Thursday, July 22, 2021

Donald Trump Jr. Jan. 6 Panel 'Dictators Are Going to Dictate'

US President Donald Trump's Eldest Son Donald Trump Jr Tests Positive For  Coronavirus

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's silencing of Republicans on the Jan. 6 panel shows "what authoritarians do": They "make sure there's only one side of the argument," according to Donald Trump Jr. on Newsmax.

"Well, listen, dictators are going to dictate; that's what they do," the eldest son of the former president said while appearing on Wednesday's "Stinchfield." "You see how the left has responded to everything: They want a one-sided narrative."

The Pelosi-led panel, anti-Trump media and support from Big Tech were not enough of an advantage for the Democratic speaker in the investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Donald Trump Jr. told host Grant Stinchfield.

"You would think with mainstream media on their side, with Big Tech on their side, you would think that would be enough of an advantage," he added. "But the fact that Nancy Pelosi would literally kick off the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee off of this, Jim Jordan — the leader of the largest caucus in the House off of there, Jim Banks — but still have a known liar, like Adam Schiff, arguably the biggest liar in the history of the United States Congress."

Donald Trump Jr. derided the inclusion of Schiff, a California Democrat, on Pelosi's seven-member panel after Schiff alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign and that former President Donald Trump withheld aide to Ukraine in exchange for an investigation of public corruption. The latter was the basis of the first House impeachment of President Trump.

"For four years we heard about how he had seen with his own eyes the evidence of Russia collusion," Trump Jr. said. "He gets up there, he leaked during my testimony when I did 30 hours in front of various committees, whether it be House or Senate, about what they all knew was total nonsense.

"So this is what authoritarians do. They want to make sure there's only one side of the argument. There is only one opinion to be had. And again they will have the mainstream media carry their nonsense narrative, social media will do what it can to suppress the other side, and that's what we're doing."

This authoritarian approach to American democracy as enforced by Pelosi destroys freedom of speech and equality, he continued.

"We are devolving into what we hate about Russia or communist China," he said. "And all of the things that we hold near and dear in America in terms of free speech, in terms of equality, are down the tubes — only one way."

Trump Jr. praised House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., for pulling the five Republican members from Pelosi's panel and conducting the GOP's own independent investigation into Jan. 6, including Pelosi's own accountability as speaker to oversee security at the Capitol.

"I'm really glad that Kevin McCarthy is pushing back and calling this what it is," Trump concluded, "that he's withdrawing the Republicans so they can keep doing their witch hunt — because they're going to do it one way or the other anyway. So Kevin McCarthy, it's good to see Republicans actually fighting back on the lies and on the nonsense."

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