Monday, June 17, 2019

Pres. Trump Praises Florida Sanctuary City Ban

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:15 AM PT — Sunday, June 16, 2019
President Trump praises Florida Governor, Ron Desantis, on his latest state legislation, a sanctuary city ban.

Saturday, the President said ‘more and more states want to do this, but their governors and leaders don’t have the courage to do so’ in a tweet.
He went on to applaud the policy claiming, it will help put an end to illegal migration, drug trafficking, and human smuggling.
The President said more states may take notice and begin to mandate similar sanctuary bans if significant results follow.
The measure was signed off last week and its expected to take effect in July.
It will require local law enforcement to cooperate with federal border protection, ICE, agents.
Currently, Florida does not have any designated so-called ‘sanctuary cities’, however, the measure is expected to combat the state’s city governments which have reportedly protected undocumented immigrants from deportation in the past.

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