Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Embarrassing: Biden's Grand Energy Plan Just Got Blown Up...By the French President

Joe Biden is at the G7 Summit. Soundbites of the world leaders mocking Russia were picked up. With the Supreme Court news about Roe v. Wade being overturned and gun rights expanded, the Left is in meltdown mode. So, this devastating update probably got lost in the ether. Biden’s energy plan is toast. It got blown up. It shows Biden being outmaneuvered by our allies. The way it was done also shows that Europe knows this presidency needs to be pushed along—a lot. It was the clearest sign of the weakness exhibited by Biden. The gross incompetence is pervasive. Within earshot of reporters, you can see French President Emmanuel Macron telling Biden that the United Arab Emirates is already at capacity with oil production and that Saudi Arabia cannot produce much more either. 

Biden was counting on Arab nations to produce more oil but a few hours ago French President Macron was overheard telling Biden that the United Arab Emirates is at max capacity & the Saudis can’t produce much more. It appears to be a direct appeal to Biden to produce more oil. pic.twitter.com/vRWJVpn3El

— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) June 27, 2022

This is a game-changing revelation since Biden was counting on Saudi Arabia & UAE. They were the only two OPEC nations perceived to have spare capacity.

Macron’s revelation means that it’s up to the U.S. to produce more oil, and soon, or the energy crisis will get much worse.

— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) June 27, 2022

It’s not clear that Biden appreciated the gravity of what Macron was saying. Before Macron could finish, Biden started to walk away, and interrupted him, as though he were in a hurry to get to the gabfest, even though Macron’s intel should change everything.

— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) June 27, 2022

Macron is a canny politician. If he had wanted the information to remain secret, he likely wouldn’t have shared it within listening distance of the sensitive microphones of journalists. We should be grateful to @EmmanuelMacron for his supposed carelessness. pic.twitter.com/0hub8LRIBq

— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) June 27, 2022

Biden was counting on these two nations to bail him out. Now, they can’t. As Michael Shellenberger noted on social media, this means the US has to up the ante on domestic oil production. That means doing all the things the environmental Left hates. It means nixing any notion that the Green New Deal is a viable policy. It means infuriating Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her supporters. 

It's another blow for Biden who has touted that America is back. That its leadership is back, and that the adults are back in the room. Since that declaration, this presidency has been an endless cycle of embarrassment and incompetence. The vice president is a word salad chef with approval ratings that are worse than Joe’s—and he’s in the mid-30s. No one seems to have a plan on how to curb inflation, generate economic growth, create jobs, and get baby formula back on the shelves. The gas prices will now certainly soar close to $7/gallon by August. I’ll wager that given we have weak, stupid, and slow leadership from Mr. Magoo here. 

There’s a reason why Joe Biden is a two-time presidential loser. There’s a reason why Obama really didn’t want Joe to run. He’s a screw-up. And his ability at failing is becoming a hallmark characteristic. 


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