Thursday, July 22, 2021

Dem Pollster Circles Another Issue Biden Cannot Ignore Unless He Wants a Political Disaster

You’ve heard about this issue for weeks now. It’s not just a little thing. It won’t go away. It must be dealt with as past presidencies have done. Some successfully, others not so much. Some correctly call it a tax increase, and it’s being felt by everyone right now. It’s inflation. It’s bound to plague us for many more months as well. Not good for a president whose party is barely clinging onto their majorities in the House and Senate. Now, Democratic pollsters are warning that political disaster awaits if it’s not dealt with seriously. Also, women voters will be the first to notice (via Axios):

Celinda Lake, who polled for the Biden presidential campaign and still advises Team Biden, told Axios that worries about inflation are coming through loud and clear in both public polls and her own focus groups.

"Women voters are really experiencing it, because they're always more focused on kitchen table economics, microeconomics," Lake said.

"The key target vote in the 2022 election is going to be non-college-educated women ... because they are the most undecided."

Lake said Democrats can't afford to ignore the inflation issue or hope it goes away; they need to tackle it head on.

She's advised Democratic elected officials to make clear to voters that they understand their lived experiences of higher costs of health care and daily goods — and that they have ideas for how to make the cost of living more affordable.


The good political news for Biden is that voters aren't yet directly blaming him for rising costs.

Yeah, the keyword there is “yet.” Given how Democrats don’t care about what other people say, they’re bound to probably let this issue fester, only to do something proactive but only after it’s too late. You saw how many traditional Democratic-supporting voter blocs—blacks and Hispanics—backed Republicans in 2020 over the defund the police antics. Violent crime is now a major issue in the minds of a lot of voters, including most Democrats. It may be a shock to the urban-based professional elite that can afford to live with their heads in the clouds, but being pro-crime is not popular. Yet, these are the people who are dominating the Democratic Party, cutting the big checks, and setting the agenda. It’s all set for a massive electoral defeat if Democrats don’t realize how detached white liberals are from real society. They also need to learn that no one speaks ‘woke’ in America—anywhere. And that’s just one issue. With inflation, it’s a whole other can of worms. Expect a lot of feelers on how female voters feel about this issue before the White House does anything. 


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