Senate again, complaining that “compromise is a dirty word” in Washington, D.C.

“We’ve arrived at that crossroad and we chose anger and division,” she said at the time. “I believe in my approach, but it’s not what America wants right now.”

In 2022, Sinema started her career as a centrist Democrat and gained notoriety for her confrontations with President Joe Biden and other members of her party.

Sinema later declared that she would be switching her party registration to Independent, even though she continues to participate in Democrat caucuses.

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