Monday, June 17, 2019

New York Times Under Fire from Pres. Trump and Don Jr

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:40 AM PT — Sunday, June 16, 2019
The President called for a poll to see which media outlet is more ‘deceitful’: The New York Times or The Washington Post.
On Twitter Sunday, he said ‘they are both a disgrace to our country, the enemy of the people, but I just can’t seem to figure out which is worse”.
This comes after President Trump alluded to a reelection win in the 2020 presidential race, saying ‘the good news is that at the end of six years after America has been made great again and I leave the beautiful White House, both of these horrible papers will quickly go out of business and be forever gone” he said on Twitter Sunday.
Plus, President Trump isn’t the only person sounding the alarm against fake media and, specifically, The New York Times.
Donald Trump junior slammed the New York Times Saturday over its recently debunked piece on the delay of placing Harriet Tubman on the 20 dollar bill.
He said, if the publication is really a so-called ‘paper of record’ it’s only because they continue to set records for the amount of fake news they print.
The comment refers to a Times article published Friday, which claimed an anonymous employee at the Treasury Department said the bill’s design was delayed for political reasons.
In fact, the bill’s release was pushed back from 2020 to 2028, however, an agency spokesperson says that’s because Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, is focusing on the new bill’s security features and anti-counterfeiting measures.
Plus, The Bureau of Engraving and Printing Director, Len Olijar, also said it takes years to finalize a redesigned bill, citing the 100 dollar note which took nearly a decade to complete in response to the controversy.

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